Try to invade someone

>Try to invade someone
>Their electricity goes out
Every time.

It's impossible to enjoy DaS after playing through DaS3

DaS3 is so perfect it makes you notice how terrible DaS is in comparison


it's not as reliable everywhere as it is in the US, my man

quality bait

i don't think it's their electricity

Recently ran through DaS3 from start to finish and then started a run of DaS1. Recently as in today. From a gameplay standpoint he's right. DaS1 is just so fucking stiff and all of it is poise and backstabs. But literally every other aspect of DaS1 is better. Maybe the music in DaS3 is better, maybe.

Actually for a first world nation it's not that reliable, nor is the Internet.

The fashion souls is better since ds3 already has every worthwhile set from ds1 in it.

>every worthwhile set
>no Lord's Blade set

the music is a lot better, the only true. maybe ds 1's songs are Midi or Synths and 3 are true orchestras? idk

>Get invaded in DS3
>Pull out pic related
>Most of the time they black crystal out

>Tfw so many retards playing Fire Emblem conveniently turn the game off when they're getting invaded
What's the point in playing two games at the same time?

I'd argue the "stiffness" is what makes DaS1 superior to DaS3. Also the only Souls where backstabs haven't been the go-to cheese strat is DaS2 and for all the wrong reasons.

Only being able to roll in cardinal directions is shit. It limits how to react to things and counterattack. And I don't remember backstabs being that bad in DaS2. I remember parry fishing being that bad in DaS2.

I feel bad for op try to tell a joke in front of legit autistics. No wonder you fags always want to kill yourself.

>being afraid of a one trick pony

I feel this way about DS2 but not DS1.

After playing through Bloodborne, DS1, and DS3, 2 is basically unplayable. Something about that game feels so fucking janky and bad. Everything from movement to combat feels so terrible.

Boy I sure do love having like 20 frames of invincibility and rolling having no consequences to spamming it; I also really love how all the bosses just do anime twists and flips. But what I REALLY love about the game is that like half the fucking areas are swamps that restrict your movement, because those are my favorite parts of the games.

ok the amount of these threads are too simmilar too quick and out of the blue to be a regular user

now who could be behind this with their remake comming out soon I wonder?

>major announcement about game series
>people start playing and talking about the series


The attacks lack any wind-up phase where you can still change the direction which makes it feel janky and like you can't hit for shit.
In 1&3 for example you can hit in front of you and then immediately behind you since your character turns on the spot.
Meanwhile in 2 you'll first hit to the side a couple of times.

>Retard pulls out gundyrs halberd
>parry the charge they all make
Casual trash this pvp is

>implying I'm a sonyfriend that has to buy remasters to play old games

The only thing I hate about 1 is 4 direction roll.

It's a fuckin remaster of DS1. No shit there will be a load of people talking about it.

I started with 3 and Bloodborne. 1 is still my favourite in the series.

In DaS1 you could push the change weapon button mid action and it would change as soon as your action was complete, perfect.

In DaS3 pushing change weapon does nothing while performing an action, obnoxious.