>9/2 as fucking lee sin but can't win the game
How bad can you be?

you mad

nice name you faggot

i dont know you fuckin nigger you tell me

dont reply to me again

How are you so bad
>fuuck jews 1488
I see


mutts roleplaying as nazis

>no junglers

are you using a fucking calculator to play this game?

Are you literally retarded?
Oh wait, you're playing LoL, of course you are.

>playing a moba

> playing videogame

b-but anons, is it bad to play moba? I-I'm new

lol and dota are shit now, brah. Lol was never good actually.

What are you even doing?
>9-2, does not do shit for the team
>Does not understand pre-20 min surrender

Early surrender vote (15 to 20 minutes in-game) requires ALL players from the team to vote yes for it to pass.

I remember you, you're that retard who made that thread yesterday
no one gives a shit dude

Yes, play real man games like fighting games, RTS and arena FPS instead.

this and the pengu are the only good emotes, everything else is garbage

Play one for casually and for fun and don't try to be competitive.

Then mobas are safe. If you're a competitive person stay well clear of any moba.

>playing and talking about LoL outside veegee's quarantine board

Back to the trash with ye

*proves u wrong*


>Literal poltard who doesn't know what unanimous means complaining about "jewery"
The only thing missing is at least a passing mention of words like cuck and soy

the only thing you've proven is how shit your taste is


soyboys who whine for a reset once the going gets tough

Its almost like if ur team is shit you lose in LoL

Do people really leave emotes unmuted?

if you can't carry your team you belong in whatever shitty elo you're stuck in

stop playing jewish games

> only good emotes
*grab ur ass*
*uppercut your ass*
*EMP you*
*Waddle away*

but the lux one is pretty cute imo
i dont understand why some people keep getting work up because of LuL. I mean its just game, ofc you lose some you win some, why people have to be mad?

It might not be entirely your fault but you did nothing to help win
Zero towers and virtually zero assists means you didn't gank any lanes, so you could have won your lane, but you didn't apply any pressure anywhere on the map
I'm willing to bed the Zed ganked every lane multiple times and pushed towers

eh.. that's where ur wrong kiddo

>playing league of legends in twenty-fucking-eighteen

I wish this one was actually good. It's the fucking :thinking: emote and they fucked it up this hard.

>get banned from a game
>be autistic neet shitlord who has 0 disposable income so being banned from a f2p game is a disaster
>start new account
>be even more of a cunt than ever
>suck dicks
>be op

These two are ultimate bm guaranteed to tilt every time

Sup Forums is my blog man
hope you enjoy the hanzo webm also

ok I concede on that Ashe one

It is literally the best time to play League tho

how about no

how much you guys wanna bet that when he gets banned he comes here and spergs out about it?

Is it even possible to contain more cancer into one single OP?

Remeber that Dota isn't a moba though

If I ever return to LeL I'd buy this in a heartbeat, giving money to Tencent be damned.

i'd love a thinking emote but with Viktor instead

Viktor always get the short hand of the stick

Actually would have been amusing with his third hand. Instead we get that awful Blitz version.

Well you'll be pleased to know that a single emote cost 500 RP > and 500 RP in the store cost 5$.
And all it does, is appearing over your characters head while making a "swissh" sound to show it to other.

A fucking stylized simple image to make cost 5$ to make. They monetized something that have no value and can be made infinitely.

>lane meta is more forced than ever

Oh. Well, fuck that, I thought it'd cost 200 RP or some shit. Fucking slanted jews, man.

How so? They look innocent to me

We all know that Dota got better and more extensive kits than LoL

So tell me what is your dream LoL champions kits if he was in dota.

> Dota-fied Draven
> Ultimate cancer: Dota-fied Heimerdinger

>b-but you can get it with loot boxes which is free after you play for like 1000 hours

Icefraud already killed Techies so I need the second best thing.

They're the types of emote you use when someone fucks up a tower diver to you or you survive a fight on 1 hp

>real man
>playing videogames

Teemo look hilariously simple for a dota suggestion tho and Rammus too i think they clearly

>Edgy underage Sup Forums name

Kill yourself.

>all of these europoors triggered by his username

>Lee Sin
lol what a faggot

>surrendering in a video game
how fucking pleb do you have to be
that player is a hero

user, the picture you used is fake. Here's the real version. Np.

>he le 9/2 how he not win? hur dur

Because Lee Sin is a garbage champion and can't single handedly carry the game without his team helping.

Most dota kits are simple, they're just high-impact.

>cropped screenshot so you can't see low account level
>flaming people who haven't even played 20 matches
>epik pol username! LOL (((THEM)))

no joke, the world would be a better place if you just died.

DOTA-fied Cho'gath pls. He will actually look like his splash art.

Lina is literally Cho'gath in Dota

>Wave damage aoe
>Delayed circle stun
>Autoattack modifier
>Single target nuke

>Wave damage aoe
>Delayed circle stun
>Autoattack modifier
>Single target nuke

Except Cho has the first two in one ability, has a cone stun, has a constantly scaling nuke and gains health from his ult.

That and his modifier isn't just an attack speed upgrade and isn't a passive.

reported for harassment by not voting according to the team's wishes

>Except Cho has the first two in one ability
What? He has the cone scream and he has the circle knockup (stun).

>has a cone stun
No he doesn't, what the fuck are you talking about?

What about when the league of legends fighter comes out

Wave damage aoe + a stun. That's his Q. Sorry, meant silence, not stun for that second one.

Wait, I'm retarded, I know what you are saying now.

hell yeah

>Level 8

They're trying to turn me into a furry with this character, man.

im new???

Any rengar players creaming their pants over the Q revert in this thread?

Came here to post this.

Because spergitude.
People who try to take everything seriously will never be capable of understanding the difference between games and life, and blur it with their actions and rage even further until they're just constantly pissed off about being garbage.

your not impressing anyone you faggot smurf post screenshots of your silver account

You know smurfing because you can't get out of bronze doesn't mean you're good at the game right?

also >warlock


Imagine being this much of an obnoxious faggot

>Level 8
>invest this much emotion

i guess im so good at this game because i play a lot of darksouls

>playing lee
Fuck off

Oh he's just shitposting


Just picked up Fiddlesticks, any hints on how to play him?

It might actually though.
why do people push that "hurrdurr no such thing as elo hell" when it's been proven time and time again people can get significantly higher placing than their "main" account after making a new one? Sure if they're shit they're shit but the game locking them in with shit players despite improvements they may make isn't helping them at all.

>any hints on how to play him?

I have a LoL question
I main Sona and get Soraka in the rare games she gets banned.
What are some easy to play supports that don't rely on a skill shot (ie: Blitz arm grab)

He's pretty bad atm, but the most important part is vision control so you can get a good ult


how about you go fuck yourself you e girl piece of shit

Janna is braindead easy freelo
Why would you want to play such boring champs though

Just don't play Fiddle until Riot makes his drain increase armor passively and extends his ult range.