Holy shit moments in gaming


God, that game was so fucking good, I hope Next Level Games is working on a new one instead of making another bad Metroid game.

>When you knock down Bald Bull in Title Defense and he stops himself mid fall

>Allowing yourself to get hit by anyone in this game

That game is so outdated with its stereotypes. It's time for a modern humor and female/LGBT boxers.

This is a holy shit moment?

A punch?

I think he means Mac not falling to the ground. I think a better holy shit moment though is realizing you can knock him down during bull rush but that's like 20 years old at this point

But isn't that violence against women/minorities and therefore misogyny?

>In addition to launching its Shield TV streaming box in China today, Nvidia has teamed up with Nintendo to bring HD ports of popular Wii and GameCube games to the device.

Details regarding the partnership are still hazy, but at least three Nintendo games are currently available on the Nvidia Shield TV, including New Super Mario Bros. Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Punch-Out!!, all of which appear to be running in HD. The games cost RMB 68, which translates to around $10 a piece.

Punch Out WII HD

>Donkey kong fight

Man I should replay this game. Probably the most underrated game on the Wii.

Nope, the fact Little Mac didn't fall is.
It's a random thing that can happen in the game, normally when your HP is 0 you would fall on the ground and have to mash buttons to stand up.

It's random? I thought it was based on shaking/button mashing

I'd love a new punch out that's an actual boxing game and not a dodging simulator

You can keep the artstyle just update the gameplay to this century

Considering pic related was by far their most commercially successful game, I'd imagine they're working on Luigi's Mansion 3.

I think so, it happened to me without mashing

Gotcha lol


This is the greatest boss fight in video game history.

If he had better AI

the best Boss Fight is Senator Armstrong

>Viva la France, Liberté

>make punch out not punch out
Excellent idea

Fuck off with this dumbass idea.

Punch-Out takes the stereotypes and turns them on its head, though. Glass Joe is a LIKEABLE Frenchman who’s Bad at fighting, Disco Kid is a CHARISMATIC musical black man.

The protagonist is a man that’s deabilitatiny short that’s still a good boxer, c’mon.


Dodging simulators are all the rage these days though.

Ok. Enjoy your dead stagnated series that will never be relevant again.


Are you bad at Punch Out, user?

Could the poor widdle baby not beat King Hippo?

But it refused

I literally want to hurt you for showing me that

You know Punch Out gameplay is literally 99¢ iPhone app tier nowadays right?

It's time to modernise and move forward.

Disco Kid was gay as fuck

It’s the only game to capture the technique present in boxing. You gotta find a way around their guard and exploit weaknesses in it to get hits in

You’re just bad at video games.

He was still a pretty cool dude tho. Sick moves

also disco kid had a GOAT battle theme
only sandman's is better

Stylish gay black man.

Punch Out makes positive stereotypes

So? It was with Punch Out first, just because phone fags copied it doesn't make Punch Out using it's original formula less fantastic and fun, gtfo with this.

you already hurt me

>The protagonist is a man that’s deabilitatiny short that’s still a good boxer, c’mon.
Best boxer of all time was like 5'10. I know that's not the midget size that Little Mac is but most athletes, let alone boxers are usually at least 6'2 and up and Tyson beat the shit out of every one of them.

You obviously haven't played the Fight Night series. It's mechanics are fucking perfect for boxing. You actually movie around at will. And yes, you can duck/weave/dodge like crazy and find openings and counters while managing your stamina. The essence of Punch Out would NOT be lost in this form.

Literally slap a cartoon filter on Fight Night, add in the humor and charm from the series and some zany special moves and you have a 10/10 game.

But Mayweather is 5'8

Mac is like 4ft 9 or something

A complete gimmick boss sadly. I know you would stop a lot of people by setting his AI to one of the later stages, but Robotnik plays worse than Draco here. He literally will destroy himself without you doing anything.

>but then Punch Out would just be a reskinned Fight Night and Fight Nogbt already took some inspiration from Punch Out

Punch Out is a combat Puzzle Game, not some Rock-Em Sock-Em Robots shit

If it is to you then I don't think you have played any other game other than this. Is SM your first video game?

Is dark moon any good?

christ, what a terrible idea

>File: darkmoon.jpg (357 KB, 1500x1353)
it rules

The fact you think Fight Night is some mindless shit says it all really.

That was a great moment the first time is happened to me.

Punch out is a sports themed action game

No, most Boxing Games are just mindless “punch the dude” shit

It’s a puzzle fighter

Fuck you man, KO Boxing was the best mobile app I've ever played

>Playing Legacy Mode in Fight Night Round 4
>Doing okay up through rank 30
>Hit the 20s and suddenly I'm getting rekt every fight

How do I git gud at this? I'm completely terrible at all of the training games except Maize Bag so I just auto train, it seemed impossible to get the highest tier scores on some of them like the heavy bag push. During fights I kinda just fish for counter punches, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be playing this.

It got changed to 5'7" in the Wii version, but they left his weight at 107lbs so it sounds really weird.