I reserved a PS4 Pro and VR bundle. What games should I get?

I reserved a PS4 Pro and VR bundle. What games should I get?

Post yfw you're not Brazilian

resident evil is the tits user highly recommended


I went to the beach yesterday. Enjoy your tundra.

Isn't this because of ridiculously high tax in Brazil rather than Sony being a Jew?

>Daniel Ahmad
I'd me mad too if I was a BR

3k pelo PS4 com vr?bom negócio

Yes because of taxes, in India too all consoles are almost double US prices.

>935 $
Wouldn't it be cheaper to import?

Did you really rename an online image to make it seem like you leave the house?

Enjoying the view on all those trannies.

Not really. Brazil has high taxes, yes, but companies abuse the fact that consumers are used to higher prices and put It even higher knowing most people will just blame taxes. Sony and Apple are especially guilty of that.


supposedly there's a fuckton of Xbones because those can be fabricated in brazil, dunno if that is true tho.

Thats why the cost is so high in Brazil. Imports are taxed to death, and when its made in Brazil they don't have massive infrastructures to pump out loads cheaply.

uma dicklicious

Brazil isn't the USA user.
I know geography is hard, but please try to think a bit before posting


Bando de gringo otario acham que ainda não tem PS4 pro aqui por mais barato que isso (não que seja um preço justo)

No wonder that country is a shithole.

Come on man, you´re brazilian.
You only need to buy the newest Fifa every year.

Its obviously to filter the very few wealthy brazilians from the ratfucking shiteating lagspergs