any idea where I can pick up a bios for this? I'm just running into DMCA takedowns, retracted links,
>works on my machine :)
and other annoying shit. I just want to play R&C again.
Any idea where I can pick up a bios for this? I'm just running into DMCA takedowns, retracted links probably has it
i literally googled ps2 bios and got it on the first link and it took me 5 seconds, c'mon son
Just use pirate bay, it has a pack with everything in.
Faggot doesn't know how to use google
I have graphic artefacts. What should I do to get normal image?
increase the skip draw
Change the graphics plugin, or play on native resolution.
I over thought this and searched pcsx2 bios instead, boy do I feel retarded. cheers user
Welcome to the best emulator where you have to configure for every fucking game.
buy a ps2
Its not even hard to configure for a game, People are just too retarded to look at the settings
sent ;)
There is no such setting as "disable graphical artefacts".
not the point of emulation, you fucking autistic inbred son of a street nigger
but ps2 can't play gaem in 1080p
thanks, works great :3
Like salty milk and coins
check out their wiki for configs
To be fair, you should use a PS2 to play MGS3, as PC controllers don't have weighted face buttons, which are needed for CQC holds.
I have a dualshock 4.
Here it is. See?
I thought DS4 ditched pressure sensitive face buttons? DS3 still has it, but not DS4.
Which doesn't have weighted face buttons. Have you tried putting an enemy in a headlock yet?
Look, L2 half pressed here.
Face buttons
Not him but are you doin this on purpose?
Face buttons, user. Circle and X and co.
they're talking about cross, square triangle and circle and the dpad my friend, they were pressure sensitive
in certain games on ps2 and ps3 when you pressed the button harder it would do a different thing, like in mgs4 the camera would zoom more if you pressed the dpad up
or zone of the enders 2 would have different moves executable on circle button depending on how hard you pressed the button
and of course the mgs3 headlock
Couldn't you just remap the square and circle to the shoulder triggers?
OK, here is said that ds3 still has it, does it mean that I can use any ps3-compatible controller?
yeah, this might work
I'm not sure about unofficial DS3 controllers, but I know official Sony DS3s have pressure sensitivity with the SCP plugin (don't use MotionInJoy, it's trash).
I played through all of MGS3 on pcsx2 and had no problems, git gud
Yeah I played it with a 360 controller without problem, have fun OP!
Posting here since there's no where to be found on the web, fucking "you have to create an account and have lvl 2 too see the posting" faggots tier websites.
Anyway, I can't run Dino Stalker both on the emulator and on a modded PS2. It starts with the pirate screen of choosing PAL or NTSC and after choosing one it freezes. That's it. Anyone has any idea, or any image that may bypass this shit anyway? anything...
Config > video > plugin settings >enable HW hacks > configure hacks
Now try each option one at a time until the issue is fixed.
buy the console tyrone
Seems like a good thread to ask, if i rip isos onto a normal DVD disc will the game work with my PS2?
Are there performance issues?
Does it have to be done with specific software?
download the iso from emuparadise and play it on pcsx2, this game is dogshit btw
you're a retard you can find it in 3 seconds on google fucking faggot
they work... just make sure to get the right version according to your region
I'm think you have to unlock your ps2 btw
You need a way to launch .elf files, as burnt disc loaders are in .elf format. The easiest way is a memory card exploit called freemcboot. When freemcboot is installed your memory card acts as a boothack and launched into a custom OS when you start your PS2. You can then run all kinds of crazy stuff. One thing is a backup loader where you can load burnt games or out of region games (with a gpumod elf to force 60hz on pal games)
If you go through the hassle of getting freemcboot up and running. Get yourself a fat ps2, a network adapter and a 40-160GB PATA Hard drive. Then use HDloader to load games from the HDD without wasting burnable media.
I set a friend up for $50 with 2 controllers and a fat ps2 with free mcboot and an 80gb hdd 2 months back.
This is pretty helpful. Thanks!
stock up on the game iso's bro with all the games being up rezed and re sold at full price thare all geting pulled off the sites that have them no joke
including your mom?
>This is the intelligence level of an average Sup Forums user.
close your window blinds, and maybe work while you're in the office there.
>literally can't google his problem to solve it
the absolute state of OP
>he left his id uncensored
enjoy the hack user
Stop spoon-feeding this retard.
They’re not even needed. Analog face buttons are an unnecessary jewish gimmick that hardly any games support and almost no gamer ever even utilized. You can play MGS3 just fine on platforms without analog face buttons.
Playing on a PS2 is garbage advice considering the blocky 512x400 resolution and interlacing jaggy artifacts that look like shit on any modern TV. The PS2 was a truly awful console from a hardware standpoint... as is the vast majority of the library