Dude its just a game lmao why are you getting mad

>dude its just a game lmao why are you getting mad

Other urls found in this thread:


You can post this once people start modding their own characters/abilities into the game that they're allowed to play online for some reason

>dude ur jus good at dis becuz u got no lyfe ;)

1v1 me










>dude its just a game lmao why are you getting mad
>threatens TV show actor when the character he portrays kills their favorite character in the show

A new challenger appears

Could you not see the lines? You had to draw a circle right through the lines? What the hell man, there's Tic Tac Toe etiquette. You just going to ignore that shit?

sorry i dont play every day bro


Well, at least you didn't put down a square.

> the paid anti mod shill is still at it
Sup Forums swallowed the anti pirate shills, they will swallow this too, eventually.


Why would you get mad over tic tac toe
Reevaluate yourself and get checked for autism





So this... is the power... of Sup Forums

Sort of. There are some weird ass threads at night during Sup Forums. This is a tame one

why doesnt Sup Forums try a real game?

Nobody fucking plays Jewish checkers

Late night Sup Forums is best Sup Forums

it's noon you amerilard

There's difference between playing games just for fun and "I'm just gonna piss everyone off, lol"



>be eurocuck
>get super fucking mad about how you have to share your measurments with niggers and pajeets
>get super fucking mad that all your food is cow shit with leaves thrown on it
>get super fucking mad when no one gives a shit which 3 stripes of color stand for your tiny shit country
nothing is more fun that making fun of your mudslime infested shitters

this is a burger.
i bet you thought you knew what a burger was.
you dont.
a burger's main ingredient is MEAT.
not pussy salad or kale or whatever you dick sucking queers ruin your goat meat with

we have long since perfected pizza as well as other staples like burgers and hotdogs, and as such we have combined, multiplying their power.
this is technology that we dont expect you to have for at least another 50 years

here is another reference on what a burger looks like, you CAN put some vegetables on them, but the less green shit the better.

we are the chad imperialists to your virgin metric

Nah, either arab or slav. Poors have just woke up.

did we get an animal thread tonight?

Dumb fucking game because you can win in one move, why do you guys bother with the stupid Xs and Os when the line is what wins the game?

i like this post

But it starts off with 4 lines already

>playing meta
tryhard faggot.
