What other does sites does Sup Forums visit to get the latest vidya news?

What other does sites does Sup Forums visit to get the latest vidya news?

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Sup Forums
siliconera if I give half a shit

reddit, kotaku

I really don't care about vidya news.
I just let the Sup Forums shitposters deliver the news to me.


I usually just shitpost on here and go to resetera for actual discussion.


one of the reasons I come here

A man of refined taste

Sup Forums


and here comes Sup Forums to ruin another thread


reddit, Sup Forums, resetera unironically

I also go to Resetera at least once a day.


>a site that steals translated articles without giving credit because they are that incompetent

tfw p4rgaming is a lol bot farm site now

kill yourself for this pic


>video game



Darn, I tried

fuck off you disgusting marketer. why dont mods ever ban these reset marketers that keep posting these threads?


Fuck off nibel you memeing piece of shit

Get that dick out of your mouth OP


make me faggot


Warned: User argued in bad faith

Sup Forums because why not and who cares about video game news anyway. if the game is good, Ill find out when its out. if it is stuck in production what difference does it make I cant play it anyway.


Examples. I want dirt.

this tbqh

Well you posted it.

This actually happened to me on that site, jesus fuck. Granted, I was trolling and using terms like mansplaining and whitesplaining ironically.


>not getting info from Sup Forums and osmosis from just being on the internet in general

I generally browse the resetera discord for my video game news each morning over a nice comfortable soy latte from Starbucks

usually go to reddit for news, but i dont have anywhere good for discussion sadly. Sup Forums is my placeholder for discussion at the moment.



Gematsu but i have noticed that the site has been declining in quality

I know that a single guy only posts news there but they don't post news as often as they did before

Resetera is too toxic for me. I follow Anita Sarkeesian to starbucks (we both get a soy latte) and continue following her until her soy farts kick in. After inhaling deeply I am updated on what games I can and cannot play without it being literally rape.

Pretty much no other site. I may not like the direction Sup Forums has gone in, but it's the only one without an inherent bias. I use Sup Forums for my tech needs, /ck/ for my grocery shopping, Sup Forums for my video games, and Sup Forums when I want to see a cesspool of SJW propaganda like Steven Universe.

Every other site on the internet is lined with bias and political waste. Reddit shadowbans you for wrongthink and not having enough karma, resetera and neogaf ban you for wrongthink against corporate interests, tumblr bans you for hurting someone's feelings, where else CAN you go? At least on Sup Forums you have to screw up really badly to get a ban. As much as we joke about mods, at least they don't ban you for wrongthink.

Good taste

Why is resetera/neogaf so centered around japanese games when japanese games have become completely irrelevant sales wise? Is it really healthy for an industry when the core fanbase only care about irrelevant stuff?

>I shitpost on Sup Forums and go to resetera to post "it looks cool" or "good thread op"

REEEera only has discussions when someone finds something problematic, the rest of the time it's nothing but fluff.

if you go to these sites or even worse """news""" sites you are a fucking idiot
companies do all their press releases through gamespress, gamasutra etc or just get it directly from the fucking publisher

Best gaming news site on the internet.
That place is extra shit
While its shitty for a variety of reasons, I'm also just salty that I got banned shortly after I made an account there and every attempt I've made to appeal to the moderators has been completely ignored

Color me unsurprised we have an abundance of Neofag refugees on Sup Forums. It's no coincidence Sonyboy shitposting increased 150% the same timespan their leader got called out for being a rapist.

Neogaf still exists though
The curious thing is that Neogaf is better now than its ever been due to the complete revamp in moderation and the worst parts of its community leaving. You can actually talk about things there now.

Lel how did you get banned from REEE? That place doesn't really ban nearly as much as neofag did. You wouldn't have survived a day in neofag.

Yup. I've become too jaded and suspicious of this industry. I'm older now, and spend less time/energy/money with any new games.
The shitposting can be glorious though.

I use the same username on every website and they found out that I had an account on Kiwi Farms and thus banned me for "off site doxxing and harassment".
What bothers me about this is that I didn't dox anyone. I decided though that since they think I'm some horrible person for going there to stop going to KF and then email them asking for an appeal, but nothing ever came of it.
>You wouldn't have survived a day on Neogaf
I actually did fine there. I posted there regularly and only once got banned, and it was a temp ban that a moderator apologized for as I wasn't supposed to get banned. Its easier to get banned on Reeeeesetera than it is Neogaf.

>going to neo-neofag
Are you retarded

I'm confused. I though most of you hate reset era. Neogaf still exists to get your gaming news.

YouTube for official trailers. Nothing else is worth visiting because all relevant news makes its way here and I don't care about other's opinions

>"off site doxxing and harassment".
lol really? that's pretty insane.
im more glad then ever i rotate usernames

People lie all the time on this site, you know how many fake leaks were made in just the past couple weeks?

You sound like that guy with that girl with blue hair as an avatar. You're still mad about that?

I want to cuddle with Aspiechan!

>lol really?
Pic related
You're thinking of someone else.
I'm the guy who had a Chihiro Fujisaki avatar that posted in the Steam section all the time prior to the site switch that people made.

Hello Battlechilli. I didn't realize you got banned from REEE. No wonder you're not there.
Why not make another account under a different name? That's what everyone did back in GAF. Though you sound very autistic so you might give it away right away.
Can you believe Huelen is in REEE and you're not? kek

Will you pay $39.99 (or $3.99 a month) for an ad-free ResetERA experience?

I'd just feel like a liar if I did that. I want to be unbanned, not sneaky since I'd want to interact with a lot of the same people again. Plus I'd likely need a different email address and/or IP and I don't have another good email for it.

>im more glad then ever i rotate usernames

I've been more apprehensive of posting on era somewhat lately when I know nuts here and other places are plotting shit and stalking it.
Disabling ad block works too as long as the ads behave

This but unironically

That's been a thing for years. There is a reddicated sub called neofag, and then there's athread on The Bore, which is exclusively used to mock neofags/REEsettlers.

What are you, a fucking woman?

So I've heard. It's still very creep.

Siliconera is a good site. Its mods can be iffy but at the end of the day it has even more Japanese game news than Gematsu and tends to pick up on a lot of the really small indie titles out there that most people would overlook.

>As much as we joke about mods, at least they don't ban you for wrongthink.
They randomly enforce rule 3 when they want to ban you for wrongthink.

>unironic neofag posters are Sup Forums regulars and nobody calls them out anymore
God, this board has really gone to shit.

I've never been to this "neofag" place you're talking about. Neogaf sure but that time has passed on into a new era.


Funny to see that all the shills from GAF that left really were its only source of news and *ahem*, "insider sources". GAF is fucking dry with its news flow now.

It wouldn't have mattered anyway if someone did say anything. I'm not leaving Sup Forums. Not when new games are coming out constantly.

Yup. Every other gaming site is less reputable than Sup Forums, even. At least with Sup Forums you can gauge how good a game is by balancing out the shitposts with the shillposts. Every other gaming site only gives one perspective, meaning I have to visit multiple sites, giving tons of click revenue to SJW game journos, to get the full scoop.

Also, Sup Forums has tons of great threads. Anything on a lesser known game is top notch. It's how I learned about They Are Billions, Wadanohara, 100% OJ, and The Legend of the Dark Witch.

>current year e^7.609862200915
>not being pro-miscegenation
come on user

I use an app called 'feedly'. It's an RSS aggregator, so I the updates from all kinds of sites. So IGN, GameSpot, gematsu, famitsu, SRK, eurogamer, and whatever else you want. It's super useful and I don't have to rely on a community like Sup Forums or resetera to tell me things with their own massive biases

That's pretty BS actually



it's kind of an anti-Sup Forums, for better or for worse

Is it still an aut-left shithole?

Resetera is an alright site, but I use the Twitter bot to see all the new threads made, because I did one the community that much, but they do have a great congregation of news from all over the place.

I browse resetera but only because it fuels my anger, they always talk shit about my ethnicity. I`m still not sure how I make an account there, they keep saying no disposable emails even though I technically have permanent email accounts

This. Every bit of news I get about anything in the world is from Sup Forums.
So when I tell my co-workers about shapeshifting aliens, I'm pretty sure they're part of the conspiracy.

So it's full of lefties.

>they always talk shit about my ethnicity.

And that is?

Nope. Most of the really hardcore leftists left.
Its still more left than right of course, but you're not going to be banned for an opinion anymore. The site has open Trump supporters now just as an example. Evillore pretty much took a stance telling everyone to "play nice" and otherwise leaves the site open to whatever discussion.

If I say we should deport the illegals what will happen?

It will upset some members and people might start trying to argue with you.

>this whole thread

and Sup Forums said gafugees arent real

mama mia

You'd get dogpiled, probably not banned as long as you don't bring race into it

how can a man be this stupid but correct

I'm surprised he didn't bail out of the forum game completely

i can't believe they banned me