ITT: we bitch about MHW

Post complaints, nitpicks and things that bother you.

For me, the maps are too steep (at least the forest), cluttered and filled with corridors. Fighting a monster in a slope feels awful.
Navigating through the map is a chore.
Shooting knives and such with the triggers is dumb as hell.
There's not enough visual feedback when hitting an enemy nor when receiving a hit. I need blood or some kind of slash effect not just a little of thin smoke and rubble.
Mantles seem to be a little too OP, but I'm fine with them as long as they don't render obsolete any armor skill.
Most new monsters look like poor man versions of older monsters.

>animations are stiff as fuck
>always mounting when i don't want to
>map is worse than guild wars 2 heart of thorns
>bow gameplay
>camera is ass
>can't set the controls to be exactly like the older games
>r1 is draw attack instead of sprint
>monsters poorly telegraph their attacks
>palicos are still in the game

>maps aren't flat
>no gunner armor

>palicos are still in the game
Why is this a bad thing? Also I assume they're optional as always.
Anyway, I just realized something
>Palicos have a huge collider when riding a small monster that can push you away and fuck up your combo.

>cartoony elements like poison bubbles and KO dizzy stars were replaced with more "realistic" alternatives
>hit sounds lack the same impact as previous games in the series

>Music is low key cinematic trash
>Investigating monsters is a new sugar coated shroom farming.
>Status ailments and Monster projectiles, roars, etc are not well highlighted and don't stand out very much. They sould be more clear and simple. It's difficult to tell sometimes what they're doing.

>follow the green dots like a good goy

Theres blood in full game.

but yeah i agree with most of the thread
Still a day 1 buy for me and most of the complainers, i pre ordered 3 copys and a monster hunter ps4 no rgrets

>releases several months later on pc

I just don't like how the potions work now. People can trash talk the flexing animation all they want but even if they just changed the animation, finding an opening to be able to heal was an important part of the game. I know it is to balance the fact that there are no loading screens but they could have made the animation slightly shorter or something.
It's strange how many times you can heal when you fight something like Diablos. As long as you sprint while drinking the potion you can dodge pretty much any charge attack which you couldn't before.

Everything else is fine. I just wish there was a little more distance between the character and the camera. Also the new monster designs are less colorful and the music is slightly less memorable. Still day 1 buy and still pretty hyped.

What do you need 3 copies for?

Things that bothered me the most were the cluttered map where it feels like you're fucking tripping over something or climbing a ledge every five feet and the lack of impact on attacks coupled with the awful sound effects. I mean christ the fucking charge blade attack looks and sounds so pathetic now.


I would unironically take paintballs over scout flies any day

It's still the same grindy MH shit with tediously repetitive whacking at a monster's legs, only with prettier graphics. Everyone except the MonHun hardcore fans will drop it in a month before even getting to High Rank.

Nergi/Rath/Blos rotation, 2 slots left


>all the nintendikds itt

stay salty switch fuckers


>anyone who criticizes the game is a nintendo fanboy
Christ, you people are insufferable

>Spend 4 hours trying to solo Narg making him limp but always run out of time
>go online and spend another 2 hours with random groups who can't find their mouth from their asshole
>Give up and ask for a Sup Forums group
>Three professionals who have been hunting since birth. Dodgin masterfully, doing party buffs, healing others, dealing massive damage.
>Defeat it in 7 minutes
Why the fuck didn't I just go to the professionals?

good, too many mouthbreathers just wailing on a monster when it's put to sleep

>tail cuts and part breaks no longer have that delicious crunchy sound
We can only hope the PC version will be easily moddable. I'd love to see a classic soundpack

Way too many tools to your advantage while the Monsters just don't stand a chance.
Unless meme time limits are going to be the new thing in High rank it's going to be a snooze fest.

>Shooting knives and such with the triggers is dumb as hell.
Change the fucking option you dolt.

stop being autistic and just have fun

lol taking a month to get to high rank.

I've done it twice with randoms. I never played the game before so it is hard to know if I'm contributing or not.

Gunlance makes numbers pop out so maybe it is something. Is the part breaking from damage or damage type as I never seem to cut his tail but the end reports say I've always broken multiple parts.

You can change the camera distance with the options

I have a ps4, but this still bugs me.
I have two different groups I wanted to play this with, but I'm gonna have to wait for the PC group and redo all the beginning content again.
Also I forgot, is there even going to be cross platforming? If not I might have to even buy the fucking game twice.

Verticality basically makes half of the old monsters shit.

Mounting and all the new tools makes the new monsters shit.

Only thing making fights last longer than 5 mins is the Monster running away.

None of the new Monsters felt like unique interesting fights.

no there isn't, you will have to double dip.

Just don't take PS4 that serious

I'm 95% sure it won't be cross platform.

It feels like the Western Version of Frontier.

half my friends are ps4 other half are pc however the half that is pc won't play it as much as I would like.

>hey, what if we made mounting more casualized
Boom. Fuck you Capcom.

>Fighting a monster in a slope feels awful.
Now imagine your favorite weapon isn't all about vertical hits that are impossible to not make count and it actually require precision like Hammer, Hunting Horn or Gun Lance.

Capcom keeps making Monster Hunter more and more terrible for people who actually had fun using their brains while playing those games. I can't believe Ryozo's favorite weapon is hammer, especially when his favorite monster is the abomination that is Stygian.

The game is only about 17 hours long.
The game is made for handhelds but isnt on one. wtf!?
The framerate of the Nintendo ones was way better (60fps)
Only 12 monsters in the game. the 3ds ones had about 60!

>20 FPS
What the fuck. I though I was playing on a Sony console, not a fucking handheld.

>>hit sounds lack the same impact as previous games in the series

The sfx for attacks sound terrible. What the fuck were they thinking?!

>PC version will have a mod that actually lets you fight every single monster on flat terrain, the way a complex PvE fighting game is supposed to be played
>also increase monster health and damage output

Can't wait.

Not even that man.

Slight slopes like that basically destroy half of the monsters.

Barroth was a joke in the Beta because the terrain literally broke every mechanic he used. And all he uses is charges.

Maybe there will be cross platform between Xbox and PC, but don't count on the PS4 to be included.

I've been playing since 3
It's got decent mechanics
It looks really fucking good
It is the only edition with actual hardware behind it
It isn't shackled to garbage no one wants
It's got the best online ever
At this point, you never need to play any previous iterations
Explore shit
Fish whenever
just hang out and relax in explorer mode

Now, for "Negatives"
If they keep monsters the same difficulty and aggression, it's way easier. If things work like the demo Nergigante hunt, it's just as hard.
Maybe it's just me, but I keep accidently using items. Probably somehting I have to get used to
The monster pool is middling. I don't have high hopes, but DLC is a thing.

Gotta make it more presentable for westerners

Filmic framerate #4theplayers

C'mon user, don't lie on the internet.

>It isn't shackled to garbage no one wants
Are you implying no one wanted the PS2, PSP, and 3DS you fucking absolute faggot?

Get your friends to buy their own day one copies.
That is what i did.

>looks like a game from 2012
>runs like a game from 2018 played on hardware from 2012
I don't care about muh 144hz but holy shit, how is consistent and decent FPS still not the industry standard?


Too bad /mhg/ is completely infested with braindead shills and fanboys now. Can't even say one negative thing without 20 people insulting you.

Only real problem I have is that the game looks like a bit of a clusterfuck visually.

Sorry, but half of those "Good" points are clearly false.

I rather enjoyed MonHun being portable because the entire build of the game allowed sporadic bursts of content. It's why I bought a PsP, JUST for Monster Hunter.

Hardware is pointless if all it's used for is shiny graphics.

The Mechanics in this game are objectively worse, and all they did is make things easier or smash numbers up high.

See: Switch Axe literally still being "Sword Sword" because using the Axe part is fucking pointless.

Also Nergigante is a fucking pushover.

everything that comes with a broad western audience. The poor skill at the game, the inability to pick up on mechanics and improve, the THIS IS THE DARK SOULS OF ______ memes. All of it.

>it’s Monster Hunter

Yeah I figured, just wasn't sure if the announced anything specific.
The thing about that is my ps4 friends are the ones who I played previous games with and the PC players are gonna be the new comers...
I might end up having the same problem depending on how much they actually enjoy the game. Not to mention if some random meme garbage game appears or one of the old ones has a huge update, there are at least two of the PC players I know that could end up derailing the group a lot.

It's like they decided to discard most of the little things that made the franchise special while keeping the bigger ones. The sfx for attacks is one thing but why the fuck would they remove the sound when grabbing an item? It's such a staple and makes loyal players feel right at home.
This is pretty damn stupid. As soon as they have better hardware they decide to focus so much on graphics that the performance ends up being complete shit. At least they could have given us a 30fps cap option, seeing the framerate fluctuate so much between 40-50fps to 20fps is pretty damn distracting.


Later in the fall. Will probably be the ultimate edition or something.

accidently using items might be due to the gay ass item wheel (L1 + Right analog stick)
I've read you can turn it off but it seems it would be better for quickly accessing items. just got to get used to not trying to move the camera when switch items.

Because it's Western Frontier.

The more I think about it the more it's true. It's subtle, but the gameplay changes and direction is more like how Frontier differs from mainstay MonHun.

It's even getting a PC release.

well thanks for beta testing it I guess...

>GL loses that satisfying click when Wyvern Fire's cooldown expires, now you don't hear anything at all which is really fucking gay and stupid
>CB still exists
>HH still does shit damage because "muh support weapon", although it has been improved a bunch
>CB still exists
>None of my favorites other than Diablos have come back so far
>Delayed PC release can fuck right off
>CB can fuck off too
Sad that I'm gonna have to start avoiding MH threads soon for 10 fucking months so I don't spoil myself on any of the cool fights.

>it's Western Frontier
Well if we're going that low then they should at least add the tonfa weapon in.

Ironically, World has even more weird Weeb shit.

Insect Glaive and Dual Blades can almost as get enough air time as the Tonfa.

Meanwhile, S.Axe is still "Fast greatsword"

What's performance on Xbone like? Not the X, mind you.

>Reading notes on weapon changes
>Switch Axe now has windmill on one button.
>That's it.

Oh boy, the one move people used between Sword charges is now even easier to set up and move out of.

We can only wonder how abysmal it will be as there is no beta for it.
This game will tank hard on the xbox due to low advertising, no japanese players and lack of cross platform with ps4.

I only played 3rd, why do people have problem with CB?

Jack of all trades, master of all. They'd nerfed it in Generations, but now it's back to being full on broken in this

What's wrong with Switch having classic MonHun and everything else having accessible MonHun?
Or both can't exist?

It's basically every weapon.

It can guard block as good as a Lance.

It has fast easy attacks with Sword like Sword.

It has long reach and tailcutting like the S.Axe.

It can Stun BETTER than the Hammer.

It does massive burst damage like the Greatsword.

I hope Switch gets Portable. I prefer the Portable games.

I'm only getting it because my friend has always wanted to play Monster Hunter with me, and he's been attached to the series since childhood. Plus it's basically the only Japanese game franchise he's into.

I've never been a fan of the series any time I tried it, I like the weapon variety but fighting the monsters themselves has always been a clunky experience and I've noticed no change in HD. They did all these casualizations for guys like me at the expense of long time fans and yet I'm still not into it. At the very least it feels better on a controller than it did on 3DS.

Have fun with your sword mode machine for another game :^)
Seriously though it sucks that there's some glaring fucking issues with certain weapons that they just refuse to go over. I'm not sure if they're so detached and unaware of the effective playstyle of the weapons in general and for endgame content or if they just don't care to change them for some stupid reason.

It's a weapon that's stupidly easy to use and can literally do everything that other weapons can do better than them. It's just such a conceptually bad weapon when you look at the game series as a whole,for what fucking reason did it need to be added? It serves no purpose that any other weapon doesn't and doesn't bring anything new to the table at all. All it does is steal the roles of a bunch of the others by being better at their jobs than them. Worst part is you have fuckheads and redditors thinking that just because it has a slight learning curve it takes intelligence to use when it's so brokenly overpowered.

What’s wrong with bow gameplay?

The only thing I don't like about the game at the moment is that the fights are clearly scripted, instead of being "open" like Capcom wants you to believe. Every monster runs to the same spots at certain damage intervals, triggering the same events (other monsters showing up to attack them, cats trapping them, etc). Take Nergigante for example - He starts off in the swamp, then runs to the cliff area, then runs to the desert, then finally runs into his little cave. It's like clockwork and defeats the whole "Open World" idea.

Then it'd still look worse than the PSP games. I doubt that was the creator's vision.

How hard is it to simply make Axe more build up Sword modes charge and Sword mode removes it equally?

>Hurrduur switch look worse dan PSPEEE

Man I wish NeoGAF posters stayed on fucking NeoGAF.

I think Ner is the only one who does that, right? Besides monsters going to their nests when damaged, none had clear Zone/damage changes like him

It's not that jarring coming from the older games though since that's exactly what they used to do there. At least now they can potentially spawn at more than one area (Jagras and Nergigante don't seem to, but I definitely had Anjanath spawn at 2 different areas before at least, not sure about Barroth) so that mixes things up a bit.

You're right. If it looked like that it would be a stable 60fps on the Switch and that is clearly not the cinematic 20fps the developer wants.

>Vertical precision
Gunlance aerial is a huge ass hitbox are you retarded

The game is optimized for the Pro, not the N64.

The t-rex from the other map certainly doesn't feel as scripted. Nergigas has few options but mostly it sticks to the pattern. It might be that the parties just have such a similar (low) damage input that it falls back to the timed pattern.

Fixing the terrain might be asking too much, but sfx replacement and monster health/damage tweaks are feasible so long as the game doesn't flag anyone who alters the original files as a cheater

Beat nergiganticfaggot.

Surprise surprise, it was easy, just like everything else.

Music sucks.
Nergigante sucks. Has fucked up hitboxes/buggy animations

Literal healthpacks everywhere.

Game isnt optimized at all, runs at sub 30 fps.

Because of this, the camera is also shoved up your ass so they dont have to render as much on screen.

Simplified weapon movesets

Even tiny slopes will fuck you over by locking you into an attack you didnt want to do.

Pathetic monster and even sadder armor amount.

Not as big as a vertical GS, SA, CB or LS slice. And GS is way clunkier.

This is false, I got Nergi escaping through different routes with other people.
Monsters always goes to their "nest" to recover however, that's logical.

I have a pro and it constantly fluctuates between 30s and 60 on the pro. Just because it is a higher number doesnt mean it isnt also distracting as hell. I'd prefer a 30 cap to that mess. Most people will play this on the base ps4 so its pretty stupid to have a game which probably only runs decently only on the xbox one x.

Rath/Anja/Jagras done in one run

Good fucking job my dudes

t. HH

>It's got decent mechanics
The only mechanics it has that others don't is bug tracking.
>It looks really fucking good
That's true but also doesn't matter
>It is the only edition with actual hardware behind it
This doesn't mean anything
>It isn't shackled to garbage no one wants
Your pro list is getting leaner
>It's got the best online ever
Literally the same as 4U, but yes it is good.
>At this point, you never need to play any previous iterations
You never needed to so that's cool.
>Explore shit
Like always
>Fish whenever
Like always
>just hang out and relax in explorer mode
I guess this counts.

I like World but your list is godawful and detracts from your opinion.

Welcome to crapcom.

>Hurr lets completely shit on our decade old respectable franchise for this western fanbase that doesnt fucking exist.

Pretty hilarious that pieces of cardboard are outselling mhw

>Not as big as the shorter hitbox from GS
Okay you've never used either weapon aerial you can fuck right off

>I have a pro
>but please give us a Switch version!!!

Make sure the rope is on tight before you kick the chair

Unless you fight them in their nest, like Mud Catfish, and they literally leave so that they can come right back. It's pretty fucking stupid.

>Complaining about slopes with hammer

Hammerbro here, how about you get fucking good?

I killed the mud snake in the mudfield and he never left the area.

I never said I wanted a switch version but its true that I'd prefer a switch version with old graphics (like MH3U on the Wii U) and 60 fps instead of this shit performance. Anyone sane would. They could add all these new mechanics without focusing so much on the graphics.

>Take the low ground and you have a disadvantage
>Take the high ground and the monster is easier to hit

It's that simple. If anything this adds complexity. Also hammer is plenty powerful