>dumb twat complains there are no female fighters
>wonders why there are no characters from Super
why do women try and talk about things they no nothing about.
>dumb twat complains there are no female fighters
>wonders why there are no characters from Super
why do women try and talk about things they no nothing about.
Other urls found in this thread:
it's called Dragon BALL z not Dragon blood v
fighting game based on dragonball Z
>hurr why are they no charcters from a different series in it.
>A 2D fighter may seem like a step backwards for the franchise.
Literally the same type of retard who who thinks MvCI being 2v2 is a step back for Marvel.
I understand the kneejerk reaction because le sjw memes but nah, the roster is kind of a sausage fest and it would be nice to have some other female fighters regardless of your fear of sjws.
But whyyyyy don't they add Chi-Chi and Bulma and Launch and Infant Pan and that chick who was in one filler episode?
Ask toriyama that question.
sure add Bulma and ChiChi so they can get bodied by the literal aliens who live to fight.
then we can have articles about Goku beating the piss out of his wife, and how its problematic.
>from a different series in it.
You mean besides Hit, Beerus, Black, Super Sayin blues
he's from a DBZ movie nigga
But it's fine, FighterZ has a Blick Winkel who is buffing all of the weaklings like Yamcha so that they can stand on equal ground to the gods and aliens.
Hit and Black are from the Z movie?
Zangya is my favorite female design in the series but she sadly doesn't have enough material for a decent move list. That and she isn't all that popular. Really is a shame since she has a great design.
The difference between ChiChi and Yamcha is probably less than the difference between Yamcha and Beerus. There isn't really an excuse besides the possible lack of moves.
Every fighter she recommended was fairly recent and were introduced into the series in full very late into the game's development. You can't be disappointed when it wasn't even reasonable to expect them as anything but DLC in the first place.
The only semi-realistic female fighters are Kefla, joke moveset characters Bulma/Launch. GT Pan/Chi-chi are unpopular, other women are obscure or unimportant. Saiyaman/Videl and Pilaf Gang would include a woman though.
>tfw no loli characters
But it is a sausage fest 23:1 ratio
>dragon ball z
>super characters
Technically there was a later edition of the Resurrection F movie that had a clip of Goku Black in it at the very end. You could make an utterly retarded conclusion that Goku Black is from Z based on this just for the sake of sayinng that he's a Z character twenty years after the series proper had ended.
Hit is 100% Super though.
Proof that powerlevelfags are worse than waifufags
If Kale can copy Broly's moveset Zangya could copy Bojack's.
It may be twisting things a little, but it would be a shame to forgot about her
>tfw can't fucking wait
> Alexa Ray Corrirea bashes Yamcha
Geez, way to make yourself look like an idiot by asking to remove one of the most popular and iconic characters.
I would like more female characters. Not for MUH DIVERSITY but just because more female characters could mean some unconventional picks. Also waifus are always good
Android18 alone is so much woman that she offsets the twenty two dudes.
I'm in the middle of transitioning jobs right now and Fighterz may get me fired. It's all I can think about playing since the beta.
Not enough joke characters
I personally want Towa
Surely MVCI is a step back because it's just shit in general?
I haven't watched Dragonball since GT, I feel like. I can't imagine what females you could really add beyond the ones she mentioned
>the 2 girl saiyans
>the other robot
This isn't really a Fighter Z problem, it's a Dragon Ball problem
Not wrong yamcha is a joke character
>And if the goal was to only put the most powerful Dragon Ball characters on the roster, then why the hell isKrillinon the list? OrTien Shinhan? Even forever aloneYamchamade the cut. Are you telling me you think Yamcha has a better chance of destroyingBeerusthan Android 18? You’re absurd.
Me too, I'm trying to fill the void with tekken but while it makes my reactions in fighting games a lot more on point, i still wish I could body scrubs with dramatic finishes
we need Satan
>if the goal was to only put the most powerful Dragon Ball characters on the roster
Except that was never the goal so the entire argument is meaningless.
And Chronoa
This. They're doing what they can with the source material
>falling for the MvCI is bad meme
don't forget golden frieza
>he bought MvC
waifufags kill games
I want Mr. Satan and Roshi in the game but not as joke characters
>I haven't watched Dragonball since GT,
Watch the Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F films and then start watching Super from the Universe 6 tournament arc.
>I can't imagine what females you could really add beyond the ones she mentioned
Well, we could have Videl, Kale, Caulifla, Ribrianne and that's basically it.
>This isn't really a Fighter Z problem, it's a Dragon Ball problem
It's not a problem at all unless you're obsessed by gender.
I mean she's right, they could've gotten more creative with it,
-Chi Chi from Super Dragon Ball Z
-Bulma using capsules and shit
-Kindergarten Pan
-Fucking Launch
Honestly I think these guys are way more interesting ideas for characters than Gotenks or Ginyu.
but they both are canonically comical relief characters
But it is
>Honestly I think these guys are way more interesting ideas for characters than Gotenks or Ginyu.
wow fuck right off
who the fuck wants to play as fucking Chi Chi anyway?
Why do people keep asking for her? She has no attacks
These two plus Videl and GT Pan are honestly the only girls I can think of off the top of my head plus maybe the one female Shenron from GT. Gine hasn't had any sort of combat, and Fasha is mostly forgotten. They COULD do Kid Chi-Chi but if they do DB stuff I expect Roshi before her honestly. Android 18 is already in the game, so she's covered. And Android 21 and her Majin form are new females. I guess there's also the Saiyan grills from Super but I haven't watched Super yet so I'm not going to pretend I know anything about it.
If these people want to complain about "muh female representation" they're like 20 years late. The franchise's most established and popular characters are either male or genderless with masculine qualities. I personally don't give a flying fuck what the genders of the characters are, and neither should they, but we all know this is just modern SJW bait that we've all seen several thousand times at this point. My question is, why do articles like this continue to get written? Does anyone exist that still reads this tripe? Who is clicking on this shit? You better not be, Anons, if you are you're part of the problem.
What is she from? Never seen her before.
Women can't fight, for starters
>used to be a 22 years old kissless virgin
>finally got a girlfriend a month ago
>she went to work this morning and i was at her place, she let her computer
>i was bored as fuck so i decided to jerk off
>went to shemaletube
>went home
>realized 4 hours later that i forgot to close the tab
>texted her "i cleaned the living room and let funny tabs on your computer you'll see haha" to act like it was just a joke
>she got home 3 hours ago and still didn't answer me
But sfvae Wow
reminder that androids aren't women either
Found your problem.
Towa could be a pretty interesting character if ArcSys were to get their hands on her. Imagine using her magic to buff her two teammates.
>What is she from? Never seen her before.
Chronoa is the Kai of Time from the Xenoverse games. Her adult form is only in Dragon Ball Heroes.
>who the fuck wants to play as fucking Chi Chi anyway?
What the fuck is wrong with Chichi? She's an actual martial-artist. She's also the one that trained Goten.
Uh females? Trans and fags?
commit harakiri and save your honor
Text her "did you see it lol"
Neither can humans
She might be the most obnoxious character in the series, for starter
demanding asian mom that bosses her husband around, damn what a solid character
I'd much rather have Bojack though, because he's a bigger character. Most of the cast is pretty middling in size, with small and large characters being sparse. So having a bigger character with a rough, wild moveset is inherently more interesting than a character that's similar to 80% of the cast, gender or design be damned.
I thought this was v, not r9k.
Yeah I like that episode of DB too
how do you speedrun a beta
don't listen to the guy that told you to watch super, watch the movies and Goku Black Arc, everything else is irredeemable trash and it's about to end abruptly on a really weak arc that on paper should have been really grand.
>that is the Supreme Kai of Time
I have to go beat my dick because he did not inform me of this matter
How's Wolverine, Deadpool and Doctor Doom in MVCI?
How about Magneto and Super Skrull? Did they do anything interesting with them?
Vegeta's an asshole too, what's your point and what does it have to do with being a fighting game character?
What dumb bullshit. Of course the goal isn't some power level wank. It's to fill the roster with iconic and well liked characters. Do you really fucking think people would be okay if instead of Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha that they had just thrown in some random vaginas to reach some kind of arbitrary diversity goal?
>talk to my friend that loves super today
>tell him I loved the movies but the show is trash and explain why
>''well that's true''
She was originally going to be an adult in the concept art (all with big tits), but then they went with a kid version.
Dragon Ball FighterZ (pronounced like Fighters)
It's supposed to be inclusive of the entire franchise, regardless of the usual Z wanking.
I didn't even love the movies. BoG was a great movie, but not a great DBZ movie. RoF was just bad all around and was the beginning of all the problems in Super.
Are you comparing Chi Chi to Vegeta? An ex arch-nemesis that became a good guy and is a total bro all around? The prince of Saiyans? What are you... gay?
Well it is Dragon ball: Fighter Z not Dragon ball z fighters
Why is everyone acting like the obscure or non main characters wont be made into universe dlc packs?
I only watched BoG anyway
my point stands
fucking pedos cant keep getting away with it
>nobody likes bulma
Better than fucking SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta
>everything else is irredeemable trash
Fuck off. I said not to watch the first two arcs, they are irredeemable rehashes of the films, but after that the show improves considerably and the latest arc is pretty great.
>waifufags ruin YET another video game on this board
Eternal sleep can't come any sooner
So who does she want? American Movie Bulma? Fuck no. Chi Chi? Sure, she's good for a human, but she has no energy attacks and can't fly, so she's useless. Pan? That's GT babe, and GT sucks. Califla or whatever her name is and her sister the femme-Broly? Total Ma-Rey Sue's, utterly worthless.
Nah, they're still more fighters than Chi Chi will ever be
launch and towa would be neato
that is mean you know!!! women are never included in video games!!!! there are always excluded out!!!! dumb males !!!!
The only fight Bulma has had in the entire series was the filler with the crab on Namek
go fuck yourself cuck
Defending pseudo new-age feminism where the truth no longer matters won't get you laid.
Women don't give a shit about fighting, never have. They don't give a shit about dragonball or video games either, in general. So why is it a surprise that a fighting game with dragonball character doesn't have female fighters?
>everything except The Zametsu arc is trash
Retards have you not seen the second universe tournament wtf are you doing with your life that you think Goku black arc holds a candle to the shit happening in the second universe tournament....
If multiples of the same character are really better in your eyes, then you just have an unreasonable hatred for a fictional character.
Those are all trash you fucking scrub. The latest arc is weak as fuck especially for the potential the idea of it had. A few hype episodes don't change that.
I am watching seasons 1 through 6 for the first time this very week (I watched 7 through 9 already) and the Bulma filler on Namek made me want to throw myself from a fucking cliff.
women need to be included as heros in more games!!!!!!!!
Dude you have the fucking Ginyu force against Beerus, this isn't about power levels, it's about interesting character designs. Like it or not you've got like five or six characters on the roster with gis who Kamehameha. Fucking CELL has a Kamehameha, when he could be using literally anything else from the people he absorbed
>inb4 "Then they'd just be using moves from this game"
What is Android 16?
Why would you worry if she's your gf when the whole point is to fuck and have fun? Just roll with it and say you got bored and wanted to check some new shit out to try or something that doesn't make you look like a backpedaling beta faggot afraid of sex and porn
Well I don't necessarily hate her because she doesn't have more than 0.1% screen time in the series and serve her purpose, but putting her in a power spammy flying fighting game just for diversity sure would make me wish she never existed.