>f2p game
>have to pay $60 to get all the weapons wiki.teamfortress.com
>for a fucking 11 year old game with 11 year old graphics on fucking source engine
>you dont even get free skins or cosmetics or even the ability to unlock lootcrates you got without a key
>valveshit retards are still spamming this fucking 11 year old scam in every OW thread
OW gives you a chance to get 4 FULL FUCKING SKINS and money to spend on shit you want.
Why are valvecucks spamming this god awful skinner box shit of an 11 year old game.
Are they trying to scam people to drain their money to Valve?
Why is this allowed?
F2p game
then overwatch is tf2 for poorfags
because cosmetics are totally meaningless and optional and you can unlock everything by playing the game. all the best sidegrade weapons can be unlocked with achievements and you can use your duplicates to craft other items.
if the only way you can compare the two games is with skins and lootboxes and all that cancer then you're part of the problem. the game is about shooting cunts, it doesn't matter what fucking colour your gun is.
>Not wasting all your money on a single video game is being a poorfag now
buy a key, sell it for scrap, buy a fuckton of weapons on scrap.tf
stop being retarded
>tfw can't get the new Pyro weapons because I don't feel like spending money to do the contracts
I don't know why people act as if TF2 can do no wrong, they've been doing paid contracts and skins for like 4 years.
The pyro contract is free you dipshit.
>being retarded enough to buy anything except keys from the mann co store
Step 1.
Buy a key for 2.10€
Step 2.
Exchange it to metal with a trade bot.
Step 3.
Trade metal for all of the weapons in the game with trade bots.
ok but what about the actual game
also if you arent retarded you can get all weapons for maybe less than five dollars
>have to pay $60 to get all the weapons
>you dont even get free skins or cosmetics
blizzdrone go away
I have at least 2 weapons of every kind, barring some of the reskins, and never bought a single one.
On top of that, I've purchased the laser pistol for 2 bucks and sold it for 6. Several times. I've made money on this game. Probably more than I paid for it.
As said previously, the pyro contracts are free and you're retarded. Even so, I made money by selling the gratuitous amount of skins I got from buying into the contract.
Likewise. That first week or so was such a cash cow.
Hell, much of the money I made during the campaign was from selling the crates you get every couple days, which you don't even need to buy in to receive. I'm still getting money from selling the Christmas event crates.
>I know nothing about this game so I will shitpost about it
Sounds like Sup Forums all right. I played the game when there were no alternate weapons, you fucking baby
The price on those dropped significantly recently
How the fuck do I complete the Termal Thruster contract? After plenty of tries and many "FUCK YOU PYRO YOU ARE USELESS" from my team I only have 1 on the enemy counter and 0 on the ally counter, cheating is not an option.
>have 50p leftover in my wallet
>hop into the game store
>oh hey a targe haven't used that in a whi-
You did this.
>buying weapons from the mann co store
You are either stupid or know how to bait.
>paying for the weapons
>not learning how to fucking play the game with stock
Let me guess, you buy the most expensive thing in other games with microtransactions because they must be the best, too, huh?
dude, I will literally give you a targe
The fact that you can buy weapons at all just goes to show how fucked this game is
They are like tourist traps, you don't buy them if you have common sense.
I have played tf2 so much over the last 5 years more than any other game and I feel bad.
I'll pay $30 for a used console game, play it for 20 or 30 hours and get my money's worth
I'll pay $0 for tf2 and spend maybe $20 total on keys and play it for 4000 hours and still ask for more
the stock weapons are better
>60 dollars to get all weapons
No you dont you retard just buy a key for 2.50, sell it for a fuck ton refined and just buy all the weapons with refined to spair.
>not buying all the weapons off opskins for 2$
how is it fucked
only impatient manchildren buy things from the Mann co store, everyone else realises there are a multitude of different ways you can get the same thing
>trading with a player
>trading with a scrap bot
>get the achievement
>realise most unlocks are shit and 99% of stock weapons are superior
>go pyro, soldier, demo
>go any other class
>lose and die repeatedly
Great game, Valve.
>I cant spend money to buy weapons i could just get for free by playing bido gam
Life must be really hard on you. I also know how it feels to not have a cake walk laid out for me whenever theres something i want
>play a class with a low skill floor right after starting the game
>get mediocre results
>play a class with a high skill floor right after starting the game
>get bad results
gee, i sure do wonder why's that a thing