*saves RTS genre from death*
*saves RTS genre from death*
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I wonder if it actually does. Most normies and casuals had likely only heard of SC2 at best when it comes to RTS games. I think SupCom was like the last big name RTS game to come out aside from SC2 and it's been over ten years.
This game actually drew in some new blood into the genre.
this game doesn't require any thinking
you just spam buildings and units and pray that they kill zombies fast enough to survive.
it's shit, looks like it could be good but the base mechanics are bad, straight up
If you spam the wrong buildings/units you die. Sounds like thinking to me.
The reason why this game's so popular is due to how casual it is. You just turtle in your base, spam walls and a few overpowered units. It requires zero thinking, zero risk and offers zero challenge. Normalfags are into that kind of stuff. This won't save shit, if anything it'll further rape the RTS genre with soulless ripoffs.
Actually I'd say AoE 2 is more popular among normies due to its slower pace and the fact that a lot of people played it as kids.
yeah ok but there's barely any balance to it, oh i need thing
*spam buildings to get more thing*
oh now i need more workers
*spam houses*
you just spam endlessly, you have to do this to win
Plenty of good non-reddit RTS's out there.
Okay. Show me your screenshots from the hardest map
>not Tooth and Tail
Yes and no.
Though, it is pretty much impossible to lose if you set up your walls right.
5~ turrets (at least a few of which are the gatting gun one.) with a few vet.snipers in towers set to highest-level... And that wall will hold even the final horde.
It's getting up to being able to build the first horde of 20~ archers that is the risky party of the game. After that, you use them to creep out to a choke point, build a turret, and that's held until a wave comes from that direction.
Until you have that force of archers and turrets, you're constantly at risk of a single zombie walking in and creating four more because he was allowed to touch a tent.
Warcraft 4, when ?
>RTS genre dying
Listen, when I can still find a Battefleet Gothic Arnada game at 3am, I'm not worried about the genre being 'dead' according some kids on Sup Forums.
But this got the Twitch crowd. Many of my more normie friends like AoE2 again but they were always into RTS games to some extent simply because they're approaching 30. They grew up with this shit.
The 15-20-yos on the other hand didn't. Do they care about AoE2? I don't know.
Yeah, sniper towers w/ priority + executors and couple tesla towers handles hordes quite well
I assume so, the games are still being played regularly on steam. Also
>Streaming makes a game/genre successful
HAHAHAHAHAHA NO, no streaming has nothing to do with any of that.
I don't know much about twitch but I don't think normies watch that.
it's pretty fun but shit like this needs to be fixed
map generation in general is just too random
>Streaming makes a game/genre successful
It's not so straightforward. It doesn't make it more or less successful by default. Some games are purely streambait, meaning people only watch them without actually caring about playing them.
I don't think There Are Billions is a very good example of that. It's a decent stream game because the games are relatively short, at least for an RTS game. You die very fast when you fuck up, and the losses are very surprising. In SC2 you see the deathball happening and you know it's over. In that game, you have the "OH GOD WHAT THE FUGGG MEMES :DDDDD" when the guy discovers there's one lone zombie entering a house at the other end of the map. And then the chat gets spammed with OMEGALUL and all that.
Intentional or not, it fits Twitch. However, watching it also takes away nothing from playing the game. There's no plot to spoil and the game is easy to get into. It's also not static meaning that if you pick it up yourself, you'll still have a fresh experience even if you watched it on streams. On the other hand, Getting Over It or whatever that hammer and pot game was has one static map and once you see a streamer complete it, half the fun is gone.
Finished a long Rimworld run and I'm going to wait for the release before going back to it. Was thinking of picking this up but I'll do the same for Billions.
Any other good base-builder management games out there?
i'm 21 all my friends, even the normies knew AoE2, i'm also playing Age of Mythology and EE2 with some of them pretty regularly
Dungeddit, what am I looking at?
age of mythology reboot
that's a zombie village right next to spawn, something you can't tackle early game
you can wall it off and ignore it but then that massively limits your expansion possibilities
basically game over before it even starts
>Blobbing: The Game.
>Intentional or not, it fits Twitch. However, watching it also takes away nothing from playing the game. There's no plot to spoil and the game is easy to get into. It's also not static meaning that if you pick it up yourself, you'll still have a fresh experience even if you watched it on streams. On the other hand, Getting Over It or whatever that hammer and pot game was has one static map and once you see a streamer complete it, half the fun is gone.
Games like AoE and Warcraft 3 still has sizable playerbases. What many modern RTSses have forgotten is exactly why everyone starts playing RTSses in the first place, the fun in building and customising your own base and building your own military that defends your perimeter and goes on exploring the map and conquering stuff. Its hilarious how hard the C&C4 idea of only controlling one building and 5 units failed and yet for some fucking reason so many modern RTSses try to emulate that. Players actually love building bases, units and fidgeting with macro stuff, if you make all of that automatic then thats taking half of the fun away from the RTS game. One of the reasons why Brood War is considered more skillful game than Starcraft 2, less build macros, you have to do everything yourself by hand.
Goddamn I envy you nigga. I wish I could play that with someone.
I always lose on day 70 or 80 because it says the horde is coming from X but it's coming from the opposite side. Maybe it knows I pirated it. Smart.
It's literally good practice for people that aren't used to RTS, don't be a cunt.
Just the pathing is shit on the rng maps due to random cliffs/water and dumb ai
Very true, and that's also why I'll eventually get There Are Billions. It's a basebuildanfags wet dream if they just make it a little more finished and add some content.
Although I personally ultimately branched off to Citybuildans and Grand Strategy Games in search of more in-depth "base" building. I'd love to see more focus on it in RTS, though.
a lan game of EE2 is the best thing ever especially when you are kinda drunk by the time you get nuclear missles
*trivializes RTS genre into glorified tower defense game*
oh no, game hurts user feefees :(((
Factorio kinda, though you have to amp up the enemies a ton if you want to make it about survival
It's mostly about basebuilding and working out logistics on default settings, there are enemies but they are no true threat
It's just Player vs AI with the AI playing by different rules. More fun than the AI being shit like it usually is, though. Most games just have a very bland and rigid AI that only puts up any kind of a fight because it blatantly cheats. It's not very fun.
I've already launched a few rockets, would definitely recommend Factorio to anyone even slightly interested in the game but it's not quite what I'm looking for.
Piss on newcomers.
Back in the day i loved playing a certain Command and Conquer Generals mod map series called "Art of Defense"
Basically you and three other guys turtle as hard as possible against wave after wave
If this game gets multiplayer the abandoned tradition of the Comp Stomp might just be resurrected
Banished is short but pretty good, rather tough for a basebuilding game until you work out the mechanics. The elements are your enemies
There's apparently some big content mods, I should check it out again these days
Anno series is obviously also a contender but you probably know that one, if not play anno 1404 Venice and have a jolly time making trade routes
Recently saw Oxygen Not Required, haven't played it yet and it's still in development but might be fun
Dorf Fort is king, obviously, if you haven't played it yet you really should, get lazy noob pack and google some tutorials for a smooth start
>Oxygen Not Required
not included
Also Prison Architect is appealing to some people, never got into it
And people wonder why the rts genre is dead
>Dorf Fort
Rimworld was fucking great because it scratched my Dwarf Fortress iitch like no other game has been able to.
Oxygen seems along the same lines but I honestly can't stand the artstyle.
Well then I'm out of juice
Tell me when you discover something new
I'll be sure to PM you when I do, thanks user.
Just ring me up senpai
it isn't even a finished game nigger, you trippin?
also muh zombies
>they are billions
>the most you'll see is a thousand on screen
I dunno about that.
>units standing in the open
>no towers
>thin wall
new dune rts WHEN
its a tower defense game and yes it requires thinking
is this game laggy for low end computers?
seems like it
the final wave pretty much turns into slow motion, but it's not choppy or anything
honestly I don't know if that's by design