So this is how Monster Hunter dies. With thunderous applause

So this is how Monster Hunter dies. With thunderous applause.

>Capcom said Nergigante in the demo would be even harder than in the final release
>people already slaughtering it in 3-5 mins solo all over
>core gameplay casualized beyond belief
>OP as fuck mantles
>heal while running + dodge roll out of heal (keep whatever you healed up)
>vigor wasps all over the map heal you up as well
>can just run into other "zones" and lose monsters to heal up in peace or take a pause anyway, most often they don't follow you
>free heartbeat meter capture guru for everyone
>annoying as fuck gigantic scout flies in your face
>no more negative skills
>can grapple onto ledges, higher up areas and re-grapple onto the monster if you fail the mounting process
>focus on epic environmental traps everywhere
>tries to be the next dark souls aka "play this if you want your fellow gamers to think you are le hardcore" which is laughable given how easy it is

Fuck me sideways, MH had a good run but it ends here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Go play the old games if you're so angry about it. There's only like 10+ games that adhere to the old MH formula. MHW is a bit casual I agree, but it's still fun and a good way for normies to get into the series.

>>Capcom said Nergigante in the demo would be even harder than in the final release

Cite it

See I don't disagree, it sure IS a good way to get normies into it.

But here's the question: Why would you WANT those to get into it?
When has anything good ever come out of "we need to broaden our audience and make this game more accessible to casual gamers"?

Fuck Nergi's shit tail and rush attack hitboxes, i'm going gunner, if they can't balance this shit i don't have to bother trying.

>people already slaughtering "difficult" monster in 3-5 mins solo all over
So just like EVERY MonHun.

is there no legit way to turn off scoutflies?

shit clutters everything

>Your attacks bounce in some of his parts if you go melee, plus dealing with shit hitboxes.
>You don't have this problem if you go gunner and can kill him easily.


>he wants normies to dictate the direction of the series

You know that this means it will be even more casualized in future releases?

Why would they want normies? Because Capcom is dying a slow painful death and they need money that the normies provide to stay on life support.

Is there racing in this game? I keep hearing about people carting. Like in Mario Kart.

Go away.

Do monster's hp scale based on how many players are in the party, or is it the old way?

Of course not.

yeah, that's why people keep posting their times

Thats literally how the series has always been.

Really? We're back to this?

Wow, its almost like its not even G-Rank content or anything... Really makes you think.

Go away.

I thought you could in the options? that's what I've been hearing from people defending them for the last few months anyway.

It's the first time Capcom has released a game so disgustingly easy it might as well be a Kirby game.

Because autistic loser "hardcore gamers" like you tend to not have disposable income.


Go away.

Because I'm not a jaded special snowflake secret club hardcore ppl only don't touch my game faggot. I DO want more people to play MonHun. It's a franchise that absolutely needs it if it wants to make the jump to platforms that aren't handhelds.

And you know what? They honestly did a good job of appeasing both parties. It's better for casuals to get into, and most vets appreciate the QoL changes.

Let me break the bubble youre living in for ya. Not a single company gives a shit about you and a bunch of nerds

I think that has to be the worst statement ive heard. Hardcore fucks are the ones you want on your series they'll buy anything you shit out

Except this is by far the best game in the series. Amazing what good hardware and a decent controller can do to turn a clunky pile of shit into the great game it always had potential to become but had never before reached. Stay mad retard.

Go away.

>it's just A BETA!!!

What does the handheld -> home console thing have to do with the gameplay?
They could have put MHW on the PS4 and not casualized it. The fuck is your point?
Also QoL my ass, most of these things directly influence gameplay by making everything easier, that's not quality of life dude. Quality of life is seeing upgrade paths for your weapons without using a wiki.

I guess I asked too late in the thread so i'll asj again in the new one and hope a kind soul aids this shitter.

Glaive user here, I saw a vid of someone doing Nergi in 6 minutes and he wrecked him pretty bad, but when I try to mimic it my weapon keeps bouncing off him.

I use pounder, fill up the Glaive energy and send thr insect to town yet all frontal attacks bounce off even when I paralyze him.

Can any Mon Hun vet tell me what im doing wrong?

Monster Hunter was never good

go away

I don't get it, why are you complaining about difficulty if you're playing MH after Tri?

Sharpness and weapon durability has always been a dumb concept.
Capcom knows this but are too afraid of "hardcore" fags screaming to just completely remove it, so you still have to do some stupid three second maintenance animation every minute, but at least it seems like sharpness wears down at a slower rate and you don't need to constantly put more whetstones in your inventory anymore.

> waaaaaah my totally hardcore game for hardcore gamers is different and I don’t like it

Go away.

>Huurrrr durrr a game can't be good if it's casual

Same faggot, another day. Also he's too scared to go on a mic and have an actual argument because he's a beta pussy.

Don't bother.

At least games like 4U still had challenging content. Soloing 140 GQs was challenging and fun.
Hell even soloing max deviants was fun.

MHW is not fun because it has no challenge.

>tfw it's not going to be perfect but it's better than sticking playing with the claw on handhelds or revving up 3U with no one else around




>Hardcore fucks are the ones you want on your series their moms will buy anything you shit out


What is the endgame in World even like?

I've played this game since the first Monster Hunter, and I've never used the IG. I hope this helps.

I swear you MH tards are fighting hard to be the most autistic fanbase. You're at Sonic levels right now, do you really want to go for the gold?

Yes, good job, you understood the issue. People who have been fans of this specific franchise for ages are upset that they are catering to people who previously hated the franchise, making it much worse for everyone who has loved it all long.

How is this not legitimate?

Holy fuck seriously?!! Surely this means the ENTIRE MH community is in complete outrage! Not just Sup Forums but literally everyone!

can't wait for my fav streamer plays it and ill buy that tier 3 sub so i can play with him

t. plays on the Switch and loves Splatoon.

Go away.

>Let's keep our niche game niche while spending 4x as much on development
You're a fucking retard dude


You can make an easy Dark Souls game and it's still good. You can make an easy DMC game and still make it good. You can't make an easy MH game and have it be good, because the fundamentals of the game are terrible and the difficulty is all that was appealing about it.

>Capcom said Nergigante in the demo would be even harder than in the final release
I'm getting really tired of this bad meme.
They meant to imply the beta quest could be more challenging because you're stuck with LR gear and a 15 minute time limit. Of course he's been nerfed down in the beta to compensate for all these restrictions. Yet he still hits like a truck and most people are having a hard time managing sub 10 minute runs in both solo and multiplayer. Hell, I can't run the timer out with randos because everyone keeps carting.

>what is XX
Mate, XX was easy as shit but was still super fun. This will be too.

Wrong, don't like Splatoon.
But I do have every platform other than xbox one, yes.

Nergigante being harder in the beta was a translation mistake. They were talking about the hunt being difficult due to the reduced timer. The actual monster is still scaled down just like everything else in the beta

Needs to be edited to say
>it's just a BETA!
>it's just LR!
>it's only a HR game!
>they'll add G rank as DLC!
>don't leave me alone! With nips in the background

1. Grow up.
2. Money is money

And you know that because you played the full game? Why are you so fucking butthurt over this game?

Since when are demos indicative of the challenging content? This hasnt happened with a single MH demo.

Also, post times in your G rank hunts and your current World Neg time.

Go away.

World is already better than most other monster hunters for one reason: it's not on a handheld. And in a year or so when after all of its DLC drops it will become the best the series has ever seen.

Only autistic fanboys will deny this.

And what are you playing that's so incredibly hardcore? What's your Steam ID?

I think you still get 4 player Monster HP scaling if your party only has 2 or 3 hunters

HR, no G rank.

*ruins everything you loved*

Don’t like it, don’t play it.

There’s more than enough classic MH out there to enjoy.

I’m glad I get to finally play MH on a controller at a decent resolution?

Any Charge Blade under 5 min timer yet?

Speak for yourself. I've been around since the first fucking MH and I have very few issues with World. Certainly none warranting me not purchasing the full game. dude MH is dead lmao

Why should I give you my Steam? So you can spam it in autistic steam ERP friend threads? Fat chance.

This, Nintendo hardware is a mistake. It can't even run most of its own games properly.

The game is incredibly fun to play, has tons of improvements, looks beautiful and feels great to play. I'll be having a blast and I haven't gotten into the series in so long because the 3DS was a fucking awful platform.

Will the superior team save us again?


the crying nintenbabbies in these threads are great

Not quite

Go away.

Scared faggot. You need this anonymous board to even be heard, because your a whiny faggot and no one would listen to you otherwise. You still didn't answer my question nor provide proof you even played the beta.

Recprd is 3 minutes with hammer

"A game" can be good if it is casual, monster hunter got its charm from its difficulty.

And yet there are people in other threads who fought him for twelve hours and never got the kill. Monhun was never the hardest game ever, just challenging.

Go away.

What did he ruin? The game is in better form than its ever been with the biggest mass improvements the series has ever had.

People like you would rather have the series recycle itself eternally on flat plains and go the way of Frontier. Protip: Frontier still exists, go play that faggot.


THats a LR Magala with overpowered gear. This is a double HP G rank Nergi with starting gear. Big difference.

Well of course a casual game can be good.
But if you casualize a preexisting series too much, the reason why some people liked it in the first place vanishes and it might as well be a different game at that point.

>G rank
what did he mean by this?

Why can't Anti-World shitposters back up anything they say?
They always post other peoples times but refuse to post thier own. What is this?

Only reason the game is easier now is because for once the turning controls aren't on the same side as the movement controls.
I'm playing mhfu right now, and literally the only hard part about it is the fact that the controls are SO bad

then why did I like the last two gens?

Monster Hunter fans mad their series is getting widespread love lmao losers.

"game is too mainstream now...fuck this shit...soul sacrifice time...."

No one said MH is the hardest game of all time. But you can't deny that a lot of the fun of MH comes from it being challenging and you getting better and better to beat monsters faster and faster. Self-improvement and so on.

To that end, MHW simply lacks any real challenge. The gameplay has been modified (casualized if you will) to a degree that hurts the entire game.

Nice argument.

So basically this entire argument is you bitching you want the game to be harder, and having no intention on even playing it? Wow, you are possibly the biggest faggot on this board.

You do realize this is primarily a casual game right? It's always been that way. It's mainly for Japanese kids.

Go away.

Because without normies your precious game would die

kill yourself, you stupid faggot

>double HP
What is this stupid meme. Beta nerg is scaled down just like everything else