>Past the age of 18 a man who still plays video games is a bad thing.
Is he right?
Past the age of 18 a man who still plays video games is a bad thing
No, it's just a simple hobby like any other. If it's someone's only hobby when they're an adult though, that's a problem.
>liking sports is fine
>liking movies is fine
>liking television is fine
>video games? Grow up, you fucking manchild
Is there an explanation to why?
>If it's someone's only hobby when they're an adult though, that's a problem
It's more based on personal experience but what I've found is that people with these kinds of passive hobbies end up feeling unfulfilled and/or eventually stop enjoying them altogether. Active and creative hobbies are more satisfying because you'll be working on something you can be proud of long-term or improving yourself. It's not only really enjoyable, but it's good for your self-esteem among other things.
>Active and creative hobbies are more satisfying because you'll be working on something you can be proud of long-term or improving yourself.
Yeah, like making your own game which will live outlive you. Hell, even a pimped out full on weeaboo profile will outlive you. None of the real world shit you accomplish will outlive you, if you're not relying on your children.
Aren't you tired of spamming this shit.
First time I've posted it.
If a lot of my free time is spent researching random historical things that cross my mind, can I say I study history as a hobby?
>Is he right?
Yes, of course. Of course!
To be fair only movies and television is comparable, liking and playing sports is probably infinitely more positive than videogames.
god you sound like a shitty self-help book
Liking sports and playing sports are two different things. Being a lazy fat cunt who watches sports on TV is less active than video games desu.
The fat guy at the your bar still watches the game and talks about how the dude in the jersey threw the ball.
spectator sports are mentally degenerate and have no positive effects on a person
Yes I do that too sometimes it's fun
Alright guys I thought liking sports meant participating in them to a certain degree. Maybe it's cause my old man still plays sports himself but otherwise yeah. Watching and not playing sports is less engaging than videogames.
Playing sports is fun as hell. Physically challenging and healthy competition. Fucking watching the game all day and not getting off your ass is another thing.
No, he obviously isn't. Societies are shaped by perception, not facts. Traditional society still hasn't gone away and people still hold the perception that video games are pathetic, bad fro you, etc.
30 years from now video games will be accepted by everyone and some next new thing will be looked down on, until 30 years later it's also accepted.
Society is just a bunch of puppets tbqh.
I agree user, even though I've become more of a 'gym bro' than sports player this last year playing sports is still great.
The reality that most of the medium is targeted for manchildren does not make the medium inherently bad.
Go check games like Planescape Torment, Silent Hill, Kerbal Space Program, Europa Universalis IV, GARY GRIGSBY'S WAR IN THE EAST.
You're welcome.
No it's not the 90s anymore.
Past the age of 18 a man who still cares about how others spend their fucking free time in their own homes is a bad thing
But none of us here play video games OP
Side note: this is the greatest tracking shot of all time
MOvies and TV are not comparable. Do you actually think films like Gone with the Wind were for children? Games are immature and will always have a stigma of being for manchildren beta autists until a game comes around that shows the medium isn't for that audience. Last of Us was a good start to that.
None of what you listed is recognized outside of games. Literal who shit.
yes. and i hate myself for wasting so much time.
Outside of games is analogous to ouside of reading or outside of traveling.
You want to dive in art for yourself or to pretend and be a social chameleon?
>Second week we were together I saw where and how he was living and..... Kind of made me feel for the guy. You know I tell you guys and, and believe me. Past a certain age a man without a family who still plays video games can be a bad thing.
Have gamers been more BTFO than by this show?
This is correct.
I've started getting into playing music and practicing jiu jitsu about a year ago.
Both are far more satisfying than 90% of video games because they offer actual challenges and you get a feeling of true, long-term accomplishment as opposed to the transient satisfaction of beating a game.
That being said, I still think there are many games worth experiencing just for the word-building, stories and aesthetics. Making vidya your main hobby is very destructive in the long term.
Nope, Marty destroyed gamers.
You regularly to this day still see tropes invented from film, literature and TV used in games. You don't see any influence in games being used on TV or film because games are childish in both direction and storytelling.
>this thread again
Video games are not a fucking hobby. They're entertainment like TV and movies.
> game plots worse than tv plots.
Hear what you are saying?
>serious cinema
Isn't any activity done in your leisure time regularly considered a hobby?
is he talking about nintendo games? then definitely a yes
Look, games of old were good because gaming was a new medium and the intellectsia used it to communucate some ideas. Now game devs are some dumb randoms, so agree that the value of gaming has gone down.
I think he meant there's an obvious trail of improvement when it comes to many other hobbies. Vidya you can get better at but for the most part there's no end product to show. It's a lot easier to demonstrate how much better at woodworking you've gotten over 10 years than video games.
Past a certain age, mowing another man's lawn can be a bad thing.
Video games are no worse a way to spend the time than Netflix or shit like social media. The important thing is to not let video games rule your life. Take care of yourself, take care of your responsibilities, then play video games once that's all taken care of. Do NOT allow video games to put you life on hold.
>72% of people who play video games are over the age of 18
Wow, really makes you think.
i really love falling down a wikipedia rabbit hole for a an hour or so
What? I never implied that.
If anything, I think there are more games that convey profound ideas (or at least try to) today than ever before.
TV and movies are seen as sophisticated, even capeshit is seen as something that can change social narrative. Look at how liberals and niggers are hyping up Black Panther or how they tried to hype up Last Jedi as being more than just a movie. You can't do that with games because the audience is still primarily children and manchildren who refuse to grow up.
Yes you can legit say that is your hobby. The books come later.
Difference being TV and Movies were not invented to entertain children. Video games were.
>Tv and movies
> sophisticated
It literally doesn't matter anymore, video games have changed so much there are games for every type of person just like there are television and films for every type of person. Video games are no different from television now, TV may arguably be even worse now.
Doesn't matter. People still view it as something only children and immature adults with no life do. Why do you think TV continually portray gamers in such light and the stigma hasn't gone away?
Yes, that's why I shitpost on Sup Forums all day long instead.
Shitposting skillz maybe useful in the marketing sector, user. Thats legit af.
>Playing video games
Thats fine. THeres nothing wrong with it. Its a hobby like any other.
>What Sup Forums does
No. This is not ok for anyone.
the majority of video game players are adults over the age of 18. also who seriously gives a fuck what television does or says anymore, television has been fucking garbage for a decade and video games gross more money than televisions or films.
What does Sup Forums do that's so harmful?
I believe there are very few inherently bad hobbies or habits one can have, namely those that are harmful those oneself or other people, like smoking or taking hard drugs. Now, activities like videogames are harmless as long as do them with moderation.
On the other hand, when people say playing videogames is bad if you're 30 and childless it just means that it isn't social norm of a given time. Nowadays there are more and more people who doesn't get marry or have any children, which was also seen as a "bad thing" in the past, yet the norm changes gradually.
When will you ever learn? You have to be a legit retard to not be able to see that games are meant for children and are seen as such. Do you really think it's okay for adults to be "playing" shit like they are children?
What about board or card games?
That norm still is not changing. If you are 30 with no family or at least a wife you're seen as a deadbeat. You can only get away being single at old age if you're rich.
>still reposting Quentins ironic meme comics
>when Quentin himself plays video games anyway
this, can't wait until all these bigots cis shitlords will die
hobby is a social construct, just like gender and sex
No, but after 30 it is
>Societies are shaped by perception, not facts.
What did he mean by this?
>actually playing sports
>playing strategy games
Ones physical exercise, the other is math and logic. watching shit is a waste of time
Food is also a social construct.
Well in turn It's pretty childish to let some unwarranted social stigma to dictate what you enjoy doing.
This is literal fur fag mentality.
Just do whatever you enjoy. Life is too short to give a shit what other people think.
The only people who say that are people who are too old to have had video games when they were 18
Yes. As a neet I agree with his statement. Feels bad man
No, but if you are like me that is doing nothing but sitting on your ass playing games/Sup Forums, then it is indeed a bad thing
Does MMORPG roleplay where you build stories and characters that last for years count as gaming or a creative hobby?
Comparing the degeneracy of fur fags to playing a game.
There are exceptions to rules.
Is it ERP?
And it should remain like that. I don't give a fuck about satisfying retarded normie's egos and neither should any of you. The last thing we need is every video game trying to be cinematic bullshit.
I'm 32. He's wrong about age.
Anyone who just lives for any form of media or entertainment is 'bad'. Age doesn't factor into it.
I have an education, a job that I love, a gf that I love and never having kids by choice. I still enjoy vidya but that's for a rainy day when I've got nothing better to do. Rarely watch TV because I doesn't engage me as much.
video games were never mentioned in that scene retards
fuck off you liar
Having such low self esteem that you feel ashamed about simple hobbies is a bad thing
>Telling people what they can and can't do
Why are you even here if you're so obviously averse to adults playing video games? Or are you just an underage retard?
Unless you have the perfect gambit -- being gay. Suck it, breeders.
>discussing philosophy
Kek. The average person doesn't give a fuck about philosophy.
>Going to these extremes
You can't be this retarded.
>liking sports is fine
It’s fine because it’s physical exercise and social.
>liking movies is fine
An occasional trip or two to the movie theater can’t hurt.
>liking television is fine
If it’s raining or bad weather outside, sure
>video games? Grow up, you fucking manchild
What makes video games related to childern is because a full grown adult cannot work a full-time job, care for kids or his wife, be social with his friends and have enough time to play children’s games
>doesn't know what a hobby is
I'm not retarded but I'm also not delusional to think if I start playing games in public that people won't start to look at me with disgust. I've somewhat accepted the stigma. You should too.
The comic is a ironic joke and user's post is bait.
This is shitty bait. I'm surprised it's working.
Do you only play games in 2+ hour intervals?
I don’t play games at all
Pretty much the only games I can still play are 5th gen and before videos games, some PS1 and N64. I haven't beaten a recent game since RE6.
It's not ironic though. Stop trying to be a revisionist.
Its a a joke dumb shit.