Webm thread?

Webm thread?



what gay shit is that?

imagine how warped your brain has to be to find this abomination erotic.

Who cares








POC are not evil like that white beast.

This webm made me really appreciate how far the fps genre has gotten and how great DOOM 2016 is.

She is trans



Isn't it ironic that people call them "people of color" when basically black is the lack of any color?

everyone who posts regularly on Sup Forums, doesn't find that shit arousing, yet has to plow trough your peoples disgusting fetish fuel every thread.

Is this bait? DOOM 2016 is three times slower and five times easier.

>everyone who posts regularly on Sup Forums, doesn't find that shit arousing
[citation needed]

are you talking shit about the original Quake? You better not be talking shit about Quake, because even today Quake 1 is still better than most FPS games.

What? Fuck off. Old Republic trailers were fucking boss and you know it.

So does that dude pretends to be a weak bitch or someone actually thinks little girl can do that to grown man?

Hey guys, Rare employee here with some footage of our new project. Viva Pinata 2.

>Implying anecdotal evidence and projection isn't scientific.


It's modded Watchdogs.




How many people are playing this game?

>Typical DMC shit where the enemy just stands still and does nothing to stop you from beating on him
Vidya would be in a much better place if DMC had never existed.


>everyone who posts regularly on Sup Forums, WHO doesn't find that shit arousing
there, I fixed it now



you speak as if DMC effected any action games.Literally no developer cares about their game being better than DMC. It's been close to two decades and still no game comes close to DMC's combat

Too bad most SW media doesn't show how genuinely fucking terrifying force users can actually be
This girl could probably pull some Akira-tier shit and literally crush them into meat cubes, or rip them apart without ever laying a hand them






>idle animation.webm//
u have more of this girl?


So she failed the test, right?



Stopped reading right there.
>hurr hurr i'm retarded
Don't bother replying retard.

looks like TERA animation


she gonna be evil

keep drinking that soy boy.


>It's been close to two decades and still no game comes close to DMC's combat
Maybe if you're a retard who thinks enemies that do nothing but sit there and get juggled is good combat design. Hell, even Ninja Gaiden 3 has better combat.

Jesus fuck that unsettles me

t.roastie who is jealous over a fictional 3D model of a giant tittie, big ass ''woman''


>liking trannies

Maybe if you stop posting other people's gameplay and post your own I'd take you serious. Btw I have NG3RE. Kill yourself.




Did CDPR hire that kid that made that terrible Falskaar mod?



I'll stop posting other people's clips when you learn how to spell.



Why are you hating Germans user?
Let them have fun with modding.

There's something about the lighting in Witcher 2 that I really like.

That giraffe must be getting paid the good stuff if she continues to just dance through all that.


I still don't get why it's ok to use people of color, when it's basically colored people.

What game?

>I can't post gameplay because I don't have any
>I know! I'll become a grammar nazi!

Kill yourself you fat boy. You seek the cupcake.

That's obviously a goat you dumb shit



I really wish Bungie had been smart and not gone independent, or at least not been retards when doing it. Fucking Jason Jewns ruining shit because he thought it was "campy"

Mass Effect Andromeda

black is the lack of any color



>black is the lack of any color
>being this stupid



>t. nigger


Damn, that gameplay clip looked fun.

What game? She's hot

Black is a color, brainlet.
look it up. Ill wait.

Kusarigama is the best, most fun weapon.
Prove me wrong.

ehh the thing most people don't understand is the enemies in quake are more like obstacles rather than an actual threat
>how great DOOM 2016 is.

Black is the absent of light, what does that mean faggot?

Endless Legend and Endless Space 2


Black is what you get when you mix every color

White is the absence of color

How can you be this fucking dumb