Who was the first vidya character you’ve ever fapped to?

Who was the first vidya character you’ve ever fapped to?

Samantha fox.

Those spider girls from Oblivion, the healing animation is what got me



Unironically futa Amy and Rouge


Gladly, i'm not a furfag anymore

now i'm zoophilic

got kids? Want em!
>tfw booner when watching MIB2


gib kids

Can you remember the first time you ate bread?

It's hard to remember, but my best guess is Lara Croft.



I like 99% sure it was these two.

t. 15 year old


And I'd do it again



This is now a sad thread. Post your saddest reacts for all these sad losers,


>Switch belly poster


She was the prime vidya woman for that era before Lara Croft took over thanks to Jolie.


amen brother

what am I missing here?

It's him

Dunno she counts but I blew way too many loads on this game.


I never fapped to a video game character


Then get the fuck out of here you fucking soyboi

Disgusting, get out


Metal gear solid 1
The settings had a vibration test for the new dual shock.
I yelled out snake as I came

Ayame from Ninja Gaiden/DoA

Years later I still fap to Peach.

The Fox girl from Sly, I blame that game for making me occasionally jerk it to furry.


Peach, particularly her panties in Melee

lol what a loser

what would happen if she needed to pee? thats quite the tight suit. i would assume she couldn't get it off in time.

do you think she prepared for such occasions?

My man. That accent was what really got me.


Back to your boards furfags

Can't remember how many times i fapped to this.

This is from intro scene so it's very good for a quick fap session.

It was all about her smile .


I love her...

Same here user.

Probably this.

GTA 4 strippers

Been playing vidya since the days of NES/DOS, so it was probably some hard to make out pixels.


So, a Sailor Moon in the tub pic was my first fap. Likewise, I printed it out and took to the bathtub, myself.

As for vidya, I couldn't tell you. It could have been MvC Roll while paused, it could have been that black bikini DOA2 Kasumi render, but I think it was the infamous Misty and Starmie pic.

The time I spent staring at the female units...


I only fap to Fate servants

Good taste

Some Pokemon.

The one i remember at least



Every aspect of Ayla's spritework was lovingly-crafted to be as lewd as possible, even her portrait makes it look like she's about to tackle and mount you

Super-advanced sci-fi suit technology probably absorbs the toxins and moisture from her body before it needs to be turned into pee.

That or her fucked-up Chozo biology makes it a non-issue.

that looks like a man bro



I've ever fapped to sex games. Does that count?


She's still unmatched.


Thanks Newgrounds.


the first one i remember was the girl from dino crisis

maybe there was something else before that but im not sure

Good to see a fellow patrician


>tfw every time you opened a door

Hnnng, Melee Peach's legs still top tier even today.

user NO

I was in fucking heaven when I got VR missions as a kid and found the photoshoot.


The strippers from Duke3D.

So you used the vibrator controller to shake your snake while seeing the Snake booty

I still do.


ai gf

Good ol' Chunners.


Best girl from the best Prince of Persia

Peach is the most fappable vidya girl of all time.

Probably one of these

I agree!

My young years have seen much degeneracy. I only hope I can repent.

That wedding dress is the best thing Nintendo has done in a while

my brother.


I understand this feeling. You are a man of great taste and you have my respect.