Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Obligatory every person of every race, sex, sexual preference in every scene.

I've never heard of it

When there is a surrender button and the game itself recommend it.

The females are actually attractive.

it's good

Cheese appears more than it should.

naked kids

Liberal use of croissants and curly mustaches in every area.

cartoon chicks with very wide hips

huge bouncy tits in games that are clearly otherwise marketed towards kids

Developed by Ankama Games.

There's a brown girl in there somewhere.

All the flags are white.

>obvious signs that this game was made in *country*
>blatantly adds shit nobody's interested or even like about *country*'s "culture"

Shower scene

nah that's when you know it's from Japan


Unnecessary anthropomorphic animal characters and weeb shit.

The commonwealth is angry about it

valiant hearts: the Great War

the answer will always be valiant hearts


the game tells you not to make waves

Is that really French? If so they seem to always make me want to fuck things I shouldn't want to fuck.

butthurt against the english or americans

Overtaken my niggers.

It's super lewd, but doesn't use it as a marketing tool.

stupid sexy cheese innit

You want to fuck everything in it

you should tell them to run faster if they can't keep up

What are some essential French games beside Rayman, Another World and Heart of Darkness?

There's a hideous mascot character hopping around onscreen at all times.

Your legs are OK.

There's a really sexy 12 year old in it for no reason.

Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, E.Y.E., Styx and Styx 2


it has nudity

That's japan

this guy's got some nerve


Frenches embrace sensuality and sexuality like part of life.
softcore nudity is a normal thing

It has copious amounts of /aco/.

>weeb shit



Thicc aliens

Minion-like characters

Where are the obscure highly sexual french cartoon webms I know you guys have?

“This game was developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs.”


Kek, I love OSS 117


so faney joke

It makes no sense at all.

they're not obscure


i'm all for dunking on the french but this thread has had some real tepid burns

>this jian

whats the original source to this vid?

You're suddenly in the mood to eat cheese

dexter's laboratory

that's canada

My sides.


Everybody is a dick to each other and there are copious amounts of brouzouf
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy

The games box art is a picture of mohammed shitting into the penis of Macron. While two gay muslim men kiss in the background

Cute brown girls
Remember me, Gravity Rush, I think AC Liberation

Several of the female npcs are model after women with huge wide noses

It says it was made in france in the description.

How about I wear your fucking face as a moron party mask?


every character is on this scale someplace. Seriously, france is so furry it blows my fucking mind.

>Caring about proper french

Not even the french care about france and only see it as a location for others to reap and rape. Why should anyone else give a fuck?

when we don't have condoms we just pick up a stray cat


Are rabbits a common theme in French games?

Tasteful waifus
Unlike the ugly moe shit Japan delivers

it has cuck scenes

The female characters show interest in sex.

I thought the goat population would have risen to a serviceable size by now, to fill demand.

Fucking shamans

what is this
I see reaction images posted here and there
it looks really lewd

a show done lazily in photoshop that somehow has a reputation for good animation.


Ugly and unattractive textures

>yet another towersynching copypasted batmanized rehashed trash """game"""

do games made in other french speaking countries count?

I love that Amelia became even more a cunt with age rather than calming down. Nothing gets me harder.


I think it's from Wakfu

It's filled with weird fetishes.

wait what

>whites/christians are the bad guys
>muslims are the good guys

Isn't he literally the Lop god
Why does the MC's gay dragon brother look like that anyway

>Gravity Rush

Also modern cucked liberal US

holy fuck hahaha

Amelis was a cunt since S1, is a fucking mess from the looks of it.

>Isn't he literally the Lop god
He gave his powers back to Goultard at the end of the 3rd OVA and Adamai is a cheating cunt
>Why does the MC's gay dragon brother look like that anyway
Tiemskip. He got older.

He lost is god power so he got weaker,

>mfw /akg/ is fucking dead

that show was fucking insane. Rewatching an episode after you realize what they are doing is like something out of some nightmare.
Every episode has multiple fetishes, and not basic PC shit. real out there shit.