I'm playing through Das1 with pic related and I'm trying to play a more immersive experience without wiki's and guides but I would like to know whats the best way to build the Claymore? I was planning on a 40/40 quality str dex +10 but I'm not sure if I should infuse it or leave it at a vanilla +10. Any advice would be helpful (if possible keep spoilers out as whilst I know the general gist of the story, little surprises along the way would still be nice like new areas I haven't seen etc)
Newbie Question
Quality build is fine.
Keep it +10
Infusing isn't great because of the way damage reduction works. You'll be able to get it to +15 eventually so keep it as is.
Most Das I've played was 3 up to just after Pontiff so that's my major souls knowledge. Is the 40/40 still standard in regards to effective scaling?
Yep, 40 is even more of a hardcap in DaS1
Ok ty user's for your advice, I'll keep it just normal +15 (how does it get that high? or is that a potential spoiler item?)
Wont say where or how but there is an item that unlocks levels 11-15. You'll have to go hunting a bit but its not behind any illusory walls or anything. You probably dont need to get to 40 in both strength and dex, thats gonna take a while and i think you're getting bad returns on stats at that point anyway, 30/30 is probably fine to get you to endgame and quality is a fine choice for the claymore. Just use whatever feels natural
You know how you found an ember that allowed you to make it a +10? You'll find another.
first of all, asking is the same as browsing a wiki, you already know what a quality build is, and if you waited this long to play the game you might as well have waited for the remaster, which leads me to believe you're already familiar with the game and just made a thread for no real reason
Sounds more like he's played DAS3 to me
nope, not an attention seeking faggot, I'm just trying to separate myself from hard statistics and am instead going for word of mouth with these things. I played a little of Das1 a while ago and so I'm giving it a good try whilst I have time off work. I played Das3 so that's where most of my knowledge comes from guides and stuff on it but I want a fresher more natural experience with it.
P.S fuck you
Make it divine. It doesn't get better, except for that one area where you really need a divine weapon, but "DIVINE CLAYMORE" sounds baller.
Chaos +5 gives more damage both to the health and staggering with only one level up of forbidden DEX if 2 handed.
If you are two handing it (which you should) you only need 27 sttength and 40 dex. Then put the extra points into vitality and endurance
ty anons will keep this in mind. I like the moveset of both 1 and 2 handed but that does help to know
>I'm trying to play a more immersive experience without wiki's and guides
Nothing is immersive about the Souls leveling and stat system. Just look up a guide because it's an autistic mess of arbitrary diminishing returns.
Also OP the one thing you should look up is the way to access the DLC because I doubt most people work out how to access it on their first playthrough. Make sure you do the DLC before the final boss since you will be put into new game plus when you beat the game
the dude want to have nice gaming experience without reading PhD theses about DMB falchion, giant dad, tumblebuffs and other nerd shit
inb4 toggle escape is very important
Gacha. I forgot not everyone is autistic about numbers.
The fuck is that?
OP here, nothing autistic about numbers. When I was playing Das3 I got into the charts and wanted the perfect weapon but it took my focus away from enjoying the game and put it more on the numbers so I'm trying to avoid that this time
>When I was playing Das3 I got into the charts and wanted the perfect weapon but it took my focus away from enjoying the game and put it more on the numbers so I'm trying to avoid that this time
Same. That's what I mean though. I get autistic about the numbers and can't enjoy the game unless I have perfect stats. I just forget not everyone is like that.
Does the 27/40 rule apply in DS1? I never looked into minmaxing back then
you wont be able to respec your char, OP
If you aren't using black flame/pyro yea. If pyro go to 45 dex.
yep, so quality is garbage in DaS1
well you're (you) and that makes you special so continue being the best (you) that (you) can be, faggit
What why?