>final boss is you
Final boss is you
Other urls found in this thread:
Name one (1) interactive software where this happens
hard mode: no Spec Ops: the Line
Planescape torment, sorta.
Dragon's Dogma
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
>1 monster remaining.
>It's you
>start game with every ability
>3 minutes later lose everything
Armored Core: For Answer.
>mfw one hundred million bodycount
I guess on a weird technicality, Shadow of the Colossus.
They are stolen from you instead and you walk a new path to power that can never be taken.
Does the arcade version of the first Double Dragon game count?
Nier 1
Face Raiders
Despite people constantly shitting on this game it is always mentioned first in this kind of thread
>Final boss is me
Dark Souls 3
>final area is the first level
Killer is Dead, I guess.
breath of fire 3
>Final area is the first level but everything is in chaos and is barely recognisable
People don't really shit on it but I can't think of anything else that hasn't already been mentioned
>Final area is the hub world
>your arch rival was actually the good guy all along
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
>Final battle is a Mexican standoff
>the final boss isn't evil
fuck you yoko taro
>ammo is rare
>final mission ammo drops everywhere
>boss is your mom from the past pregnant with you
SUITS: A business rpg
>final boss has a grand remix of the main theme
>with lyrics
>the final boss is the version of yourself that made the opposite X or Y path choice that you made at the beginning of the game
>boss theme is sang by the boss
>Boss is the boss of this gym
>Boss is playing his own theme on the piano
>DURING the battle
>there are two final bosses
>MC wants a quick rundown on the final boss
Manhunt 2.
>one dies and the other gets stronger
>you're the final boss of the final bosses own game
>Objective: Prevent your own birth... At any cost.
Name one game that does this
Binding of Isaac
Came here to say this. SotC really kind of flubbed the whole "you turn into a Colossus" thing, though it worked for what it was.
>Protagonist gets mad and rude for no reason
>Boss is easily beatable but only if you sneak up on him.
>Objective: Buy the DLC
>final boss is impossible to kill
>need to survive until he dies in the cutscene
real life
>interactive software
Drakengard 3
>Final boss is really fucking big
>have to fight the final boss through the credits
>and survive to get the true ending
.flow's ending is essentially a metaphorical representation of Sabitsuki's diseased and insane alter-ego eliminating what's left of the good in her.
Sound very Japanse. Too Japanse.
Breath of Fire IV
You will fight and eliminate your own party members if you choose to.
>Final boss reaches zero health
>"This isn't even my final form"
>Health bar regenerates to three times the previous size
The Binding of ISaac
Final level is the first level, its as shit as it was before
I don't know what you mean exactly, the game's main influences are Yume Nikki and Silent Hill so it's not untrue I guess.
It's something the game builds up to, so it's not exactly a surprise. I'd describe the scene as rather confusing, sure, but also very discomforting and disturbing, especially since you're controlling tthe alter ego at this point.
>boss has massive amount of health
>beat him relatively easily
>he hops back up at full health
>hits harder and moves faster the more you hurt him
>final boss is down
>MC spares his life
>boss ignores your resistances/armor and hits harder the more you have