Why did the switch fail to deliver the same amount of exclusives as the PS4 in 2017?
Why did the switch fail to deliver the same amount of exclusives as the PS4 in 2017?
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No one needs exclusives.
It's a new system. At least it delivered almost half of the GOTY contestants.
If there were no exclusives, there would be no reason to buy an underpowered console.
What games were PS4 exclusive in 2017?
is that image what the meme is based off or is it the other way around
What Sony should do to fight back against the portable shit of the switch, if they want to pull another wii and follow nintendo's lead:
Take PS4 slim
Redo in TSMC 7nm architecture
Attach screen to top
Attach power banks to bottom
Have PS4 laptop
The reason is that you can play games sitting in a privy.
how many exclusives did the PS4 deliver in it's launch year, user?
that's the actual comparison you'd be making if you weren't such a biased little shit.
I don't know, ask Nintendo.
Because quality > quantity.
Who gives a fuck about ps4?
What's your point? The Wii had quantity too, but 90% of its library was shit
Don’t call it a meme, it’s some stupid reddit faggot trying to force reddit level faggotry on Sup Forums
1 5 0 A W A R D S
If you want to count your Personas and Yakuzas and what have you as exclusives, then you also have to count all the Wii U remasters as Switch exclusives.
At least there was a choice.
did you even read the OP post? they pushed it into comparison to begin with.
The PC (almost) always has and probably always will have the most good games available by far, and thus the "exclusives" argument are solely for plebs who cant be bothered to set up a computer for the television.
what worthwhile exclusives did PS4 have in its first year?
This. Sonybros need to stop spamming these shit threads.
Not one, but TWO games of the year in 2017
god I just want to suck on some big soft boobs
Call a whore.
>PS4 exclusives by 4 years: 1
>Switch exclusives within 10 months: 2
Now go fuck yourself, dumb phoneposter.
Wasn't the only exclusive PS4 had in 2017 Horizon? lol, OP gtfo
RE7 on VR is also ps4 exclusive.
post more soyboy pics
>iphone filename
Sonyogres have been ruining Sup Forums for years.
>gay ass Soyrio and Soylda games
>worth anything
They're worth 97 unlike any other so(n)y game lol
Are you being serious right now? Really? Not even a game but a game mode? I thought you people didn't like useless intrusive gimmicks.
I liked it. It gives really other kind of experience.
>review scores
Don't worry, Zelda also won GOTY by user decision as well.
>inb4 >u-user scores
>Poorfag fell for the "vr is a gimmick" meme
>a gimmick is not a gimmick when it's Sony
Do you enjoy the light and the trackpad constantly draining down the battery of your controller too?
which is why people didnt buy the wii u and waited for the switch.
Who cares about quality when you have resolution amiright
>Brainlet fell for the GO(t)Y meme
>he fell for the resolution meme
Guess which one is the more fun to PLAY? Huh? I'll give you a hint: It's fucking Zelda. But go ahead, enjoy your interactive family movie.
>Thinks I'm a sony faggot
>Poorfag still cant afford revolutionary technology so calls it a gimmick
>Pays 80 squids for cardboard though
Oh no no no no
>c-critic scores don't matter, they're all paid!
god you're such a sore lose, like all so(n)yboys
What PS4 exclusives came out in 2017?
Keep in mind that if it was released on the Vita or PC it's not an exclusive.
How much did the Sony exclusives sell in 2017? I assume more than 70M combined right?
The Nintendo stock increased more than the Sony stock last year, that's the only thing that matters
>Faggot cant read other posts
>Thinks groups of humans have worthwhile opinions on anything
Oh dear me
if critics don't matter and users don't matter
then who DOES matter, user?
>revolutionary technology
It's the exact same shit from the early 90s, you absolute fucking retard. The only difference is that now it has less shitty graphics so retards like you fall for it more easily. Holy shit, you're dumb.
>Plays twink simulator 2000
>Dresses up as trap to fulfil hidden fetishes
>Walks for 47 minutes
>keeps walking
>walks a bit more
>haha fun haha great post haha
That projection, holy shit.
>Poorfag still doesnt get it because he cant afford to use one.
It changes fucking everything mate
Neither of what you present because one of those is paid off and the other is a collective opinion which is entirely formed by dunkey and pewdiepie.
Anyone who has used good VR recognises a NoVRlet instantly.
>hehe xd its just like virtual boy hehe
You don't own VR, its blatantly obvious
Answer the question, who does matter?
Friendly reminder that BotW is not an exclusive and has 100 less GOTYs than Witcher 3 and The Last of Us.
>It's a console war thread
Are you all 8 years old?
>I-It's not the exact same thing as it was 20 years ago, I swear it!
Oh, I tried it. And I was woefully unimpressed.
It's also best on PC, not Switch. It's more a PC game than Switch game.
that pic has to be a parody, it's too perfect
>No full room scale tracking
>Shit screen, not immersive at all
>No games that utilise it well
>List goes on
I guess a Buggatti veyron is the same as a VW golf MK1 then right? Same thing right?
>Poorfag tries mates for 10 minutes with his opinion already decided that he doesn't like it because he watched a crowbcat video
>Doesn't actually own and regularly use one to formulate a good opinion
>Clearly means tech is 100% a gimmick
>Doesn't actually own
That's called Stockholm syndrome. You wasted a lot of money onto a gimmick to play some minigames and you force yourself to look for any positives you can in order to justify all that wasted money while you just use it to jack off to shitty 3D models.
>notice that console war threads are started by sony fanoboys 99% of the time
>He still thinks there are no VR games
Back to that 1 crowbcat vid you go
>wasted a lot of money
Entire setup has cost me less than 300 squids for full room scale. For anyone with a decent wage thats nothing.
Kids are always eager to prove they're not kids, which ironically only serves to show their immaturity even further.
>less than 300 squids
So you bought the cheapest possible set and you're trying to call other people poorfags? That's pathetic, holy shit.
PS4 is a multiplat machine. All but one of their exclusives sold like shit and that was a bundle game.
No I'm just not retarded with my money lmfao.
Maybe if you weren't such a retard with your finances you wouldn't be a poorfag that has to play on childrens toys all day.
I really smart with my finances, son. That's why I didn't fall for such a blatant gimmick fad in the first place.
How is the PS4 a guimick? It's the most straight forward piece of shit out right now.
We're talking about VR here. The PS4 comes with useless gimmicks out of the box too anyway. That stupid light and that worthless trackpad that only serve to drain the battery of the controller.
Post the webm.
You know,
THAT one.
>bought a screen to literally attach to his head
>calls other people stupid with their money
No I don't know, I've been on this sight longer than a day unlike you so I've seen plenty of webms that many would consider "that" one.
>If there were no exclusives, there would be no reason to buy an underpowered console.
you said users don't matter though
Is if fair to compare the first year of a console to the fourth year of a console?
lol no you don't
>Sup Forums has shitposted against the Switch since even before it's release
>but this time it's going to fail! it's shit! lmao tendies!
>Switch's library does so well in its first year it destroys the game awards
>PS4 didn't have a single notable game until Bloodborne
I think there are some better questions to ask OP.
Yeah, exactly why I didn't buy a ps4.
Why did the PS4 fail to deliver new games till 2017?
How would you guys launch the PS5 to ensure it gets as much hype as the switch?
I'm not a consolefag, I just really think that Sony needs alot of hype for it's next console to maintain it's position in the market.
Next gen videogames.
>Still seething almost a year on.
One game
Actually have 1 or 2 big name exclusives coming out near launch for once.
PS4 sold really well despite having no real exclusives for years, so imagine how well the next iteration would do if they did.