What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Nothing. Both games are better diablos 3 than actual D3


Too streamlined, aesthetics are bad, and it felt a bit flat. I don't think the sequel was needed anyway.

cartoony and generic

Terrible balance in all skills that never got fixed.
Some skills like prismatic bolt are completely broken while shit like pic related are useless.

I've tried over and over to finish it but I get bored by time I'm near level 20.

Extremely off-putting cartoony art style and not a single thing to make it unique, interesting or fresh. It's just so fucking bland and boring.


They choose to make Hob instead of Torchlight 3 and got their studio closed like fucking retards.
That's what went wrong.

The game doesn't have much replayability, skills are for the most part surprisingly boring and some areas on World 3 were stretched way too long. You play it through 1-2 times and then kinda forget about it. I'm sure if they would've gone with the Path of Exile model of freemium game they could've eventually made the game 10 acts long too and with more varied skills.

Are you me?

Here's your TL3, senpai.

It's inherently a shit genre, and this game was a pretty bland contender
I even liked it in the beginning, but eventually dropped and never touched it again

If Titan Quest wouldn't have gotten the hades expansion I could have said Torchlight 2 is the better game. That game's vanilla was also boring as shit for the most part, saved all their ammo on monsters and interesting areas to the expansion.

t. never played the game for longer than 2 hours

The only issue with the game was this The game was nearly unplayable for most classes besides the engineer, there was no real way not to gimp your character into a glass cannon (or a fat nodamage dude)
The balance was horrible and it seems that despite there being maps/rifts the game was meant to be played through only once. Any further playthroughs (NG+ etc) were horribly balanced

cartoonish game for kids

It's literally how diablo 1 worked and how ARPGs should work. Now fuck off to grinding your legendary torment +2435 difficulty rifts.

stupid balance, engineer killed everything while other classses left in the dust, being forced to max out rapidfire skills just to survive, since they were all too fragile. skills were boring and samey
as for the story, it felt lacking, I much preferred torchlight 1's story, and the ember upgrades were shit. the aesthetic felt wierd too.
why did they make the alchemist the bad guy? many questions left unanswered, and it was unrewarding to play. it was fun for a while, but got old real quick

Berserker was okay for that one playthrough you mentioned. Spam Eviscerate with life steal and bleed and enough attack speed and you heal yourself faster than you get hurt, not counting enemy nuke spells. But yeah I agree for the most part, plenty of kinda shit and uninspiring skills. Reminds me of the first game and how the Explosive Shot on the ranger woman character trivialized the entire game.

>why did they make the alchemist the bad guy?

Because the hero of first Diablo was the bad guy of the second Diablo.

nothing, this game was sick

Its good but some areas are too fucking huge because they had been designed for massive multiplayer

Played the first one and it didn't particularly enthrall. It was solid but felt like one of those games that are cobbled together from pre-existing things, slap on a mobile game aesthetic ( to it's credit the aesthetic wasn't ran into the ground at the time) and doesn't particularly try to do anything to stand out. The atmosphere was none-existent due to the whimsical art design so the stakes at hand didn't feel threatening. "The world is in danger and everyone will die! You must stop it! You cute adorable looking thing you XD!" Didn't want to bother with the second one. And Diablo3 aesthetic has the same issues.

was my experience with it too. so many skills were just worthless while you had a few skills that would just steamroll through the game. i also remember many of the skills in each classes were almost exact clones of each other so it wasn't that diverse. Still got 80-90 hours out if it

Felt rushed, with a lot of 'padded' content to flesh it out.
Devs later uploaded some of the cut content to the workshop.
There was a LOT of it.
Resistances and armour were poorly designed, forcing you to use damage reduced by %, which was very limited in availability.
Skill system was unsatisfying. Gating skills behind being a really high level reduced the amount of experimentation that you could do.
Multiplayer had massive desync issues that ruined playing with friends.
Modding scene was kind of weak.
Overhaul mods that would have fixed the game's issues never came to fruition.

That mod could have saved the game, I think.

i'm playing torchlight right now, very hard with alchemist doing a summoner build

i die a lot more with this than i did with my lifesteal zerker in torchlight 2 and having to make imps from corpses sucks

People expectation.


Show me your build

Did they close?