Why can't I shake this feeling deep down that it's gonna suck? Is it because of Marvel Disney and Dan Slott? Without this game I have no reason to keep my ps4 around
Why can't I shake this feeling deep down that it's gonna suck? Is it because of Marvel Disney and Dan Slott...
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Because it's going to suck. It's impossible to make a good Spider-Man or super hero game in general. 2 is trash nostalgiafags need not apply, the only superhero game that was ever slightly above average was Batman and that was for only one game. You're better off looking for something else.
>all of my opinions are legitimate facts
X-Men Legends/Marvel UA were fun
Because we've already seen gameplay and it didn't look good, especially QTE shit.
*also on PC
>It's impossible to make a good Spider-Man
it already happened bro
Probably because the game is taking too many notes from the Arkham games while at the same time trying to make it even more accessible. It really seems like a lot of the upcoming ps4 exclusives are being made for people that don't really play video games, hence all the cut scenes and automation
But its not
Think there will eventually be a demo up on PSN around when this comes out? I just want to feel how bad the web-slinging will be myself
>Slott is leaving Spider-Man
>Not before this was getting made
I can never win.
Because it's going to suck.
What could they possibly do in this game that would warrant interest? There will not be a single new or innovative thing in this game.
That's the problem with this Disney marvel bullshit. The reason superheros are fun is because you don't beat yourself over the head with them so much that you realize they are retarded. You just enjoy them at your leisure and move on. Meanwhile Disney is that annoying bitch on Facebook that has 800 pictures of her kids posted every 3 weeks.
X-Men Legends I & II were kino
Why do you even know what people do on facebook?
>it needs innovation to be good
Sweet fucking jesus. Has his replacemnt been announced?
>What could they possibly do in this game that would warrant interest?
There is a lot of interest though, among normalfags. This WILL sell at least a few million. Not saying that the game itself will end up being good or anything though
>Dan Slott story
>Mile Morales is in the story somehow and there is no way in hell they won't shove his big black cock down the players throat
>Slow, heavy Arkham like combat for spiderman. A character famous for being a machine of pure agility is reduced to blocking mechanics
>Web slinging hasnt been shown off in earnest and though they say its bot Moon swinging I don't believe it wont be bullshit
>No fall damage. Spider man should easily recover from falling off a building sure, but there should still be a risk of death the higher the player is.
These are my issues with what I've seen, and the reluctance of insomniac to show anything other than that E3 cutscene "gameplay" doesn't bode well
dont think so
Ox is right.
dont know what you where seeing but its not slow or heavy and they have already said its physics best swinging
I have a feeling it's gunna be more sony cinematic shit
Because people love playing as Peter Parker and Mary Jane in their Spider-Man game and they need to tell their uncharted/last of us style over the shoulder story
And when you play as Spider-Man be prepared for qtes
you make it seem like every move he is going to maker is a qtes
Miles being in the grand pretty much confirms BLM shit being forced in by Disney
I also have no doubts there won't be some Trumpesque villain at since point, at least a cameo
Its faster than batman sure. Buts its not fast ENOUGH to me. I think I'm a bit spoiled after web of shadows, but I want spideys fighting to flow from air to ground to walls, not staying grounded like they did in that demo.
It's gonna be cinematic alright, but
>Because people love playing as Peter Parker and Mary Jane in their Spider-Man game
This is written by Slott.
That's pretty much what Bamham combat is.
we haven even seen the full game yet just a e3 demo you need to calm down
Miles being a spic/nig isnt even why hes shit. He is hated because he has no real personality other than being vessel for the reader, his power set is "spider man but better and invisibility and touch of death/sleep" and everyone in setting almost instantly respected him, even those that hated pete for being immatute.
Ismionac sucks.
Marvel sucks.
This game has suck written all over it.
just remembered there will be gameplay sections where you play as MJ instead of spidey
fuck this game
I've seen and read enough to understand the thought process behind its combat (and general gameplay). It's a vapid ripoff of the cape game killer, much like the last one.
No shit. Spider-Man built up a rep. The next spider-man is obviously going to get noticed. And "no character". Is that why they pretty much jacked his entire character for the new Spider-Man movie? If anything, I think the Spidey-verse ruined Miles, because it took him form being his own character and just made him "the black spider-man" in the spidey-universe.
It's going to suck because it's just a fucking telltale game. QTEs galore.
Bruh im saying what I'm worried about and why I'm cautious of this game until we see in action outside of a corporate jerk off. Not the same as saying "I hate it cos nigs and Trumps and theres not enough waifu bait"
How in the fuck would you do a spider-man game with spidey-sense without QTE's? You have to fucking realize that spidey-sense is essentially QTE dodges in real life.
I find hilarious how no one is even complaining about homely Mary Jane, completely contradicting her entire character. That's how much Spider-man fans care about this game.
They jacked his fat friend. The rest was Bendis Parker.
are you fucking stupid
It'll probably suck user, that age-old cycle of "hype the thing to ridiculous levels with expectations and mystery only to be disappointed by the end product" is in motion. Even if it's good, it'll never be good enough unless it's fucking outstanding, and even then there'll be minimum five threads at all times bitching about something or other.
atleast she looks cute. but yeah she's basically batgirl now. But maybe she'll be known as a hottie in Pete's friend circle and cause drama
You don't make spider-sense a contextual dodge.
Not playing as nigger spider man ty
But that's what it is in real life. A big warning sign to dodge.
Remember, you nu-fans with your "peter should be a tech genius since he built his own shooters" are the ones who are responsible for this. It's your fault.
Are you?
The character's sole reason for being created was to be nigger Spiderman
Miles was boring as shit too.
Virgil is an example of how to make a black character that isn't just a token nigger. He had an entertaining personality too.
Hey, remember when Neversoft took a skateboard game engine and made a love letter to Spiderman that grasped the character's verticality?
Under bad writers it is. Generally, the spider-sense only warns of danger, it's not clairvoyance except for that one What If where he trained.
Peter is a genius chemist though.
When will this last of us cancer end
i read you post wrong my bad
agreed noir was fun as fuck
>Expecting a game from disney to be good in 2018
Was the last of us the first game to have a shoulder side view?
It's too bad you hate women so much, maybe you'd be able to enjoy things for once
Sony is to blame on this one, it's part of the deal.
No, but it's the one that ruined sony
>the only superhero games we will get from now till the heat death of the universe are Spider-Man or Batman
Noir Spider-man is also based as fuck.
He never really has an intimate relationship with MJ, Instead he shags Black Cat all the time. He also pulls a gun on the Noir vulture and shoots him dead in front his Aunt May. Aunt mays screaming that hes bo better cos he killed a man, and all spiderman is thinking about is how grateful he is to get to kill the cannibal who ate uncle ben
Maybe people don't buy and play a spider-man game to play as someone who isn't spider-man?
Uncharted came first.
I'd play a game with Kaine. Or Ben. Or Mayday. Or even Flash. Not one written by Slott though.
Yeah ! wtf ! where's our mother fucking solo superman game ? Superman is the father of all superheros he should have the same amount of games as mario
I actually think it has a decent chance of being good because Sunset Overdrive was good and Ratchet & Clank (2016) was okay for a discounted remake.
arkham games took notes from spiderman games shit for bricks
why do you think batman has spider senses for no good reason
The slow motion in between fights really bothered me in the demo trailer, along with how big of a fuck up Spidey did with the helicopter demolishing the city.
I really want this game to be good, but the more I learn about it the worse it sounds.
More like took control away.
Because it will fucking suck. Doesn't matter, it will still sell millions. With as much marketing/money thrown at this game it simply can't fail. Enjoy this old bestbuy Spiderman commercial.
Just played Spiderman 2 for the first time since a good decade ago, and you know what you're wrong. Shut your whore mouth>
How come people act like there should be zero, absolutely NO collateral damage in battles involving superheroes? It would be IMPOSSIBLE to prevent this from happening, so complaining about seems retarded.
I just hope they don't portray Peter Parker in a ridiculous manner. Despite the 90's Spiderman cartoon not being that good due to restrictions and recycled animation, it had a top tier voice actor and look for Peter Parker. I don't like it when he looks too god damn young. College Peter is best Peter.
I'm honestly disgusted by how many anons lately are acting like this game wasn't a repetitive piece of shit. It's gotta be underages becoming board legal.
90s spiderman was the best spiderman cartoon what in the fuck are you talking about
Its second place. Spectacular Spider-Man is one of the best adaptions of spiderman in any media. Only thing it lacked was venom honking in a truck.
>Game is repetitive!
>Literally every game is the same mechanics used again and again and again with small sections to break it up
Every game is repetitive you autistic fuck. Just going off the games Sup Forums likes
>Go to room kill bad guys as with set of moves move on
>Wander around big world, beat HP sponges, see anime shit
>Literally any virtual novel
Spiderman shattered dimensions had enough sections that broke it up to matter. 4 different spider-men, rare punch out style sequences that felt fun, different combos and play styles among spider-men, a passable story, and most importantly it was fun.
>Board legal
>About a SFW board
You're a fag.
>being this triggered by a 6/10 game and pretending 3 out of the 4 spider-man sections played at all differently beyond limited cosmetic changes and that the punch out sections weren't laughable and more or less QTEs
t. son of a low level Beenox programmer
>He called me a faggot so he must be triggered
So these are the social skills of a basement tier beckbeard
Because it's a quick cash in for the new animated Spiderman movie.
Sonybros are going to be disapointed. It's HZD all over again