Let's be real. PUBG is the game of 2017.
Let's be real. PUBG is the game of 2017
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Cuphead should be higher
Dream Daddy not in top 3 though, gone down in my estimations, think I will have too give my patreon money too destructoid this month.
>nervously talking about that SNK anime girl fighter in order to not offend anyone
Imagine a world as a straight man where you have to go about your day pretending you don't want to fuck women because some balding tranny might get you fired. No wonder they all go insane.
>Imagine a world as a straight man where you have to go about your day pretending you don't want to fuck women because some balding tranny might get you fired.
>insecure manchild who masturbates to video games all day is mad
what else is new?
Dream Daddy is very fun and very good
nice projection
didnt you hear that neogaf is back up?
Jeff and the crew have never been into anime tiddies you creep
I think Giant Bomb is fun. It's very good, and I think it's also very fun. Like, it's a good website that has fun personalities, y'know what I'm saying? I think it's, like, so good and fun.
lets be real
You dont make these threads to talk about videogames
we know
Does anyone on Sup Forums make threads to talk about video games?
Go to the front page and see how many threads are actually even talking about the games they posit to be about.
I dont jerk off to anime games or am into anime tits the point is anything that remotely deals with heterosexual sexual situations is talked about as if they have a gun to their head.
This is 10000 times better than just spamming the same pics over and over. Why can't people get creative instead of just overusing shit until it dies.
Sup abby.
I just started listening 2 weeks ago and havent heard anything from the girl yet. Why does everyone hate her? Am I going to be mad when she's on?
It is. For as shitty as PBUG is it's 100% gameplay 100% of the time. It's pure, it's raw, it's what everyone wants out of multiplayer shooters. There is no structure besides what you find and what you can kill.
With a bit more polish it can probably be the game of the decade. As Jeff said during the GOTY deliberations, with a good announcer and a better UI the game would be hugely improved. Imagine GTA 2 MP.
>ben and abby start a VN feature
>think theyre gonna do mini-endurance runs of 1 route of various VNs
>actually theyre just playing one hour of some meme dating sim trash off steam sometimes
>I just started listening 2 weeks ago
Stop. Go back and listen from the beginning and stop when Patrick joins. It's all been downhill from there
No. If you're listening to her on pretty much any podcast, you'll be fine with her. You might get a little annoyed when she doesn't know something that you might feel is obvious, or when she makes a bad relatively unfunny joke, but it's not really a big deal.
If you listen to the many hours worth of GOTY deliberations, will realize she is a vapid cunt. And there's pretty much no two ways about it.
shes on the beast cast which is different from the bomb cast and also is still stuck in Thailand or wherever she went
Who here was just waiting for Abby to call Vietnam "cohesive" on today's podcast?
Dan a best
like... the war?
what do I do with this
She used the insane amount of vacation time they get to go to Vietnam alone for some unglodly reason.
Hell, no. Vaccine IS the game of 2017
She was there for vacation and described it as good
Open as a network stream in VLC/mplayer/mpv
She was definitely having a hard time describing it, especially after Alex had just described in great detail his experience in Hawaii.
She started by saying it was good and fun, and that it was hot, and that was cool, like, there were a lot of people, and like, y'know, it was fun.
Vinny was basically rapid fire prompting her for specifics. I think it's clear that she's shaken from the discussions, and maybe talked with Vinny about it and was worried, so he was basically playing Daddy for her again.
I liked Vietnam a lot. It was very good
This Ben wipe is getting overused now
which media player is the best
VLC on Windows
mpv on Linux
No, it's Dream Daddy!!!!!!!
mpc-hc. Don't fall for VLC memers
>how was your trip to this foreign, exotic country
>it was good
>my fucking face
im the same age as her dude why is she so dumb
>Diversity is important and people need to stop hiring white men.
>*all nodding in agreement*
What did Giant Bomb mean by this?
the real answer is it was bad, she felt uncomfortable around so many Asian people, the threat of going to non-tourist designated areas and the unfamiliar food.
These are all problematic things to say, so "it was good" is the answer she gives.
nothing wrong with that.
i still like Dan but his character gets so annoying
we get it you're 34 and like 80s movies and action figures we got it
RIP Danposters
>abby complaining you cant invert the camera control in Okami HD
>Dan simply navigates to the options menu and switches it
>she is amazed
That Abby is a officially acknowledged diversity hire.
I get that sex discrimination in hiring is a thing, but isn't it sort of illegal to admit you're doing that?
>there's nothing wrong with racism
>brad playing games
kill me, he's just as bad as he ever was
>>Dan simply navigates to the options menu and switches it
he doesn't touch the controller, he is just saying what could be done
>can't be racist against white people
>literally discriminating against someone because of the color of their skin
>not racism
Nice try, PC cuck.
My favorite part
But that game is also on PC.....
Zelda BotW did more for the gaming genre than Pubg. It proved open world games dont have to be a checklist of shit, they can actually be fun.
All Pubg did was entice developers to add a battle royale mode in every game for 2018 to make as much money as possible. Zelda brought the gaming industry a step forward with it's innovation in open world games and Pubg brought it 2 steps back.
>for over 10 years engaged
isn't he like 33 years old? and that was already a while ago what?
stop going off topic
top kek
basically immediately in the Okami QL
>Zelda BotW did more for the gaming genre than Pubg. It proved open world games dont have to be a checklist of shit, they can actually be fun
open world games have been fun since forever, obviously not for a nintendie when you only own nintendo consoles.
I'm literally talking about giant bomb
giant bomb is the thread topic
how am I going off topic?
The shit GB says is on topic, whether it's SJW rhetoric or not.
Not the optimal experience of sitting in bed.
YALL were talkin about Brad being an alpha during the GOTY podcast but my man Matt Rorie has got to be the most alpha muthafucker on the GB staff.
TWO WEEKS IN A ROW he has DOMINATED the Bombcast with kino games discussion and funny and interesting anecdotes.
Its Rorie's world, we just live in it.
>she was 5 hours into it and hated the inverted controls which according to her can't be changed
>have you pushed the touch pad on the left side i.e. select?
>what, wooooow
I have a ps4 as well and I've played Horizon ZD, but Zelda is just the better open world game. I had more fun playing it than any other open world game ever.
>games are better when you are laying on your bed
who mentioned horizon? there have been plenty of open world games, again, you missed them, because you're a moron.
Getting your brain melted by bathtub gin would remove all inhibitions and let you tell it like it is (when you're not gurgling)
me on the left
>only thing positive about zelda that you can come up with is 'fun'
I had more fun with pubg, so did giantbomb, what now, you brain dead mong?
>comfort doesn't make things inherently better
>talking about edible jello tide pods
>rorie immediately asks if you can put alcohol in them
fucking mad man
FUCKER been playing WoW since launch and he still don't know SHIT about the game
He loves his monitor.
There's just so many things you can do in the game and the ways you can solve shrines or puzzles can be completely different. I like the open endlessness of the game and being able to go anywhere at all at the start of the game is incredible.
The fact that you can climb just about anything in the game adds so much to the games exploration. You're only limited by your imagination really.
He just likes clicking buttons, he can't help it that he's retarded. Just let him have this
Giant bomb will soon be #metoo. Jeff will be exposed soon.
>You're only limited by the game's mechanics
Stop talking about BOTW like it's magic.
>Abby describing her vacation as being very good on the new beastcast
I had more fun with pubg though, guess you lose
>it's endless, you can climb anything, does that add anything besides mindless tedium, no?
keep your autism in check. a literal sandbox is better for you.
Is it just me or is it hard to understant Rorie sometimes? Like he slurs or something
>you creep
GB threads draw a few of some kind of motherfucker out of the woodwork that's for sure
It basically is magic for nintentards that have only been playing Mario for 20+ years
Just talking about a game I really enjoyed friend. No need to be angry.
Alex you mean.
It's always the most liberal one.
think again