Want to get into Kingdom Hearts before III is released

>Want to get into Kingdom Hearts before III is released
>Turns out there are like 10 spin-offs.
>Found out I need to actually play them to understand the story.

>They are all spread in like 8 different consoles including mobile.

Who thought this was a good idea?

Other urls found in this thread:


you're in luck, op

>Get laughed out of /biz/ when you try to force your shitty drawing
>Come to Sup Forums instead
You're pathetic

You have a PS4, you can play or read everything that's important.

You can watch the mobile game's cutscenes on youtube, it's not that good.

Also, 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue.

Kingdom Hearts is fucking trash anyways, don't even bother

It's actually really simple:
>everyone is Xehanort
>everyone else is Sora
There, I saved you a bunch of side games. That said KH1 is a masterpiece that you really should play.

I fucking love Nomura naming, it has to be intentional.


There you go, everything you need to know until KH3.

it honestly looks like a shitposting Wojack drawn in MLP style

The story is fucking shit so you're not missing much if you only play 1 and 2.

wow that is fucking ugly, you trying to get hired to make art for mobile games or something?

Take that garbage wojak back to Tumblr. We shit on you for it on /biz/ and we'll shit on it for you here. You'll never make it as an artist with this generic trash.

Imagine being so autistic you give a shit about the story in a Mickey videogame.

You could probably post it to derpibooru so barneyfag will sperg out any time he tries posting it again

>who thought it was a good idea to games onto platforms where their design makes sense and appeals to said platform's audience???

kingdom hearts fags are THIS retarded

You should also get a DS or a 3DS since 358/2 Days and Re:coded are only playable on the DS, the PS3 and PS4 versions literally turn them into 3-hour movies.

Probably the shittiest wojack ive seen yet

>any wojack
>not absolute shit

their gameplay isn't the greatest.

At least 3's gameplay looks tight

this is bad, even by wojack standards

>Caring about the story of a videogame is bad.


what a shitty image

No story should take this many years and this many games to tell.

Theyre shit games when you're trying to marathon the series though

>likes RPGs
>Doesn't have a PSP and DS

lmao if you think you'll understand the story even after playing every game

Somebody link me to the /biz/ thread pls.

I like this image

The film versions of 358/2 Days and Re:coded do have new cutscenes which weren't in the game versions on DS. So you probably should also watch the film version.

Kingdom Hearts χ (the mobile game) also had a movie version called Back Cover which was included in 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and is about one hour long, so it's still pretty much a full-length feature film but it's much shorter than the film versions of 358/2 Days and Re:coded.

2.8 Final Chapter Prologue also includes Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage, which is a short game featuring Aqua, it takes place after Birth by Sleep and ties into Kingdom Hearts 3.

>No story should take this many years and this many games to tell.
Kingdom Hearts is a shounen manga in playable form.

>Found out I need to actually play them to understand the story.
Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube or read a wiki.

Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Kingdom Hearts 2.5
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Kingdom Hearts 0.2
Kingdom Hearts 3
Add those numbers up

Thread theme

>Organization XIII
Bravo, Nomura.


Man that's a disgusting image. Please never post it again.

Don't bother. Honest-to-god, don't bother. The writing is gutter fan fiction tier. Investing in it doesn't pay off. Just go in for the action, if you must, and laugh at the cutscenes if you like.

You're probably the faggot spamming his OC on every board.
Fuck off cunt

the fug kind of image is that, a cartoon wojack? kill yourself

Never played Kingdom hearts, seemed like a console game

>Why do I have to play video games? I hate video games
and you can get all games in one so your other point is worthless.

I'm going to save it and make sure OP's image is always somewhere in Sup Forums at all times just to piss you all off.

That's impressive

Sora's games:
Chain of Memories
Re:Coded (Turned into a movie)
Dream Drop Distance

Other games:
358/2 Days (Turned into a movie)
Birth By Sleep

By shounen, you mean the big 3? Almost no shounen needs this much time to finish their story.

the nujak has unironically taken over /biz/ today and already has several variations. going forward it is the default and oldjak is dead. op did it the absolute madman

who would do such a thing?

since it's wojack, Sup Forums

B A S E D nujak

Stop posting this gay redditremake of an existing meme

You posted two of them on Sup Forums,they look like shit