Bonus points if significant in games items are locked behind them
ITT: Worst Achievements/ Trophies
Any achievement tied to online leaderboards
Fable 2 Pub Games is a shitty game. Spinnerbox is a random slot machine thing, so all you do is mash the A button for a few hours until you get this achievement. No skill at all involved, just RNG.
Don't laugh at me, that shit was mind numbing. Pressing A for 20 minutes is not fun
>online multiplayer trophy
>game is ultra dead
Guess ill never complete killzone 2
The one in Nier: Automata, you know the one.
I know that feel too, bro
>platinum trophies that require online trophies
literally fuck you.
That trophy is probably the easiest on the vita since on ps3/4 you have to account for the input lag due to bluetooth.
>All the best weapons are locked behind shitty minigames
I fucking hate you, FFX.
Prepare To Die
I don't understand the achievementfag mentality. Do you go out of your way to get stuff like this? Why?
The issue isn't the difficulty, it's just the time. To do it, you need to get a piece of gear with no encounter then run around for 10-20 minutes pressing one button over and over while nothing happens. It's just boring.
>Do you go out of your way to get stuff like this? Why?
In some games, the difficulty trophies stack.
>Literally have to be #1 for an achievement
>Complaining about a game that lets you buy achievements
Only 3 of them are locked behind minigames. 2 of those are terrible minigames, but blitzball was fun at least. Whoever designed the chocobo shit in X should be shot
>lighting your first bonfire in any DaS game is somehow worth a trophy
Being shot is too light a punishment.
>Dying in DaS2 is somehow worth a trophy
Consolation prize.
trophies like that are just used to see how many people actually played the game after buying it
benign "finish game under x conditions" trophy
and its fucking 20+ hours long
I'm probably the only person who thought it was both fun and satisfying to get it for the sigil.
On the other hand, I don't think anyone has gotten this achievement legitimately. And by legitimately, I mean without literally hacking the achievement on your profile. Even if multiplayer wasn't completely dead, you'd be playing this game your whole life to get this.
>trophy for getting different endings in the DaS games
it's so tedious going through DaS3 holy shit
The idea is to get every trophy but that one
>bitching about a minigame you can literally control
>bitching about any minigame in FFX
i mean i get Sup Forums is bad at video games, but this shit is bitched about by casualshits everywhere. pic related is the true faggot achievement.
>MGS4 trophies seemed manageable at first glance
>need to unlock ipod songs
>see the requirements for those songs
Final Fantasy IX jump rope. I don't even notice trophies generally but this was just mean spirited for those who do.
How can you defend the atrocious chocobo racing in reimen temple? The controls were absolute garbage thanks to the constantly changing camera angles and it was RNG if you could even win the fucknig race.
EDF games requiring literally thousands of specific types of enemies slain despite some of those enemies only showing up for small portions of specific chapters on specific difficulties.
I fucking choke and got hit at 197. At least the fucking chocobo race took less than 10 tries.
>Game has multiple difficulties
>Game has multiple game modes
>You have to get the same achievements in each and every combination of difficulty and mode
Fucking ToM
Any game with tons of achievements you need to play online for. Especially shit like "win 500 ranked matches". Usually I dont play online, especially not in games that arent really made for competitive gameplay and boil down to pure luck mixed with TERRIBLE connections and lag. Fuck this shit.
>rush through game for Excalibur II
I any shit that wants you to burn through the game as fast as possible just for one fucking thing
*I hate any
>play/win a game against a developer of the game
>bioshock 2
>remastered clusterfuck gets released
>numerous achievements that required online play to get
>unlockables came with these achievements
>servers for the game shut down years ago, leaving said unlockables impossible to get
I think the current meanest achievement as of right now is the Mein Leben achievement from Wolfenstien 2
>No Saving
>One Life
>Almost instant death
>If you die you get set back to the main menu
Now that is just mean
Some devs do this right by letting you beat anyone who has the achievement to get the achievement
Absolver has this pretty badly
>it's a single player game
Furi has the 'beat the fastest time of our developer' one.
quake 4 no1 leaderboard achievement for both deathmatch and team deathmatch.
>caring about getting 100% of achievements in/platting games that have achievements/trophies that require online play
The Time Trials for Episode Prompto in FFXV
That fucking thing is awful
Any achievement tied to online leaderboards and the game's online has been shut down
>Did the 200 lightning bolts on the remaster
>HDD failed and I lost the save
time to use the Farscape editor
camera angles have changed the entire fucking game, user. the controls also do not suddenly change if you're holding down the button. if you let go, then it auto adjusts to the camera.
>that one trophy in Nioh with the dung balls
It wasn't hard so to say, just somehow I failed to anticipate what the dude would do with them.
>that one Wipeout HD trophy
>camera angles have changed the entire fucking game, user
The entire fucking game is an RPG, not a fucking racing game. Constantly changing camera angles while trying to maneuver through curves is moronic
> get a trophy for looking up a girl's skirt
> friends constantly shit on you for it
had to make a new account
name 1 game that did this please
Anything requiring grinding
>Get 1 million dollarydoos
>You'll never need more than 100k dollarydoos to buy everything in the game
>Game is difficult and punishes mistakes severely
>Nearly all of the achievements require you to make dumb, specific and costly mistakes
Darkest Dungeon has retarded achievements.
Nier Automata I think
Lollipop Chainsaw
lollipop chainsaw
nier automata
anther game I can't remember the name of
>I think
Yeah right, you know it.
>any shmup
>clear the game on (hardest difficulty) without using a continue
>for one game the WR is literally two continues
I wish more games did this.
again, the movement does not change unless you let go of the button during an angle change. this is shit you've had to deal with the entire game. if you can't get that far without having dealt with it, you suck.
>this is shit you've had to deal with the entire game
you literally did not have to deal with this. The game is a fucking turn based RPG and most of the areas were straight lines. You didn't need to race people or be precise on turns for any part of the game that wasn't on a chocobo. Stop being retarded
>that 10 mil achievement in stardew
all i had to do was play through the third year, but damn there's nothing to do.
the camera you fucking moron, the entire game was filled with constant camera changes. if you're dumbass hasn't gotten used to it, then it is entirely your own fault.
>the entire game was filled with constant camera changes
Once again, those camara changes were not part of a fucking race like the garbage ass chocobo game that everyone except you knows is shit. Nowhere else in the game do you have to deal with the camera and a time limit. During regular gameplay, you can stop your character without penalty. Are you trolling me or are you actually retarded?
the controls did not change, you maintain direction if the button is held down DURING a camera shift. stop being retarded.
Holy shit, you are retarded. Where did I mention a change in controls?
guys shut the fuck up
>How can you defend the atrocious chocobo racing in reimen temple? The controls were absolute garbage thanks to the constantly changing camera angles and it was RNG if you could even win the fucknig race.
i mean come on.
Once again, where did I say the controls changed? They are the same controls as the rest of the game. The controls are fine for an RPG and are absolute garbage for a racing game. How do you not understand that? The controls suck because unlike the main game, the camera cuts come at a much faster pace and character control impacts how well you do.
>early 360 game achievements
tank controls are actually better for constant camera changes, just because you suck at them doesn't mean it sucks.