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Video Games #4041
Video Games
So in the ending, did she really love MC or not?
Your party turns against you at the end
Is Yakuza kino?
What's to stop someone CURING the Flood instead of just wiping out the galaxy constantly?
Metal Gear Survive
What's so good about it?
Good Indie Game Taste Thread
I love you, my trickster
Why is there so much fanservice for males but so little fanservice for girls...
Best Switch Eshop games?
What are some /Vidya/ related Patreons that I can shell out my hard earned money on?
Tfw uploading an 11.6 gig video with this
Since Monster Hunter Worlds isnt portable and all the other Monster Hunters have sold well on Nintendo products
Games that helped you in real life, or gave you a positive push into doing more
Daily reminder that the North American SNES is the best SNES
Webm thread
How much extra would you pay for a soy-free Isaac?
Best p5 girl
Post the best game music in the world
I absolutely understand what they were trying to do with mob placements on scholar of the first sin...
Happy 20th Anniversary RE2
Name a better Video Game company
What happened?
Is racism in gaming communities becoming worse?
Inb4 the greatest comeback in gaming history
Try to have any discussion related to bloodborne on Sup Forums
ITT: games only (you) played
ITT: flash game nostalgia
Aged like the finest of wines
DS3 Clerics and Miracles
Do you rike her now?
4.2 is gonna be fun
Ratchet and clank remake comes out and sells well
Our guy
Is Angels Fall First any good? Worth $10?
ITT: times you fell for vidya scams
Why is there so much art of darkstalkers but no one plays it?
What are some great games with powerful soundtracks that give you goosebumps?
He killed millions
"Let's add a very slow...
What are some essential racing kino games?
Why didn't YOU buy lawbreakers? It could have been GOTY if only you had bought it and made it popular!
Pick a female character
*flips skirt*
Finally a Souls game with a good artstyle
Is it possible to learn and have fun with fighters if you don't have a lifetime of experience?
This better be a good sadpanda or I swear to god OP
Game is not even out
These are the two most influential games of the past decade
Are there any browser-based MMORPGs available these days at all...
If you haven't played every game on this list, you're a faggot
It's over
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Get BTFO in argument
Best Mortal Kombat Character
What does Sup Forums think of Alien Isolation?
I liked Nier Automata
Xenoblade 2 patchnotes 1.2.0
Wtf this is a thing?
What do you guys think about the new Apocalypse DLC?
How the fuck is this supposed to run on Switch?
Holy shit this game is bad. Congrats Sup Forums you meme'd me yet again...
Shitty driving
So is your mind and body ready for the best fighting game this generation?
Post your created character (toon, alt ego, etc) from any video game and rate other toons
This game is shit
Is this game fun?
Welcome to Sup Forums, how tough are ya?
Why is Dark Souls getting a remaster?
Resident Evil 2
Why is Blighttown such bullshit?
Hunger Games Sup Forumsidya edition
Cuphead Fucking Suuuuuuuckkkkkksss
How do we fix it Sup Forums?
The gameplay is actually great and fun now
Worth $5?
Silent Hill
Post a more deadly enemy than this mother fucker
Yume Nikki thread?
Anyone thought the opening to this game was cringy and embarrassing to watch?
What were they thinking??
Characters in game say MC is unattractive
Fightstick thread
How can you tell me this game does not require any skill?
Aesthetically-pleasing cover art general
*revives the arcades
What are some recommended/essential Switch accessories?
Bloodborne is qualitatively and objectively the best video game to ever exist
Game is censored
Dark souls 1 remaster developer update
Will it be 2018?
Monster Hunter leaks part whatever
I don't get it. What did the Switch do that the Vita and Wii U didn't...
We can all actually agree that this was the superior Mario platformer, right?
Fucking traitor
Just bought a PS4
Again today I will go soaring through the sky!
What are some games where I can be a stupid fucking newfag who invades threads to talk about political garbage?
A little bit of Monika in my life
Nintenbros aren't ready for Dark Sou-
*blocks ur path*
People on twitter are saying this leaked or some shit
Persona 5
Android 21 can eat Cell to become and more powerful
Remember me Sup Forums? im coming out feb 1 on peesee. you will purchase me right?
You will never experience gaming masterpieces that will come 100 years from now on
Why are you still playing League Sup Forums?
Hey guys, got a few bucks in the eShop, what game should I ge-
Two android 21's
Snipers in multiplayer first person shooters
Top kek
ITT: Worst games of their series
Hope they die in a fire
Hyper Universe
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Beep beep beep beep beep
Name a single generation were consoles were better than PC
This is your sword for tonight
Why do we hate EA again?
What the fuck did I just play
Which one is our guy?
I really hope you play FGO - the best Fate game in franchise
Lost Levels is the best Mario
To fight in the service of others, is the highest honor
Name ONE video game character able to touch Dracule Mihawk, also known as Hawk-Eyes Mihawk...
What is the appeal of turn-based combat?
Can we just talk about him for a bit?
Name a game with more content than Rune Factory 4
Soulsborne edition
What games let me burn like a flame?
Battlestation thread?
Shanghai/Megaman Battle Network thread
Why didn't you buy her game?
ITT: Fuck you, I liked it
Well Sup Forums?
Post your favorite games on a 3x3
You know the drill:
New Kingdom Hearts 3 News
Lets have a Metriodvania thread. What games do you guys consider the best in the genre? I just finished Hollow Knight...
Would you have sexual relations with Tataru?
Genesis 5 continues, Melee into top 64, Smash 64 has no Isai, PPMD is still eating too much soy, the story develops
Hoooooo boy
To get the true ending you have to beat the game on hard mode
Game makes you face two bosses at once
Name three (3) games with black protagonists that aren't Jacky Chan or this empowered black female character will blow...
I will post this everyday until E3
This is why GPUs are expensive now
Can you do it?
This is the best game ever made. Say something nice about it
Do you think REmake 2 being revealed today?
Here's your controller, bro
I have 28 dollars on the eShop. Recommend me a good switch game. Something that's eShop only
Games about departed heroes?
What went wrong?
TFW you crit
Say something nice about her
If you could BE any element, what would it be?
Character from an old game in the franchise shows up again
Star Wars
How bad is MHW going to fail?
Sup Forums, I
Will Microsoft make another console after this?
You have ten seconds to post your favorite vidya spaceship (including fighters)
How many hours a day do you play vidya on average?
Okay, our quirky Disney rpg was a massive success! Time for a sequel! What are some ideas?
My haul from the SoCal Retro Gaming Expo
Cut some cardboard
Name one vidya argument that brings your piss to a boil, even when it's obviously used as bait
Is Slaanesh considered the worst of the Chaos gods?
I had a shitty day at work; post Labo memes
Same height as me
Hi I'm the overall best weapon in dark souls. You ARE going to use me in the remaster, right Sup Forums?
Fuck you I liked it
JUST .Monika[/spoiler
ITT: characters that were correct no less than 90% of the time
What multiplayer game do you have the most fond memories of, Sup Forums?
Any hues who want the pro already imported
"Who are you?!"
Why can't we get along?
THIS is the sequel to the best game of all time
Sony already won 2018. Agreed?
Why did people actually think CDs were better than carts?
How come Aeris had this amazing huge house with two floors and everybody else in the slums had to sleep in pipes and...
Dark Souls 2
Whats going to happen when he comes back next month?
Yfw this happens
Close game
Why weren't these things in Breath of the Wild?
I am starting dark souls 3 for the first time. This is my first dark souls. What class and burial gift should I get?
What am I in for?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
Fucking mods delete perfectly a good vidya threads
Post your nu-male face, Sup Forums
Let's show some support to /ourguy/
If a kid challenges you to find him a game from your childhood that will entertain him, what game will you give/suggest?
Digimon Story: Hacker's Memory is the most botched american release of all time
I'm about to play this for the first time ever...
The way the movies are represented in Kingdom Hearts is really shitty
He didn't deserve the shit he went through
Shrunk the boobs slightly
Which one was better?
FF7 Remake Concept Art
Well, Sup Forums? Is it worth it? $50 or so for Hyper Light Drifter and Watch Dogs 2
I like the game, but why is there always this white filter over everything? Why is the coloration so weird?
Why does Breathe of the wild get so much undue undeserved praise while it's essentially a rip off of Skyrim...
Well, do you agree Sup Forums?
Yakuza 0 memejong
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) swbf2
GENESIS 5 Melee and Smash 4
How's Killing Floor 2?
Now that the three remaining civs are rumored to be Scotland, The Mapuche...
Why are Mexican videogame characters so damn cool?
Comfy Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread
Graphic cards skyrocketed. Your choice, PC master races
User! So good to see you
Battlestation thread
"I Pm'd you the fix"
Her game comes out in ONE(1) month. You ARE buying it, right?
Just got my hands on a PS3. Any tips for a veteran souls player?
That kid who triple jumped to school
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Street Fighter V
ITT: post a game without actually posting it
It took me 32 hours to finish
*grabs health pack out from in front of you even though I still have over 80% HP*
Peace, nigger
Son are you still playing video games that late?
The curious case of Sam Fisher
Best Girl
Subtle video game tattoos?
You can make trannies in monster hunter now
18 hours until the Dissidia open beta ends
Dumb joke side...what did the team silent mean by this?
Freedom Planet
First few minutes into the game
Buy my game
Post your favorite games on a 3x3
Title Screens
Good exclusive Xbox classic games?
Hey Sup Forums which h game am I playing?
Post your steam avatar
How do I get good at Rogue-likes/Rogue-lites?
Protagonist sacrifices himself to beat the villain
ITT post must have DLC for DBZF
Post Opus Magnum gifs
Will he ever finish the game?
Why exactly do we hate her again? It's not her fault that her role in the shitty story was terrible...
What happened to Tortanic?
Whats the optimal length of a quality videogame?
I am quitting my job in a few months to try and indie game dev full time. I have 60k in the bank and IT experience...
What are some vidya women with canonically large breasts?
Games have never been better
Game features realistic location damage
Kojima haters will defend this
What's a video game that lets you turn into a GOD?
What's your favorite vidya car?
ITT: Post vidya music
Monster Hunter Leaks and shit
Let's try to predict Metal Gear Survive's success/failure
Is there actually a bigger thot in gaming than this person? She is repulsive
Vidya mandela effect
Game crashes while saving
This game would be a lot better with out that annoying voice over always butting in
Budokai Tenkaichi 4 Tournament
What are ten must own PC games?
What the fuck went wrong?
Why didn't Mega Man 9 and 10 have MM7 and 8's art direction?
What are you guy's hopes and fears for Shin Megami Tensei V?
Monster Hunter world ps store demo
Can we really say she did anything wrong?
Why don't you play path of exile, Sup Forums? it's LITERALLY diablo 2 except better
What will your first build be?
Can a good game make it without any marketing?
Darkest Dungeon thread?
This is only slightly better than Sonic 06
Golden Sun
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Switch Virtual Console
14 years old
Destiny 2 Thread
He was right all along
How do we fix survival horror?
Disgaea thread
Let's copy Nintendo and make figures!
Risk of rain
Lore thread. Any game allowed
Dragon Ball FighterZ / DBFZ Thread
Devil May Cry 3 SE and Devil May Cry 4 SE are both stupid cheap on sale right now...
USA furloughed employee general
Legend of Dragoon
What video games have you played today, Sup Forums?
Expelled for hurting the fee fees of a cocksucking faggot
This game kick me in the ass
"Name your firstborn child after the last vidya enemy you've slain, or it goes into the pot."
Just bought this. Never played the series before. What am I in for?
Should there be a Max Payne 4, or do you think 3 left no room for another entry? I just want to shootdodge again dammit
Why do mercy mains hate fun and like to brag about their lack of fun playing the game?
The desktops of Sup Forums
Post yfw you get a nintendo switch
Here's your controller bro
Ladies and gentlemen, the Xenoblade 2 killer
Is it wurf time?
FEH: You are voting for Camilla in the next CYL right Sup Forums?
Seriously what are the fucking odds that someone anticipated a demonic invasion and coded in a warning for it...
Why does this feel like torture to play?
Long haired Yuna
Was he right?
Final Fantasy XIV
Reminisce thread: Oblivion
Nice meme kid
He fell for the
Bless Online
How would you improve on this game user?
Congratulations, user
Play Friday the 13th: The Game
Tfw gaben will die in your lifetime
Don't work on a mainline IP or get involved what so ever
Tell me your top 10 jrpg
What are your hopes and dreams?
I've been thinking about replaying Bloodborne, but I only have the vanilla version...
Lol too true eh fellow gamers
Is this the most kino ending in video gaming?
Should male to female transgender people be allowed to participate in female only esports?
Dragon Bestiary
Why are they porting everything?
Which sequel was better than the first game, Sup Forums?
What games have better combat than the Witcher 3?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why don't any other controllers use this layout? It's great
Dank Souls 2
What was the best kiss from a video game?
ITT: Vidya earworms
User, why don't you play video games with mommy?
Yfw you want to play something but no idea about what
Whats the fuck happened to artstyle/atmosphere in DQ11?
Why am I so bad at this?
Hand over those videogames, kid
Nvidia is trying to resolve the global GPU shortage. Thoughts?
Resident evil 0
Black vidya characters who aren't niggers
How do we save Spyro?
Wassup y'all I'm marcus also known as epicnamebro
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What did you get, Sup Forums?
How do we fix JRPGS?
Villain succeeds in summoning an ancient evil
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
What makes a good horror game?
Honestly a 6/10 at best. Dark Souls and Demon's Souls were better...
Buyfag thread
Metal Gear Survive
An ancient evil has awakened
Remake has higher production values but changes everything that made the original great
*ruins your fanbase*
I don't really see why this game would be rated as 10/10 experience. It has some clear...
What is Paladin's weapon of choice?
Reminder to update so that we don't force updates on you while you're playing vidya!
Tell me, why would you ever buy a game you could pirate?
How did ArcSys get away with this?
Are consoles acceptable if i can't afford a good pc? I am prepared to be called a faggot
What does Sup Forums think of enter the gungeon?
F2p game
ITT: Nintendrones will defend this
What's the most fucked up game you've ever played
Tfw idea guy with no money
38 neutral endings
The last video game you played is now getting an anime. How happy are you?
Miiverse Thread
Remedy for feels
What was so bad about it?
Gravity Rush 2 Photo Upload
Halo 6 will not have Halo 4 and 5 Art Direction
Game is conceptually fantastic
Found this on Craigslist. Been looking to buy an entry level gaming pc for a while...
Quote a video game character
Mass Effect 2 = GOAT GAME
Archer class in an RPG
There's only one correct choice
Buy an entire system for one game
Pubg is one of the worst games of 2017
Let's have us a Skyrim thread
How do people find this fun? I like Zelda but this is one of my least favorite...
GENESIS 5 Melee/ Smash 4 Tournament thread
Digimon story thread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
I joined the master race today. Paid $800 for it? Did i do good?
What do you expect out of 9th gen?
Do we take Assassin's Creed for granted?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Is he wrong?
What's you're favourite car/racing game?
What are some good JRPGs made in the West? Starting with a classic
All the dlc is total garbage and it doesn't enhance the game experience in any way
I liked it. Which boss did you like best?
We want the feet audience
FUCK this Press Q to win bitch
What are some good indie games on the e-shop?Anything worth its price, or should I pirate them first...
Sup Forums Oddness/Obscurity Bingo
Helicopter boss
*blocks your path*
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
So why do they call it the Xbox One?
What was your favorite Yu-gi-oh video game?
Cryptofags BTFO how will they ever recover?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Best western vs best eastern team
>Minecraft reachs all-time highs in nearly every metric
I love this game
What games lets me collect big colorful fucking gems and trinkets n shit
Have you done your part today to help ensure a future for God Hand? Help out today, for any little bit helps
Vote for Dart in Fire Emblem Heros: CYL
This is my first Persona game. What does this ending mean?
*Blocks your KOS-MOS*
Thanks for beta testing
Im glad hes back kirby thread
Post and rate your 3x3s everyone
Complete game
Already forgotten
Angels Fall First
Was this the most hype moment in any jRPG?
"This is Pequod! Arriving shortly at LZ!"
Letting Bungie go was the worst blunder Microsoft ever made. Worse than Windows Vista
Why do people on this board insist that single player games can't be ruined by popularity...
Why was this game so good, Sup Forums...
Why do people praise this game so hard?
Dark Souls is a JRPG
Ah shit, you fuckin' niggers. It's Saturday again. What are ya
Cyberpunk 2077
Why are console games so expensive, Sup Forums...
Which campaign was the worst?
Huge ever-growing backlog
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Is there a single game from the past decade with as much TECHNOLOGY as Uncharted 4?
What the hell were they thinking??
Thread deleted because soy-drinking image with no companies mentioned is apparently 'too much' for Sup Forums
Game collection thread
Risk of Rain
Beta starts in 20 minutes, you did get a key, didn't you?
Can we agree that mgsv ruined his character
This game is really good
What game are you looking forward to the most right now?
PS1 or PSP version?
3x3 thread
Hard mode: It must be vidya related
The cobwebs have been dusted, the pews set straight. The Darkest Dungeon thread calls to the faithful
Play an RPG
Why are you still here on Sup Forums?
I'm the OP who asked about Nioh the other day
Spend 30 minutes in the character creator
NIntendo Switch Hardware Revisions
What would you want out of a 3D castlevania game? Did Lament of Innocence or Curse of Darkness do it for you?
The Past Decade Of Gaming
What headphones do you use for vidya, famdongus?
That one overpowered character only assholes and brainlets play
Shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
Poorfag here
It's dead
Sea of Thieves
Describe the last game you played with a Family Guy quote
That game you love but can't discuss on Sup Forums because it's hated
It's up
Persona 5 is revealed
ITT: Describe a video game with a redlettermedia quote
Dragon Ball FighterZ
When do I get a lightsaber? I'm tired of using a fucking plastic toy sword
What are their names again?
Confess your vidya sins
Post (ONE) game music that can be listen for 10 hours straight. Just one
Do you pirate games Sup Forums? Why?
Why do people say that the original Mother game is relatively solemn and serious compared to its sequels?
What went wrong?
Was it considered gambling?
Will it flop?
$5 on PSN. Is this a good game?
Was this the last good racing game ever made?
Trailer is a live action video of a girl getting slapped by a fish
Yes, I did not enjoy the Surf and Turf dinner. There was nothing wrong with how it was cooked...
In what games the best girl doesn't win?
Worst game of the series
Open World games are empt-
This game just set a new standard for future jrpg
We need a protagonist
MHW Leaker here
I can't be the only one who finds this game profoundly unrelaxing, right?
400k views on opening day, drops to 100-150k in less than a week
Rate my collection
Holy shit
Its a "drooling wojak going HURRR" response
Is Vereesa worst elf?
What would your reaction be?
Character has Western name
Grandpa General
Are you girls ready for the new Bloodborne Amiibo™?
Why aren't devs making new rpgs based in urban settings?
ITT: Games that are the best out of the series
This is just sad
Name 1 (one) bad thing about Labo
Well Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
What did you think of this game V ..?
Why wasn't it your GOTY?
It's kind of amazing to see that this game has recaptured the feeling of Dark Souls 1 better than Dark Souls 2 & 3
What am I in for?
B A S E D Nvidia
Dead rising
Cold Gamer Thread
I dreamt of versus xiii last night
Has there ever been a moment in vidya that TRIGGERED you?
How's your empire going, Sup Forums?
Buy and play competitive game
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...