What makes this game 'Mostly Positive' Sup Forums? Is it actually good?

What makes this game 'Mostly Positive' Sup Forums? Is it actually good?

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Gameplay's fine, it's like an improved Awesomenauts.
I've been having fun playing it since like 2 days ago.

People are liking it.

Would you recommend getting into it then since it's a free try? Anything I should know to start out with?

Free to play retards and third world subhumans. Look at reviews, every positive one is some two line shit about "its fun and get look tiddy" written by a chimp and negative ones are full of retards going "You don't like it cause it's censored! Grow up!" or "It's not that grindy!" in the comments.

Game blows and already yesterday's 24 hour peak was lower than the day before.

I'd say give it a go.
One tip I could give is to try out the characters in the training room before unlocking them so you know if you like their playstyle or not.
For playing 1 game before the 25th you will get 6 free character unlocks(accessible from the lower right corner, icon looks like a ticket) and 1 free costume unlock ticket.

Sweet free shit? Good shit.

I like it, but a controller is mandatory for it. Keyboard controls have a delay it seems.

>I hate a game because it doesn't have 10.000 concurrent players

I know it's hard, but maybe try forming your own opinion about things sometime.

>I like it, but a controller is mandatory for it. Keyboard controls have a delay it seems.

There any proof for this claim?

>This is one of the first reviews I've ever written.
>I love, love, love this game. It's Maplestory had a baby with League of Legends which is right up my alley! Already dozens of characters to choose from and they all vary tremendously. I did find 2 typos though. Obviously not a game breaking bug.
>To address the censorship....SHAME ON YOU GAMERS!! You have tried to kill a masterfully made game because you can't get off like a bunch of pervs to some anime boobs?? You're disgusting and you need to get out more often. Don't flame the devs because they aren't trying to ruin kids minds. Which...just so we're clear...this is a KID'S game!

Actions and movement are server based, not client side. You can have a good ping but you still feel like you're lagging due to delay.

I played it, it sucks. Looks like a blatant cash grab and doesn't control as well as Awesomenauts.

>Censored game

What kind of things are censored here?

Breast sizes were reduced from “unrealistically monster huge” to “pretty big”


Just only 2D splash art change. 3D models untouched 100% since physics can get re-enabled easily with an ini edit.

God tier waifus

>but you can mod it back!

Only on portraits in game they are huge and u can turn on boob physics in INI file

Waifufags have no standards

That guy is an idiot for thinking this is a kid's game but he does have a point that people was a bit too crazy with the whole censorship stuff.

I want to squeeze Tatyana's tatyanas.

what if a kid saw anime boobs
his mind will be ruined

game is fun i like fun
and i want to fuck ignitia

It would be scalding hot inside of her you'd risk third degree burns

I've touched my dick to a fire poker before
it's not that bad
stingy feeling is nice

Just in case you didn't know, cus this shit is kinda hidden on the official site

>For the week after Official Launch, everyone who logs in to Hyper Universe and plays ONE regular or VS AI game will receive the following goodies:

>30 Hyper Cubes, containing samples for skins, Hypers, equipment slots, and emotes
>6 Hyper Coupons that can be used to redeem any Hyper not owned. Can be saved for future Hyper releases!
>1 Hyper Skin Coupon that can be used on any skin in the Hyper Shop. Can be saved for future skin releases!

She just wants to see your body engulfed with flames.

>Would you recommend getting into it then since it's a free try?

Yes, heavily. Don't worry about the censorfags they're a bunch of salty retards. It's a fun game with a lot of people playing already. Also, they're giving out launch bonuses so you'll get a ton of champs if you play now. You get like 10 free ones if you level up quite a bit.

Spotted the censorfag.



People actually play the game user stop being a retarded conspiracy faggot.

>boobs are bad!
>think of the kids!
>virtue signaling like a little bitch

>t. nexon shill
nobody plays your shitty game, pls fuck off

Stop posting Achiel.

Can you guys keep this game's /vg/ thread alive

Downloading it right now thanks OP you earned that 3 cents

I don't think it even has a /vg/ thread at all.

How did you know?!


Because we all know you're the Nexon paid shiller after saying it in Discord.

>advocating for violence against women

ITT: Bullshit

No proof

>People play vidya
>Want to talk about it

Why is it so hard to grasp?

Will I like this if I like Paragon?

I want to play this with a gamepad

keyboard a shit

apparently the NA servers are in the East coast, so the further you are from there the worse it will be. They really need one in the west coast

Probably if you want to play on a 2D plane.

It has controller support.

*bursts through the ceiling or floor and beats the shit out of you*

jennifer is CUTE!

nice, installed

Reminder that Nexon is artificially inflating player numbers with dev PCs online but idling. It STILL takes a minute and change to find any match other than AI.


the devs must have quite a lot of PCs then.

fuck that shit

what percentage of players are using nexon's launcher instead of steam

Dunno, don't care. If anything numbers we can't see are irrelevent.

>1800+ Dev PCs
If they had that much, they would actually market the game.

I found a real, honest to god paid reviewer.

Check out this faggot's review page, the owner of the current most upvoted review for Hyper Universe:


>181 products in account
>1612 fucking reviews, all of them positive

This guy just positively reviews free to play games all day long.

My nigga.

Paragon is the only MOBAshit I have fun with. Hopefully Epic gets their shit together and releases it soon or it's gone.

>censor the game
>goes F2P because nobody wanted to buy censored garbage

it was always planned to go f2p you retard, the censorship is a completely different mess

I mean you got nothing to lose, you even get 6 free hero tickets, 30 cubes, and 1 free skin costume. Just gotta playing an AI or regular match. Don't spend a dime on them and leech whatever enjoyment you get out of it.

Anyone else like Turner's design? They really nailed the western feel in a respectful way, unlike Macree with his poncho and BAD ASS MOTHERFUCKER giant belt buckle

Pretty much all of the designs nail the tropes they were going for on the head

>Collar is popped up

He's pretty cool.
Too bad I exclusively play female characters. I hope every male character gets a female skin like Cain.(or vice versa, whatever)

Bad news for you bro. Due to the massive success of Fortnight Paragon is going to shut down. People just aren't sticking around for Paragon. They keep trying to fix it but fuck it up even more. And by the time you adjust to the fixes they change everything again.

I wish they had just kept the old card system and dunking for that exp boost but added the speed of monolith.

Sounds pretty legit, might have to check it ou-
>2D plane

Literally not true, they had to take some devs from the team and put them on Fortnite because of the massive demand, but the most recent update from the devs literally says they're sticking with the game for the foreseeable future and not shutting it down due to FBR.

That's not to say that it won't die completely someday due to lack of players and Epic doing next to no marketing and keeping it in beta, but Epic is going to be supporting the game for the time being.

>Paragon is going to shut down

Dude, their unreal game hasn't even shut down yet and no one plays. They have so much Unreal bux from them selling their dev kits there's no way it will die any time soon.

Don't want people to go crazy about censorship?
It's not that hard.

It also has a small but pretty stable playerbase. I find matches in 30 seconds to a minute. It's just high MMR fags who have to play with the same people all the time but that's because most of the high MMR players play on smurf accounts now

What's wrong with it being in a 2D plane? it's somethign different than the usual MOBA top down view.
Just think of it like laying Smash.

There's a ton of players on Paragon because of the cross-multiplayer play.

No, go back to your safe space if you're going to cry that hard over boobs. Fuck off.

>with a bunch of fucking cooldowns and clumsy as fuck controls

Fuck you, I've seen the same retarded comparison in some review. Nexon shills truly are out in force.

The game is alright. It's awesomenaughts but with more fan service. I couldn't get into it, but you know, it's free and how I feel shouldn't matter if you enjoy it. The main thing is not to be a faggot like the rest of this board and bitch and moan about the censorship that was so minor it doesn't even matter.

>Playing games by devs who rather listen to people who aren't playing games anyway
Imagine McDonald's listens to some soyboy who is a veggie and the next thing you see is only shit for vegans on the menu.

Where the fuck do you think you are, plebbit? This IS the anti-censorship, pro-boobs safe space.

Player retention is horrible though. Also there is a rumor that Tencent is going to take over development of the game. Epic is too busy with Fortnight and really don't have the time to support a sinking ship. Even right now there are issues connecting or staying connected to matches. This has been going on for a while now and they haven't even tried to fix it. Meanwhile Fortnight is always getting updated.

You really should read the most recent dev update. I'm not saying I trust Epic's word 100% but a lot of what you're saying was addressed. Also the most recent patch that brought Wukong back was mainly focused on game stability. I've seen significantly less stutter/frame drops and haven't DC'd from a game since patch day. New hero is coming soon as well, most likely next month.

Would never touch it

Game's shit senpai. It's all from a paid nexon shill as you can see from the poster count.

How did they get away with this?

What the fuck is up with the Hyoer Universe posts all of a sudden? I swear it's like the devs of that game are paying people to shill in Sup Forums

Maybe some people actually enjoy playing the game?
Does it have to be some sort of conspiracy all the time?

>Shill being a shill

Hmm a game just got released and we want to talk about a fun game? How absurd.

it's Sup Forums, their feel feels take priority over logic.

>people are seriously making Nexon shill threads multiple times a day

Oh god I hope you're getting paid to shill this mediocre censored MOBA korean crap lmao


>shilling this hard

the same way capcom got away with it years ago

>Shilling this Nexon censored game for a few days straight

Morrigan isn't constantly shown with her mouth open ready for some BJ though.

doesn't work, I have this bug that has been reported in fucking November (not by me) that's still not solved.

Just goes to show me that there's no point in touching the game.

Try a few months straight. This faggot has been posting these threads since the game was in beta.

Wrong thread but does anyone play Closers? Seeing this post reminded me of that game. I installed it and played it but never again after that. I don't know if its worth the time.