Should I get this game for the Switch?
I've heard it's very RNG heavy. Is it actually manageable or are you really just at the mercy of the game at all times?
Darkest Dungeon
Other urls found in this thread:
pc is better
The game is basically dealing with bad RNG and being prepared for worst-case scenarios. It's somewhat of a grind though if you're just starting out.
Remember that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
One of my favorite games. They have a mode that tones the grind down a lot.
Asking if you should buy Darkest dungeon on anything other than pc is like asking if you should buy any given bethesda open world game on anything other than pc.
It doesn't matter whether you think it's garbage or a masterpiece, if you purchase or play it on anything but pc you're a fuckin retard
I just don't know how much I'd want to play this game if I'm sitting at my computer with access to all my other games. Lounging on my couch with my Switch feels like the only way I'd play it.
It's a game where you can do everything right, but still fail.
It's bad.
Like this user saidIt's making the best of a bad situation: The Game. It can be very frustrating but it's a great game, especially if you like a challenge. I normally hate turn-based combat and I loved DD.
If you're willing to take that over a fairly active modding scene then be my guest but seems like a poor choice to me.
>implying dreads ponytail and nog features fit a white person
>Still have to download the musketeer manually
> Implying white features fit a nog.
The modding scene is VERY active for this game, if you end up replaying this game you'll be missing out. If the whole portability aspect really is that important for you, then yeah the Switch port is fine.
>get to viscount
>everyone becomes irrational/paranoid except courageous hellion
>pajeet fucking kills the houndmaster on death's door by stabbing him
>kill the viscount literally one turn later after a 40 damage crit by hellion
I'm so fucking mad.
Very wrong. There are things out of your control, such as hunger and enemies getting crits, but an experienced player can still make do with what he's dealt. Most of the time
We just had this thread, holy shit. Pirate it on PC. If you like, buy it on Switch. Fuckin simple.
> buying games from SJW devs.
OP is literally asking about buying this game. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
>giving a shit about the opinions of others when you're trying to decide on how good a game is
Are you just stupid or do you get off on being told that you are stupid?
Why didn't I think of that
Hit chance is capped at 90% so no matter how good you are, there's a chance you miss literally all the time, you can't make a plan B for that. It's not fair to the player
it never fucking happens though
Nobody should support erasure of culture.
>When your culture is so shit a black person in a video game is a threat to it
You've never seen how much niggers freak out over white rappers, have you?
And you act like this matters despite the fact that the only thing that matters is the video game?
Seems the developers do too.
Yes, the only thing that matters is the video game.
If that's the case, why did they waste so much time on shitting on Lovecraft's work and adding niggers and women?
Would you let your kids watch Dora The Explorer if you found out that the director and animators are all pedophiles?
how do they shit on Lovecraft's work? Other than by ripping it off wholesale
I see. This is the type of content you like, yes?
I wouldn't let my kids watch a Dora The Explorer because it has non-whites in it.
Playing it in bed on a portable is excellent. I really can't do that with my PC.
B-but muh progressivism!
>Modding Darkest Dungeon
The only acceptable mods are removing Abomination religious restriction and speed up mod. Anything else is trash.
Lovecraft was a coward for being so scared of "non-whites" (which would include the Irish, who are among the whitest skinned people I have ever met). To be so scared of shit like that is just pathetic. He had a nice writing style and great vocabulary, though so his works are nice enough to read.
kills you really fast actually shit advice
>let leper go drinking
>he comes back two weeks later with double vision
Kys niggerfaggot pussy bitch cunt.
I can sort of understand with the Arbalest, but why do people care about the nationalities of Critbleed man and Shieldbreaker?
If we go by the Crusader being there, Whites and Middle Easterners were the two major races at the time and constantly fighting.
It would make sense that they would both show up to kill cthulu monsters.
And there's always a 10% chance to dodge or not get hit (miss) by an attack, even if you have 0 Dodge. It barely happens, and even then, it is not that big of a deal if you have a decent party
I like adding extra color palettes.
the best part is people getting upset that occultist is an Arab when he's literally based on the "Mad Arab" that wrote the Necronomicon
The people you're talking about are Sup Forumsmemeing and Sup Forums memes.
Anyone who's picked up anything lovecraft knows that there needs to be a handful of Afrikans and Arabs.
Sup Forums probably wants to talk about it. There's a Darkest Dungeon thread happening here, so fuck off or talk about playing the game
I always go vanilla.
One of the Occultist's names is Alhazred (as in Abdul Alhazred, the Mad Arab)
Yeah, isn't the default Occ name Alhazred?
nice false equivalence, ya tard
I just ran two PD, an Occultist, and a Hellion on the cove though a medium length apprentice. The two PD could just stun the back rows, and blight everything, along with buffing the hellion. I had the Occulist eldritch killing machine trinket so he could actually do some real reliable damage, on top on a bunch of critical hits, and then put some barristan's head trinket for some more protection since he was second row. Then the hellion would just ywap the front row, or take out the bigger enemies.
Tell me, is this party viable later on? Probably not enough HP overall for later levels?
I haven't played in awhile, but monsters in the cove are vulnerable to blight right? If so then that's a good team, otherwise you'd want to switch the PDs out
Good for you. I don't care whether you go vanilla or not. I only care whether there's some assmad queer trying to kill bethesdas competition.
Also good job being too pussy for The Hell and/or the mountain.
They aren't resistant to it, like the Swine are.
Lovecraft hated niggers.
moar pls
I want PD to bully me like that.
Lovecraft hated pretty much anyone who wasn't a WASP, and would get chewed out for it by his wife fairly regularly.
that's what I meant. I can never remember what DoTs are good in which area unless I'm actively playing the game
Well, I'm gay, so, yeah.
Non-whites are the biggest threat gay people face these days. It's only by white's acceptance that gays have basically any rights.
and free
Just think of what lives there: Filthy swine and poisoned fauna resist disease (weald and warrens), while hard bones and smooth scale resist bleed (ruins and cove).
Oh yeah thats the whole crux of the composition, pretty much everything in the cove in either weak against blight or stun (atleast in apprentice level, still have 4 bosses to beat before I go to veteran). There are a lot of hard hitters there, too, so being able to stun them so they can't tear up my weak PDs was a big part of it. It worked almost too well, and that's why I was curious if it is viable later on. I guess it is kinda vulnerable to being shuffled, but the Hellion can atleast correct herself at the cost of a debuff + medecinal herb while the other three are kinda fine from ranks 2 to 3.
quit being such a faggot
It doesn’t even matter because they are mercenaries.
I don’t even remember people on Sup Forums getting annoyed with all the non-white characters until recently. I remember the biggest critique was that it was RNG bullshit.
I don’t like social justice in my games, but I don’t see the game as social justice. Social justice games force progressive ideology down people’s throats like Dragon Age: Inquisition or that Bladiars that expansion.
Well in both cases your consuming a product made by people who have ideas you disagree with
I always think Cove monsters could be resistant to blight because of fish always having parasites and diseases and shit
But that would mean that fish would be more effected, not less. Pigs and fungus live in rot and filth without getting ill, while fish are vulnerable.
Swap a PD for a BH and you got yourself the tip of the spear. A solid team that will get you through most of the game.
I think if you've beaten the game a few times it should be fine to download some mods to change up another fucking run.
Lovecraft hated a lot more than niggers, Innsmoth wasn't full of darkies.
His works are primarily about what follows from a uncaring universe and about the trappings of 'normal' human centered perception.
Finish him synergy with all the stunning? I like where that is going. I'll give a it a test on the next cove run.
Lovecraft hated everyone that wasn't a WASP from Boston
I use no religious restriction Abom.
With overloaded shit like Flag and SB being added to the game and the 1 time transform restriction I don’t see the point.
Stressing out the team is a reasonable cost for the versatility, you don’t need to gimp him from the most reliable healer or one of the few stress healers.
I don't fucking care you stupid faggot.
>Well, i'm gay, so, yeah
God the way you type fucking infuriates me you massive piece of shit. Go suck an 18 inch cock and keep your fucking identity politics out of my video games.
Cultist can be a big guy for me.
go to bed Saegen
You sound mad.
But, they started with the identity politics, you can't bitch if other people want to play ball.
You won’t regret it. I beat most of the games content with that team
It doesn't, luckily we have the musketeer.
>having fun getting my characters stronger and getting rich from my bank
>my characters can't fight the bosses because they're too high level from getting trinkets and shit
>install dlc characters and level them up plus some other classes I hadn't tried yet
>they get too high level too after only killing 2 bosses
>have to make duplicate characters just to kill the other bosses to unlock harder bosses so I can finally use my original characters
>complain about it on Sup Forums
>everyone says it's fine and that I'm being too careful even though the game literally won't let you use characters that are too strong
Someone should make a mod where you can de-level your guys and get small rewards for it. I know there's a mod that removes the level restriction but that is bs since you can go do low level shit with decked out characters, just levelling up gives the hp and resistances.
I think this one of those fun low level teams that's too vulnerable for later dungeons. Shuffling really messes you up and the Occultist is in a pretty dangerous spot. Might also not be able to kill thralls quickly enough. Otherwise it's really good at bypassing all that prot and the crab bleeds don't mean shit if you have two PDs.
>play champion dungeon
>your heroes die
>now you can recruit lower level heroes again
Alternatively you can dismiss your heroes if you really need to visit apprentice dungeons.
I've been trying to find an actual pirate of this and so far nothing.
I'm not one to pirate when it comes to games I think are good but if you're just refusing to sell the content then I don't feel bad about not paying for it.
So, when are we going to get a four Skiver group?
Pick your poison:
>independent musketeer
>musketeer (latest)
>steam workshop musketeer
>clean steam dump of musketeer
Wait a second, is 10 dodge the same as 0 dodge then? or does having 10 dodge mean you have 20% chance, besides enemy hit modifiers
I beat all the apprentice bosses by using ym free roster space to throw level 1s at them and firing them as soon as they hit level 3. I started on the veteran ones with my original characters, but half of them including my vestal and occultist hit level 5 after only 3 bosses. it's too much effort to grind a bunch more characters to level 3 and it's too stupid to suicide my level 5s just so I can replace them with duplicates that have the exact same skills and even same sprites.
Thanks mate. I'll check em out
>removing abom restrictions
casual faggot
Furry enabler.
Removing restrictions on the abomination makes you the furry enabler, son. You're more likely to play him if you're willing to mod him to be easier to use.
Quick Question, have you tested any of these with the current build?
I was just going to check on the different version tags for each file and install the latest one and get rid of the rest but if you can save me the trouble that would be really appreciated
Yes, it is the same as 0 Dodge, that's why, if you have tanky heroes with low Dodge you should probably get some trinkets that add something and lower their dodge chance.
Also, no, 10 Dodge is 10% chance, not added up from the base chance to dogde/getting missed by an attack. Even if your MAA, Jester and a Focused hero gives you shit ton of ACC buffs, your hit chance will be capped at 90%
It's a pretty bizarre and annoying restriction, considering the Crusader is cool running with the occultist, he's the only character that has that restriction and I wish they'd do away with it.
To OP, I bought it on Switch, have it on PC. Just seems like an easy game to have on the go or play in bed.
The only reason I posted 4 of them is because I don't know which is the most up to date version. If you can figure it out feel free to let us know.
You're the furry enabler to want to stick with what the furry creator wanted and put his persecution complex within a backer character.