*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
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SCP Tycoon game when?
that would be mildly amusing
who's your favorite Lets Player? mine is SCP-682 and SCP-999 Plays
There's an early access game called Lobotomy inc. that's supposed to be sort of like an SCP tycoon. It's still early access though so I ain't touching that shit.
Post fucked up articles
no shilling please
>inb4 some retard says he'll blink one eye at a time
I've been playing that for a while now, it's solid but still needs a lot of work added, like a fucking tutorial for one. There was a new update of monsters and objects added this morning, so at least we know the devs are trying to keep a schedule
but this would work, wouldn't it?
holy shit this is Kizuna AI level of cringe
Try doing this for one minute.
If you cringe at Ai, you are beyond saving, please do the world a favor an kill yourself you living embarrassment in human shape
being caught by this thing alone is a guranteed death sentence from the founds of it, your only hope would probably be to pass down the curse of the fuckboy statue to someone else so you can bail out
Holy shit
Contact the Foundation, we might have found an SCP on youtube and it's thrall on Sup Forums
this one is week
post a strong one then big boy
none of them are great desu
I think you're great user
> post-1000 SCP
Initial concept was interesting but it feels like they were trying too hard at the end to make it seem threatening.
stay away homo
No :3
173 interprets it as 'cheating' and [DATA EXPUNGES] you
I want a game like Darkest Dungeon except in a SCP setting. It could even work like a boss rush, where you fight 2-3 SCPs per 'dungeon' or entire levels consist of one of the spacial SCPs.
Ai is good for reaction images and nothing else.
Damn that sounds nice
nigga almost every pre-1000 SCP is either just a spooky monster or an item that does some random bullshit, new SCPs at least have depth and story to them
In the pines
In the pines
Where the sun never shines
I will shiver the whole night through
>4 Class Ds are forced to work together and escape the facility during a containment breach
>They can find and use other SCPs to help aid them in their escape
>These SCPs will obviously come with drawbacks, like the Artifacts in STALKER
>You can encounter other living people, such as Researchers, Task Force Agents and even sapient SCPs who can be communicated with, fought or even recruited through various means
I'm still convinced that the setting is doomed to fail in anything that isn't straight horror
Episode 5 fucking when?
>An SCP that forms into a small army that arrests or kills any crimes of any characters in animated or live action movies and TV shows.
Could you imagine using this thing on a bunch of Hentai films?
I mean it's all done by one guy, so probably never. That's how it usually goes. Frankly I'm surprised there's even an episode 4.
Shut the fuck up.
He livestreamed drawing some parts of a character a few days ago, so probably in a few weeks
If you don't like Kizuna-chan, you have no soul, nigger.
I wish it would get picked up Adult Swim or something. Although I guess they probably couldn't with it being based on other people's writing.
Wish I was a little more invested in SCP shit, feel like half the fun in these comes from spotting who made an appearance
>used on a porn film
>they only stand guard to ensure it says consensual
>but are still armed with rocket launchers
I don't know why. But something about this SCP really gets under my skin.
Wish I could find a vidya equivalent for the Foundation.
The charm comes from the fact that it's one dude
Adult Swim would try to add too much wacky shit in
I mean it's pretty much Korean SCP
That one line about Conner being found in a car as a baby filled with dead baby clones of himself was fucked up and I don't know if Adult Swim would let shit like that slide.
What's this?
Yeah but then at least it wouldn't take ten million years to make an episode
>the teddy bear that kills people and clones itself
I think he's looking for characters user, not games
Korean SCP basically, care for monsters and try to control the damages they cause when they break out
I love that ducked up part were it stuffs an unborn baby in its clone.
Angela is pretty much SCP personified
Without a doubt the most fucked up SCP.
Don't phonepost, user
which video game character can defeat SCP-173 easily ?
>That one SCP that's a slide that if you go down you'll be telported to a tight deep underground tunnel.
>As you struggle to move a recording of the previous victim plays as they suffocate and die hammering in your fate.
post good exploration logs
any character in old games, because they can't blink
Ooh, well why didn't you just post Angela then
post-1000 is pretty mixed, but this one's always a favorite of mine
Its like if tentacle rape Hentai was real.
It would be really fucking scary.
>the teddy bear that can preform surgery
The log when it can't help a terminally ill person
Adult Swim would definitely not give a shit about that
Any first person character, because SCP-173 is not rendered when you're not looking at it
Finally someone mashed them up
dumb animeposter
Post good and unsettling articles
>Based on other peoples writing.
That didn't stop SYFY from just taking popular creepypasta and selling it as Channel Zero.
Here's some weird trivia for you.
the guy who made the 173 statue intended it to look cute.
He never expected people to find it creepy.
or we can talk about SCP containment breach itself maybe. Did they say they were adding anymore SCPs into the game or have they decided they're good now?
I'm sorry...
Not going to lie Candle Cove was surprisingly good for a creepypasta TV show.
>Doesn't blink
which one is the one with the infinite staircase? i think there are two games about it.
>That SCP that's a massive blob of milky tits that any mammal that gets near it has the urge to breast feed becoming addicted and dependent on the things milk.
God damn classic.
The infinite potato sack exploration log
>We're gonna starve!
I wasn’t prepared for these feels.
I cant remember the numbers, but:
>The cave hunted by death itself
>The IKEA store
>The ranger lodge that leads to copies of itself with skinwalkers
>What happened to Site-13 (untill the last log went full wankery shit)
what the name of that one SCP that is a cute girl on a white sheet of paper ?
oh yes, thanks. been a while since i read through scp stuff but this thread got me in the mood.
Never saw it or the No End House, were they good? I remember the original Candle Cove creepypasta being kind of shit and the show showcased a tooth golem thing that definitely didn't happen in the original story.
One of the few things that still gives me chills. I read House of Leaves and the SCP is honestly better.
Sorry, i mixed the concepts, 105 is the girl who can interact with pictures
085 is the girl in the paper
no problem, thanks
aw he looks like a puppy
It’s not particularly scary (except for the lurking dread in the background) but
is always my favorite.
It’s a beautiful inverse of TZ It’s a Good Life, and it’s fairly believable too. Just a clueless little girl, reminds me of my little sister so long ago.
And then you realize she’s going to be a teenager soon.
>It can interact with any drawn object on the same page as if it were real. For example, she is able to wear drawn clothing, drive sketched cars, and drink painted beverages.
What is this Twin Peaks rip off
they got the rights from the original authors for that show. SCP would never work because the site has a specific copyright agreement which prevents you from making money from anything on it.
SCP 239 magical show when?
SCP-2922 is one of the best SCP i read.
I find it hilarious how what starts as a very minor safe SCP becomes what could easily be the SCP 001 in terms of importance and world changing discovery
>im literally calling you from beyond the grave, ill tell you what it looks like if you let me talk with my husband first
remember kids, feeding babies to eldritch horrors is okay, cooperating with your workers is a no-no