
Gravity Rush thread

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Lei Havina has the best background track, don't deny it. It's like if Studio Ghibli made porn music.

I want to lick that tummy.

She'd rather Kat do that

elgona > havina > central authority > colmosna

I want to be protected by that smile.

Don't mind me just posting the best track by far



Pleajune > All the shitty new area tracks

I'll never ever buy her game

Now you can have them all!



Thanks user.

What are your favourite OST's, lads?

what does ceewee mean

>What are your favourite original soundtracks, lads?

Long hair Lisa > short hair

endestria (GR1) > vendecentre > auldnoir > pleajune

Don't fuckin forget: gravityrushcentral.com/2018/01/15/join-us-gravity-rush-2s-first-anniversary-photo-upload/

Was this supposed to happen?

Anyone else wish you got to see more of Eto? A bit of free roam or exploration would have been nice, it looked cool up there.

I checked earlier today again and I still have no likes or Blue Kats.

>when she cees your ceewee

patritian taste. the soundtrack reminded me of this


Long hair lisa is for taking to get her hair cut!

take worker outfit pics in front of kat's house or auldnoir fountain
did you remember to actually upload the pics? auto upload off by defualt

Are the missions after the credits and the DLC worth playing?

Haircuts as character development is the worst of all Japanese memes.

Artbook stuff:

God damn, it really is similar.
Well Gravity Rush is a magical girl series in disguise so I guess it's likely they went to Sailor Moon for inspiration.

Eto chapter yes, Laben's DLC maybe

yeah when I heard the music I had a stroke of nostalgia

>Haircuts as character development is the worst of all Japanese memes.
At least it made sense with the context since Lisa was keeping her Lhao heritage low key and hiding her tattoos before she decides to fight against the council.

No, Gravity Rush is Sentai series in disguise.

My favorites are always the boss themes, this game had some pretty sick boss music.


>no one will give you a copy of gravity rush 1/2

Yes idiot

the playstation network will for a nominal fee

if u r from europ the game is on sale right now

Man, how are Kat and Raven so good at fighting together? I just saw that OVA

lesbian magic

they are soulmates

So how exactly are Raven and Kat supposed to be related? GR2 pretty much revealed everything about Kat, but it did literally the opposite for Raven, it basically just invalidated the only backstory we already knew from GR1 and left pretty much nothing to go off of.

Unless I seriously missed something then with the current canon it's basically as if Raven and Xii just randomly appeared in Hekseville one day.


That's it. There's nothing more to know because the story is poorly told and failed to explain many things.

Its weird we've been having so many considering I just picked up a vita and Gravity Rush. Its so much fun its like the vita is the controller

One day, Raven appeared out of nowhere and sided with the mayor to depopulate the city for no reason. Maybe he shows her his magic katrock? She then followed Kat to the bottom of the pillar for no reason, where they got bored and had hate sex until they were friends, because there was nobody else there and nothing to do. They somehow made it back up (though deus ex machina could still be the reason here) and the plot continues as normal.


Raven wants Kat to dom her?

Why is Raven so gay

Just beat the story of remastered last night and started playing 2. I'm having a blast.

Small complaint though. Anyone else find it a little annoying that in cutscenes Kat, and in the case of gameplay sometimes Raven will actually fly while the player has to just constantly stop to redirect their falls?

I wish actual flight through gravity manipulation was at least unlockable, maybe as a final upgrade to the gravity powers.


I want Kat to dom me

You can guide your fall somewhat with the control stick so you don't have to redirect as much if you haven't realized, but yeah you can't just straight up fly the way Raven does.

Flight controls like that can be kind of awkward, though. Panther mode pretty much works like that and it's kind of weird moving around in it.

Yunica just wants to cuddle.

If you get 6000 dusty tokens you get an infinite gravity talisman.
It nerfs your attack though.

Based OSTanon

I uploaded 5 of them, saw zero of them, and have had no likes on them. What's up with that?

So, say you want to mating press Kat, how do you get past Raven? She strikes me as that kind of cockblocking friend where if you can't impress her you aren't getting that Kat puss

You don't because Kat and Laben are in a commited relationship

Not happening bro.

Post Raven and Cat lovin.


Wat do they smell like?

Is the moral of Gravity Rush 2 that capitalism is bad?

No stupid. Get your Sup Forums shit out of here.

I'm a pure sucker for short messy hair and/or midriff character designs.

But even I think Lisa's original look fits her character better.

The moral is that you shouldn't kidnap children or commit mass murder to attempt to bring a loved one back to life.

I also wish you could free roam the Council's island. You only get to go to it for that one level and there are guards everywhere.

I want to shake hands with the guy who made that navel texture. Well, maybe not his right hand.

Actual best theme coming through


The moral is that the best girl always dies.

But Kat didn't die?

I'm surprised she managed to find her way back after only a year.

Kat stronk

Kat beautiful*




>best girl
i loved kali!




>capitalism is bad

They do a counterpoint with lisa.
The bad guys are the aristocrats and the army. Pretty much the moral of GR:R GR2 is against militar dictatorships.

I want to cum inside of Raven and take responsibility.

Sachya a cute!

in gr2 the military dictator from gr1 was right along.

When I see this picture I always imagine Kat is rubbing her dick between Raven's thighs.

>tfw Kat will never thighfuck you

>her dick
Kat is a girl. Girls don't have dicks.

You don't know enough girls.

Those are all guys. And you are now gay.

user please. They're not guys, they're just girls that have dicks.

user you messed up the link let me get that for you

You are wrong. You have been lied to.

I think that Kat and Laben are the same person. I base this off of all the times the gods mention that Raven isn't supposed to exist or how they say something along the lines of "youre other half". One other thing that tripped me out was when you fight the other Kat in the shared dream. I remember that they said they needed to bring someone from another time and I assume that it's a future Kat where both Kat and Raven finally become whole. Then again, I can be completely wrong.

I think Kat is a miracle of the universe and I want to marry and impregnate her.

Kat is made out of hopes, dreams, and titanium

That other Kat definitely resembles a merged KatRaven.

they outright say it's true but never explain anything about it

Are you sure you didn't mean to post youtube.com/watch?v=oWrKHWpLn0U

That's probably why I thought about it. Didn't someone say that the whole thing is like some dream or simulation?
Amen to that user