Best system of all time?

Best system of all time?

>not the N64

Why is it purple mine had better colors

>not the ps2


This is the one (1) correct answer.


The one i had when i was a kid

n64 is overrated

>purple snes
absolutely disgusting.

It's good though.

Sure if you're a burger with no other local choice.

Nintendo: SNES
Sega: Saturn
Sony: Playstation 2
Microsoft: Xbox
Atari: 2600

Anyone who disagrees is a cretin.

fuck your shitty convex buttons

>Needing garish chaotic and clashing rainbow colors on your controllers instead of a nice consistent theme of lavender and indigo

Yuck, No thanks.

No. Genesis was better
Best console was the PS2.


Are you prepared for an unforgettable luncheon?


Import friendly. Fuck PAL.

>Nintendo: SNES
Correct, the software on that console is vast and often aged well
>Sega: Saturn
But wasn't Shadowrun on the Genesis?
>Sony: Playstation 2
Only games I remember giving a damn about were DQ8 and Spider-man 2
>Microsoft: Xbox
What games make you say that? Saints Row 2, AC2, and Black Flag were on the 360

Yknow, these Nintendo Labo kits look an awful lot like the Cardboard they have down at the UPS store.

you have to go back

>What games make you say that?
>Posts multiplats
Gems you obviously weren't alive for, apparently.

Euro snes is a million times better .

Why PS2?
I can name a fair few games I loved on PSX, but PS2's list hasn't stuck with me (Rockstar games notwithstanding)

The PS1 was better than the PS2. The PS2 had trash JRPG, standardized games, the birth of the big budget western AAA trash trend with God of War, 3D games with camera problems (tenchu, maximo, shinobi)

Retard, you can play every PS1 game on a PS2 therefore making it the superior console and rendering the PS1 a useless piece of shovelware.

So if the switch had a dock for SNES cartridges, it would be the best console?

Say that to someone who actually lived through there ps1.
Ps2 was cool but ps1 and n64 were groundbreaking

>Sly cooper
>Devil may cry
>Ratchet and clank
>Metal Gear solid 2/3
>Hitman blood money
>Jak and Daxter
>Katamari Damacy
>Kingdom Hearts
>Rogue Galaxy
>Dark cloud/2
>Fatal Frame 2/3
>Steambot chronicles

Need I go on?

Is there finally a way to expand storage on a snes mini?
I hate being limited to the tiny amount it comes with.

No if Nintendo would develop snes like difficulty and NES era difficulty in modern games while supporting romhacks and letting them be played on there.

Then it would be the greatest Nintendo system but I'm not buying it till they fix these glaring problems

no joke, fuck that hideous PAL shit

N64 had some good games but it was kind of rough too since it was working out the problems with 3D

I think ps1 had more breaking out titles.

By the ps2 era 3d was already almost perfectly standardized which lead to the depth of video games to fall


>GBA was developed essentially as a portable snes with some great original titles
>DS was mindfully developed for nintendo's core aging demographic that would game mostly on the go. It brought the SNES button layout back and had a fucking fantastic library on the level of the SNES
>3DS Nintendo went back to their own SNES roots and made a bunch of classic style titles like DKCR And Samus Returns
>the Switch is turning out to be a great haven for classic titles and new games alike

The true SNES lineage is my absolute favorite line of game devices ever. It's nintendo's bread and butter and never seems to fail.

>snes like difficulty and NES era difficulty

The ps2 kid is underage the n64 kid is just focused on the first system they ever played so they are ignorant to old school

>All these gen 5 kiddies
I grew up with an NES in 83, and I say PS2 was better. Fuck nostalgia, go for accuracy.

Do not compare snes to anything like that none of those games compare

Fuck no, fatso.

>I grew up with an NES in 83
Ah, that would explain your shit taste

PS2 had great games for sure.

The thing about the SNES though is that on top of having a rock solid selection of great games it's also what led to those games being great in the first place. Once 16 bit consoles began developers were able to really crank out whatever vision they had in mind in a far greater capacity than ever before. It led to some fantastic and timeless games that still hold that level of quality even today. The 16 bit era was really special.

I think the best system is the one YOU played when you were a kid or early teen.

wow look how far above you are amongst the commoners

You aren't special for not taking a side faggot

The only games I had for it was DKC 1 and 2, it's my favorite because of all the games I played much later in life through emulation/VC

I'd say either that or the PS2.

>the SNES started the 16-bit era

How can one post be so uniformed, yet so full of itself?

SNES or PS2 for me

The SNES had
>Super Mario World
>Super Metroid
>Yoshi's Island
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Dragon Quest V
>Megaman X

PS2 had
>Devil May Cry
>Devil May Cry 3
>God Hand
>Katamari Damacy
>We Love Katamari
>Dragon Quest VIII

PS2 had the most really great games but I think the quality of some of the games on the SNES is better. Yoshi's Island is a fucking near-perfect masterpiece. But then again, DMC3 is the perfect action game. And Katamari Damacy is just fucking fun and unique as hell.


I can live without anything else, but taking those from me would break me.

Unironically Ps4.
If it could somehow magically get a Fatal frame trilogy remaster, I'd have every Ps2 and Ps3 game I love on it and more.


If PC doesn't count.

>Sega: Saturn
You have to be joking.

It's failure helped kill Sega's console line. And even if you don't care about sales, Genesis and Dreamcast had superior libraries.

Nintendo: SNES>Gamecube>NES>N64>WII>WiiU(too early to judge the Switch)

Sega: Genesis>Dreamcast>Saturn>Master System

Sony: PS2>-PS3>PS1>PS4

Microsoft: Xbox 360>Xbox>Xbox One

Atari: 2600>7800>5200>Jaguar

>Sonic the draghog and whystar
>Versus absolute god tier classics like Hydro thunder, Einhander, Clockwork knight (The better Sonic) and motherfucking Radiant Silver gun?

>Best console
>Only games worth a shit are remasters

>The N64 is old enough to post on Sup Forums and drink in the US

I don't know why you're laughing, Way I see it I get high definition classics I've always loved and owned, plus new content. Bloodborne alone is enough for me to justify it., and Y0 is absolute sex coupled with a good tier Y1 remake

The PS4 is probably the most boring system ever made. I feel like all the games are just too commercial or fan service. Where are the pure game design games?

The PC can play most of the games that matter anyway, for free lad. Bloodborne is good, for sure not worth the price of admission alone though

I don't play multiplats, so that doesn't bother me. I also hate KBM, so PC isn't an option, and I don't feel like buying a controller for it.

>For free
To the morally-besmirched, sure. I'm not a petty thief.

We're trying to get a general consensus here. The Yakuza series is only liked by the Yakuza fanboys so your opinion doesn't count.

>Not stealing all vidya

your mom is overrated

To be fair, a lot of the more unique exclusives get pushed under by Sony's insistence of marketing only Western style AAA shit most of the time.

Shit like Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Nier Automata (afaik the PC version still shits the bed for a lot of users), and The Last Guardian are all made with heart and love for games.

I unironically buy games I like and want more of
Doesn't mean I don't hardy-har-har though, I refuse to use Steam when I bought a physical copy of the damn game, so cracks ahoy

NES is top tier, by far. So many absolutely great games.

Followed by Genesis and SNES.

No system made 1995 and afterwards can be anywhere near best. Fact.

PS3 should be dead fucking last for Sony, the ONLY games I actually enjoyed on PS3 (which most aren’t even exclusives) are:
DiRT 2
Mirrors Edge
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Gran Turismo 6

The PS3 was a shit. PS 1, 2, 4 are infinitely better.

Seriously? People all over we're praising Y0 even though it was their introduction to the series last year.

There's plenty of legitimate ways to shit on Sony, but you don't need to fucking lie

>Yakuza fanboys
I don't "Fanboy" anything thank you very much. You can like a series and not be a diehard post on twitter tier fan. Besides, after the cancer the metroid and vania fandoms became I left that life behind with my 13 y/o self over a decade ago.

Do what you will. Just accept that I will not. I find it morally wrong and its something I will never partake in. I buy games I like including remasters, and rent ones I'm iffy on.

Heck, I just sold off DMCHD and Dark souls since I'll just be buying em again come march and may for PS4.

>I enjoyed multiplat shit and sports shooty games, so its a bad system

How narrowminded. It was a fantastic system for RPGs, Rhythm, Horror, And crazy one offs like SOTD and Nier. Try branching out for a change and you might actually find something.

>All of these PS2 retards

Yeah 100 shovelware games and a few decent RPGs make a system great? PS is better. And SNES/Gamecube is better than that.

The GameCube will still be the best system Nintendo has ever produced.

>tfw not a Jap who got to play games like SMT as a kid
Feels bad man

>I find it morally wrong
>including remasters
Go back to neogaf any time you hipster faggot

Exactly. Hell, I owned a PS2 at launch and would have loved for it to be good. instead it had a ton of shitware for it and the only reason it got any use is because of maybe two or three decent games.

Gravity Rush 2 and Nier Automata are too fan service trash. And Yakuza has been rehashed to death since the PS2 (there's a reason the sales collapsed). The Last Guardian was ok but didn't bring anything new. Where is game design originality? Ps1 and Ps2 had some.

>God Hand
>ratchet and clank
>sly cooper
>Gran Turismo 4
>Vice City
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Outrun Coast 2 Coast
>Ace Combat 4
>Final Fantasy 10 & 12
>Metal Slug Anthology
>Tony Hawk Underground
>Soul Calibur 2

can keep going but meh you get it.

Plus the entire PS1 library.

Should backwards compatibility be taken into account when rating a console as GoAT?

Anyone who says the SNES is not the greatest console in the history of the industry is a casual, an underage, or a liar. I can easily name 30 excellent titles just off the top of my head and not one of them is less than an 8/10, I don't think any other console can say that, not even the Ps2

lot of trash (neo-square-enix) and inferior ports in that list
and retrocompatibility doesn't count or PC beat everything

I see what you mean. I think the way game budgets are this gen, there's no way that something bold and crazy like Katamari can be green lit and developed. That shit was made for less than 1 mil and has a huge cult following. I think the problem has less to do with just Sony and more to do with how games are made these days.

There's practicly no middle market anymore, it's either big budget or indie.

I can easily name 50 9/10+ NES games. SNES is just second or third place.

nigger that was prime square-enix, literally right as they became SE. We're living in the current age of neo-square enix

Why do people think the Genesis version is better? I don't get it. I can't think of a single Genesis version of a game that wasn't worse in some way.

The NES was great but I feel you're stretching and that a lot of those titles could easily be disputed as 9/10 or 10/10. SNES is nothing but a library of uncontested masterpiece titles

There only one port and only 2 SE games on that list. If your gonna defend your shit opinions, you're gonna have to do better than that, faggot

The SNES is only the best if you count untranslated nip games, because some of them are really great

>Final Fantasy 10 & 12
user, no

>Castlevania SotN
>Castlevania Chronicles
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy 7 & 9
>Brave Fencer Musashi
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Ace Combat 2
>Twisted Metal 2
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Tomb Raider
>Ape Escape
>Silent Hill
>Resident Evil
>Crash Team Racing
>Crash Bash
>Crash Trilogy
>Spyro Trilogy
>Medal of Honor
>Puzzle Bobble 4
>Metal Slug X
>King of Fighters 98
>Gran Turismo
>Tekken 3
>Breath of Fire 4
>Hiryu Strider 1&2
>Oddworld odyssey & exodus
>Wild 9

Not stretching at all. NES just has a huge fucking library of win. Not going to say SNES wasn't good because holy shit it was (same with Genesis) but it didn't have shit on NES by comparison.

Sadly, those were the glory days of gaming. Nothing else since has ever come close to recapturing it. You might as well say gaming is dead now. Even the "best" game can't compare to the most mediocre NES or SNES game.

>Castlevania SotN
Classic, but outclassed by NES and SNES vania. Even rondo was better.
>Castlevania Chronicles
See above.
>Metal Gear Solid
>Final Fantasy 7 & 9
Overhyped trash. FF4-FF6 were the only good FFs.
>Brave Fencer Musashi
>Final Fantasy Tactics
Boring. better tactics always existed.
>Ace Combat 2
>Twisted Metal 2
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Tomb Raider
>Ape Escape
>Silent Hill
Utter shit. 2-0 are better in every way.
>Resident Evil
Classic but shit.
>Crash Team Racing
Pointless cash grab
>Crash Bash
Another pointless cash grab
>Crash Trilogy
>Spyro Trilogy
>Medal of Honor
Worse than CoD
>Puzzle Bobble 4
Get its name right you fucking mong
>Metal Slug X
Arcade version is better
>King of Fighters 98
Street fighter bootleg
>Gran Turismo
>Tekken 3
Awful series
>Breath of Fire 4
Discount Dragon quest
>Hiryu Strider 1&2
So obscure I had to look it up.
>Oddworld odyssey & exodus
>Wild 9

>No wild arms
>No Tales of Eternia
>No Persona 2 IS
>No Gex or Croc

Its like you didn't even play the system.

Didn't have shit on the NES
Outside shatterhand, and maybe Metroid the NES was outdated crap made better by the SNES. Don't act like it was a holy grail you hipster.

PS1 was more experimental while the PS2 was more of a sequel machine with some "set standards" if that makes any sense

>PS1 and N64 were best
Hell no, they were prototype forays into 3D gaming, they were good sure, but by no means "The best" Both PS2 and Gamecube vastly improved on both of them.