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Video Games #4042
Video Games
Guys check out this drawing of a ra- I mean my OC!
When was the last time you felt immersed in a game?
Post title has spoiler for a game over 10 years old
10 days until the best Final Fantasy game comes out on PC. Are you ready to revisit Ivalice?
Planning PC Build
The final boss is a helicopter
Miku Future Tone
What is the best vidya snack?
One rule
Post god tier video game ships with their equally god tier name
Any of you lads play darkest dungeon?
Hey Sup Forums lemme hear your GameStop stories
My name is Angela hey hello. Welcome to my merry own thread!
Do you have gaming friends?
No Lootboxes in Metal Gear Survive
Isometric RPGs
ITT: those that are for (you)
Under Night Thread
Playstation shoes
Why are there no medieval games with realistic combat?
When you rhink about it, you can look at it like the
Game reuses boss as a normal mob
I've been trying to find a somewhat concrete answer, but it's proving a bit difficult to get an answer to...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is this an acceptable substitute for P3...
What does it taste like?
Be me
Are all cats Nin-tenyearolds?
Protagonist of a previous game gets into a battle with the protagonist of the current one
She could dominate you in shogi, and the bedroom
I hope you properly respect your girlfriend and her needs Sup Forums
I liked it
Is Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus only considered bad for supposedly preaching communism?
What The FUCK Was His Problem?
What are some video games where the protagonist loses?
Fire Emblem Heroes
This was the worst zelda. Worse than skyward sword
That kid who long jumped to the cafeteria before anyone else so was always first
Got this game from a friend, what am I in for?
Are there any other games like this that take a concept overdone(mobas in this case) and kind of turn them on their...
I'm headed to the store, whatcha want Sup Forums?
*blocks your path*
Name me ONE person who caused more widespread and irreversible damage to the industry than him
A Switch emulator won't even be able to run games until at least 202--
Do any left-handed people actually use a mouse with their left hand?
Holy shit
Post only the most kino of vidya music
Tfw no nerdy gf (male or female) to make you 8bit cookies for vday
2011 releases Dark Souls
Make The Last of Us clone
Would sell like hot cakes
ITT: high test games
3 games into mysterious arc
How many times have you got killed by a hiding bitch on fortnite battle royals
Which fighting game is best to start with? All my friends are playing this melty blood game so I was thinking of that
Claims to love Big Boss
Dissidia NT
What’s the best lane to settle your quarry in?
ITT: Worst Achievements/ Trophies
Mario Retardy
People who own Dark Souls 1 should be able to buy this game for half price...
Sup Forums will defend this
*saves MMO genre*
Daily reminder that when you get in your mid-late 20s you're going to regret spending so much time on MMOS, jrpgs...
Only the cutest Videogame girls are allowed in this thread
What are some games that make me feel truly powerful?
Freaks out on Makoto over a harmless question
DKC2 uses tons of gimmicks
Is there a game that lets you roleplay as EL GOBLINO DE AMERICAS
This movie is going to age worse than TRON
Kirby has just absorbed you
What was the point of his character?
Is there any game i can romance with fat girl?
Accidentally kicked my Switch adapter, and this got stuck in my outlet. If I tried to pull this out with my fingers...
Game Launch
Elves refuse to help in Second War
I miss her :(
4craft shall return!
Why does Sup Forums hate this game?
Post reviews that are obviously paid for
Post 10/10 soundtracks
Series is called Kingdom Hearts
What was his fucking problem?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Are there any lewd games with GOOD gameplay?
Post comfy background music
I don’t think this is part of the mayor’s assistant gig Isabella
Game is loaded with custom parts
People will defend tiger
Has the gaming community changed for better or worse in these last 10 years?
Criticize Kirby for being braindead easy and marketed for small children
I'm trying to get into souls games. Which one should i try firstraight_shota femdom? muscular_female
Am I supposed to find this whore attractive?
What happened? this game was top 10
Piracy doesn't hurt the industry!
Can I use my regular ps4 to farm up bitcoins, or should I buy a pro?
Itt: guess the game
With YouTube's new monetization rules on the horizon...
Dragonball FighterZ
Name a series with 5 or more mainline titles that hasn't turned to shit
Sup Forums Plays Fire Emblem 3 Book 2
Your wake up in the last game you played including H-games and visual novel
Screenshot Thread
ITT: it's 2010
Been playing Breath of the Wild, and I don't get it. It's just so boring...
Have you ever tried to convince your parents to play a video game together with you? How did it go?
Last year
Are there any currently announced video games worth postponing suicide for...
Bought a prebuilt recently. How does it stack up against ps4 pro and xbox one x?
FFA and no other mode worth playing
Name a worse port
What are some WOKE games?
I'm still mad that they killed off chico
Yes-Man instead of House
I can't find the "Imperial Cult Altar" in Fort Pelagiad to heal my BULLSHIT permanently lowered stats...
ITT piece of shit cocksucking games with terrible controls, game design...
Monster Hunter World
What Nintendo IP would you like to see revived and put on the Switch?
Yugioh thread
Tfw Scotland, Zulus, and Mapuche are basically confirmed
*uhh chirp*
3x3 Thread
Time or space?
Why wasnt Daisy in odyssey?
Why does she sound like an extremely old and angry Scottish hag?
Shadows Die Twice is not bloodborne II
Post at least 3 games that you are awaiting
Childish looking game
Is the government going to watch me if I play this game on PC?
Build new PC totalling about $3.5k
Last thread archived >>404247686, time for a new one
Tfw you want to replay a game but then you remember "THAT" part and decide not to
Too many fucking cutscenes
Mario Retardy
I need some help on choosing a good dlc defensive operator
Tell me about some interesting/cryptic/well hidden secrets in vidya
It's a good game, but not a good x game
If peach is for Mario and Daisy is for Luigi, does that mean Rosalina is for Wario?
Game has giant spiders
ITT: Arcade Memories
Nintendo would be able to sue people who make unauthorized Labo designs, right?
Sora and Riku are both confirmed to be playable characters in Kingdom Hearts 3. Anybody else excited?
After the great big Janitor hire of 2018, the mods have now turned into full Sup Forumstards. From now on...
Tfw dont give a shit about PC gaming and always preferred consoles
What do you expect out of 9th gen?
Fightstick thread
What do YOU have filtered?
Sonic Heroes is getting a remake
Dad walks in
Does it get better after ending A?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Let's have a Fire Emblem thread. What kind of new classes and weapon type do you want to see in the switch game?
*vores you*
Sony now making Amiibo style figurines
Did she kill AGDQ?
So how do you guys actually feel about preordering games?
Are save points outdated? Should the player be able to save whenever and wherever they want?
What the fuck is this meme about Supergiant Games being good?
Which video game character is most guilty of this?
Box Cover
You know it to be true
Only a few more hours until FF7 news. Do you think we'll get a new trailer...
1. Country
What do you think of the Switch 2018 lineup?
I WILL continue my campaign against the humans
*confuses your path*
Genesis 5
Rev up those reaction images Sup Forums
One of you guys recommended I buy this game so I picked it up yesterday and I gotta say it's really fun...
Electric boss
When is valve planning to upgrade CSGO to source 2...
Should emulation be banned? It's pretty much pirating consoles
Sold 14.6m in 10 months
Does this game have any sort of jumpscare?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
When did Steam become facebook 2.0?
Sony amiibo
Did this SJW turd flop?
ITT: Shameful Vidya Faps
And this is our son's room. he's one of dem gamers, you know!
Are there any modern games that features a 90's anime aesthetic...
Essential Cyberpunk games
Remake 2
Days of Ruin is 10 years old!
Nintendo won
Place your bets on when this is happening
What is the best online fps to get into?
Elder Scrolls thread
Holy shit what a good fucking game
Who's hype for the Rampage movie adaptation?
ITT: Games only you played
Can we get a reaction image thread going? I need more for my folder
Shows no signs of hostility towards you
FaZe Guardian is a fucking cheater
Which ones the best
DOOM (2016)
Will it flop?
*blocks your path*
Pokemon Spin Offs
Redpill me on the Switch...
Shanghai.exe thread
Take a seat user
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Cool mod, eh?
Monster Hunter World - Leak
How do you go from this
Mom walks in
Do any of you actually play your switch in public?
Kirby and the Crystal Shards
Filename Thread
Tell bf we should play LoL
There are no good video game mov-
So I just finished the main story and I'm curious about why would someone would side with this unlikable cunt
Game has choice of male or female protag
"Hitscan takes skill"
What happened to him Sup Forums
Tfw console gamer
What do we think about this?
Are there any games out there where you get to play a toddler? preferably easy
Buy a brand new RPG
Is Ultra Sun Ultra Moon the Dark Souls of the Pokemon series?
Just finished this
Can someone tell me of a good boss rush game?
About to buy pic related
How do you come up with a quality video game username?
New concept art for FFVII Remake
Buy video game
On the 26th are you gonna buy Dragon Ball FighterZ or Monster Hunter World?
Dishonored 2 flopped
Game pirating
Pc specs
Town built around a live nuclear bomb
Find a flaw
This discussion is only for the greatest rivalry in vidya...
The biggest sin Mass Effect 2 committed was the butchering of the lore established in the first game
Best Kirby Game?
Is there a comfier game in existence?
ITT: Shit weapons
Be japanese
Succubus prison ~house of lewd demons~
Monster hunter beta thread
What's your problem with this game? I think it's pretty fun
The M.O.B.A. of the future
New Simpsons thread?
Almost ten years in development
Was it autism?
New to LoZ, where should I start?
What's the Sup Forumseredict? I've never spent a cent on this game but I'm really tempted by this
Should the sonic mania team create their own sonic clone game just like Freedom Planet?
Never again will I buy a game at launch
Why are the animations in this game so fucky? It's a huge step back from Legend/Anniversary
Someone on Sup Forums WILL defend this
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Blizzard loves E-S-P-O-R-T-S and making pvp games
What comes to mind when you see a dragon in a video game?
Is "Clunky" the new soyboy term for games they don't like?
Play game with friend
What games have insanity mechanics?
Thanks them for ruining pc as a gaming platform
What's the verdict, Sup Forums?
Isn't it a little weird that Odyssey sucked SM64's cock so hard while essentially ignoring the other 3D Mario games?
What are you playing on your Switch today, user?
*blocks your cross-play*
*kills pc gaming*
What game would need to be made for you to buy a VR set?
Buy the old hunters dlc
Dragon Ball FighterZ/DBFZ Thread
What's your opinion about the so-called "potato" races in JRPG?
1 > 2 > 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Pick one
Pick a female character
There are no good black characters in video ga--
Look at this dude.... *laughs* wait till you see it
What are some video games similar to Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone, etc. but aren't shitty and actually free...
"cc plz"
How do i make dunkey style vids without looking like a dunkey clone
Why was it so fucking gooood
What are some games that make you feel like a worthless piece of shit...
Boss grows stronger the lower their health drops
What's her endgame?
I cant stop playing this stupid fucking game
The best 3D mario
Anyone know any horror themed/survival horror games that are combat heavy with some/lots of boss battles...
Remake ruins everything
Last SFV thread is falling into auto-sage
Are you hyped for TWEWY HD?
Does Sup Forums have the balls to play vidya in public like i do?
Monster Hunter World
This game was never censored you fucking retards. Y'all were getting trolled
Post your main
Why are the Japs(and most devs) incapable of making a game on the magnitude of GTA?
How are you guys enjoying Gravity Rush 2?
I'm about to play gothic 2 for the first time...
Zelda Breath of The Wild
Final Fantasy thread
ITT: healthy vidya girls only
What am I in for?
In The Zone
Just downloaded this game. what am i in for, Sup Forums?
Someone says TLOU and Uncharted 4 are shit on Sup Forums
Is this going to be the best RPG of our lifetime?
What do you think of achievements/trophies in games?
ITT: 10/10 designs that were wasted or not used
The state of PC gaming
What are some prime examples of franchises where one character ruined the whole series?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
If the starting events of yu-gi-oh took place in ancient Egypt...
Wake up
3x3 bread
I miss him so much bros
Just got to Blighttown. What am I in for?
Ywn play Skyrim for the first time ever again
Give me your ideas for a new Silent Hill
Explain why you use this
What is written on this paper, Sup Forums?
Mw2 thread
My girlfriend picked up Rainbow Six Siege yesterday cause we're tired of the shitty matchmaking from CS:GO after the...
What is the room of video games?
That retard who called the PS1 the 'PSX'
Did she at least think about it?
Why is she such a bitch?
What does your gf think about your video game habits?
Tfw the ultimate Dragon Ball Z game was created years ago and nothing will top it
Dragon Ball FighterZ Thread
Genesis 5
When is it socially acceptable to add a player to your friends list...
Post some of your favorite tracks from the game
Gee, it sure is boring around here
Is it possible to have a discussion of this game without pcbros shitting up the thread...
Main character changes race when he gets older
Fire Emblem
When are gpu prices going down , holy shit i don't want to be jew'd
2 days boys
Explain to me why Fire Emblem has more characters in Super Smash Bros. than the Legend of Zelda
I like this game
Do you agree?
How hyped are for 2018, PCbros? Looking like another good year
Why are people suddenly Nostalgic over Grand Theft Auto IV...
As the anniversary fast approaches, let's reflect on the damage /10 DAYS user/ had on Bloodborne
Western devs can't write interesting chara-
There are no bad kirby ga-
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Another one bites the dust
We live in the timeline where Digimon games blow Pokemon games the fuck out of the water in terms of quality
We could have this
What do you want to see in the inevitable Metroid 5?
Danganronpa V3's ending
What am I in for
You were deafened
Let's say, hypothetically, this were to come back...
Zelda: BotW doesn't have deep combat mechanics
Potato Computer Thread
So this game is pretty much for people who suck at playing DMC3/4 and Bayonetta right...
Best DK game coming trough
Hey guys, got a few bucks left in the eShop, what game should I ge-
Has there ever been a more perfect woman in video games?
Denuvo 4.8 BTFO pirates win again!
What's the general agreement on this game...
Is Half-Life 1 worth playing now if I've never played it before?
This is the ultimate portable arcade machine
Just got bloodborne
Claymore, Zweihander or Flamberge?
Professor Layton thread
Describe a videogame only using four pictures from The Simpsons. Anons try to guess them
About to start this. What am I in for? I played 1 and 2 a long time ago...
These are the best video games of all time, you might have a different subjective top 10...
Genesis 5
You're a random nobody
When Sup Forums tricked you into playing a Game for literal pedophiles
New FFVII remake info on 22 Jan
So the western visual novel scene appears to favor whichever game is shortest and has the most meme potential
What the FUCK was his problem?
Valvecucks are still spamming this 11 year old scam in every Overwatch thread
Angels Fall First
Well Sup Forums? Can you?
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Halo fans BTFO
Name two (2) better games than pic related
*saves gaming*
Main character's lines are fully voiced
Dark Souls
RPG set in Middle Age
That's it, I'm buying a PS4 Pro
Official Playstation Shoes
Who was in the wrong here?
It's dead, isn't it
Seriously, who can compete with Nintendo?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Why is V's map feels small compared to SA?
I love Miriam!
What game isn't overloaded with 'strong independent women' and actually feature a realistic gender divide?
Game suggests that religions are a scam to control people
Almost a year after release
Hyper Light Drifter is on sale. Is it worth 10 €?
Resident Evil 2 Remake trailer SOON
Have you ever considered losing your virginity to a video game character?
Two scoops
Blizzcucks will defend this
Honey. We have to talk about your video game addiction. I found this under your bed
Am I shit person?
Pc Master Race
He killed thousands
Is 2018 the renaissance of memes?
ITT dead game series
Fuck anyone that doesn't like this game. There's never been a better shit taste filter in human history...
This is legitimately a bad game. Nothing works or gels together. Everything is a mess...
Post soyjaks
Sup Forums is having a skill test on how good someone is at video games before they are permitted to post in this board
What's so bad about depicting violence against women?
I reserved a PS4 Pro and VR bundle. What games should I get?
How unbearable is the SJW overtones going to be for Part II...
Confess to me your sins my children
Guy has seizure in VR Chat
Xbox has nogaems
Rain World vs Hollow Knight
MGS4 will be 10 years old this year
"Wtf, user. You've played GAME for 1255 hours and you're still playing on easy. Why don't you try playing on hard?"
Today's Severa's birthday! Let's celebrate this cutie-pie and talk about the Fire Emblem series! And give Severa a...
What makes you hate popular games?
Which Final Fantasy girl was the biggest whore?
Yesterday there was a DOA Venus Vacation thread and somebody posted a discord link which i forgot to bookmark - can...
Steam Controller
Red pill me on this game Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Make it vidya
Phil Fish's 2017 Game of the Year
Was it good Sup Forums?
How do I get started with Total War?
Sonic Thread
One of the biggest continents on earth
Were they right?
Kingdom battle
What are the lewdest games i can find on Steam? Also is there some kind of Steam for porn games...
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Go to gamestop
Wind Waker is a bad game
Why was he accepted in the Roster anyways? I mean...
Why does Sup Forums hate female protag?
Demon's Souls February
Nintendo is the McDonalds of the gaming industry. Prove me wrong Sup Forums
Tfw not good enough to play Ironman
Pick your carfu
How the fuck does switch monster hunter appeal after this?
This game is retarded
Every totaku discussion gets deleted in minutes
The next Zelda game is probably gonna be more open world trash...
Denuvo 4.8 is cracked
Free games
Torture Attacks are basically designed to be a button-mashing "manual labor" type of move for the player...
How many PS platinum trophies do you have, Sup Forums?
Describe a videogame only using four pictures from The Simpsons. Anons try to guess them
How is your sealab coming along Sup Forums
Is being a God of War clone necessarily a bad thing?
Here's your controller, bro
Stop bullying me!
What headphones do you use for vidya?
Just platinumt Bloodborne + DLC
The best RPG ever made is literally $5 on GOG
Anyone playing the magic arena beta?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What are you playing right now?
Here's your controller, bro
You know it's true
Monster Hunter World Leaks&Spoilers
Feels bad man
Flash games Sup Forums have trouble with
Hey son, playing those videogames again? Mind if I watch?
Reaction thread. Keep it vidya
What are some games where you can collect minerals?
Street Fighter
What non-Japanese video games are you looking forward to in 2018?
Boss turns off your monitor/tv in order to make you lose
Go on Sup Forums
*btfos the west*
What are some good competetive game you play solo / 1on1?
What will the cast look like?
Pls no vr is a meme
Video Game Hidden Gems
Playing REmake for the first time and the first zombie kills me. Alright...
80 burgers
Depressing games?
Have you been taking care of your health?
What is objectively the best Hitman mission ever made?
Wow... The robot killed himself after saying nobody is loved... So deep
Current backlog, what do I play Sup Forums
Only two of these games are less that 3 years old and one is a glorified newgrounds flash animation whitle the other is...
Ay teacher, user's playing his game in class again!
Newbie Question
Are Mike and Ryan dying?
8 0 D O L L A R S
How does this woman have such GODTIER taste in vidya?
I hope you LIKE being DOMINATED
My dock does not scratch my Switch's screen, is it defective?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...