Redpill me on the Switch...

Redpill me on the Switch. Only serious people welcome as it might trigger the unreasonable fandrone fanatics - which this board has god knows enough of.

I consider buying a Switch since I have a chance to buy it new at a reduced price (not stolen by niggers). What keeps me from doing it is its library - which is...poor to say the least.
I grew up with Nintendo and used to love them up to the Gamecube. Then love was over, they just started catering to a different kind of demographic I simply don't resonate with anymore. Hence why I adore pretty much all Nintendo games prior to the Wii and TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER WARNING READ AT YOUR OWN RISK think 80% of post Gamecube era Nintendo is trash. Needless to say Mario Odyssey and BotW don't appeal to me whatsoever. So those are not system sellers for me.
I do like Splatoon though. Also I heard Kong Shlong is being ported which is sweet. I know of Bayo 1-3 and SMT V. Also Mario Tennis which was always a blast.

What else can I expect on the system? Please post only games that are certain.

There's nothing to redpill you on.
Absolutely no reason to get a Switch right now. If you didn't wet yourself and rushed to play Zelda/Mario by this point then you're mentally stable enough to wait a while longer.
I think the following 3 points are a good TL;DR on the situation:
1) Switch is full of hardware design flaws, both minute and big.
2) The full online functionality has been pushed back yet again, AFAIK late 2018 now.
3) A hardware revision is inevitable. At minimum you should get the "Switch-i" or "NewSwitch" or "SwitchLite" a couple years from now.

It's getting Prime 4, Yoshi, Kirby, Pokemon, and probably Animal Crossing and/or Smash at some point. I agree with you about the Wii/Wii U era, but it looks like Nintendo is keeping the mandatory waggle controls confined to original IPs like ARMS, 1-2-Switch, and Labo. If you can afford to wait, I would hold off until the Direct that's coming soon, especially since the 2 big-hitting games out right now don't appeal to you.

Ok, thanks user. I think I will just wait and see how things will continue to develop down the line.

>I would hold off until the Direct that's coming soon
Can you tell me a specific date or time frame when to expect?

>3) A hardware revision is inevitable. At minimum you should get the "Switch-i" or "NewSwitch" or "SwitchLite" a couple years from now.
This is an arguement that's always brought up for any console or computer hardware, it's stupid given how fast technology changes
Why buy a PS4 Pro? New one will be out in a few years. Why buy Coffee lake or Ryzen? Next gen will be out in a few years

Also I doubt they will do any meaningful revisions, the Wii revisions were basically nothing. They're going to treat the Switch as a console rather than a handheld.

Thank you for posting

no idea.
There was a mini Direct a couple of weeks ago, but other than that the last full Direct was in September, so I'd imagine it would either be next week or sometime in February.
Nintendo aren't terribly predictable these days though so it's hard to tell.

Does anyone have a screencap of the thread when that"what I got" picture was posted?

They just had the Direct Mini a little over a week ago, which kinda implies that there's bigger news to come. Nintendo hasn't hinted at anything else, though.

>What keeps me from doing it is its library - which is...poor to say the least.
This console is clearly not for you. No worries man, I'm sure someone out there is making games you like, you don't have to like everything the majority of people like. Here's some feet.

Switch is good for rekindling that stress-free innocence of your childhood. My partner and I were having a lot of problems the past year, and I was being really invasive towards her all the time because i couldnt relax. But since she bought me a Switch ive been able to give her more personal spave and time to heraelf lately and things have really improved.

So it's a good psychological experience you get from this console.

I'm not the slightest bit interested in Nintendos own games like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Yoshi, Splatoon and Arms but I still consider buying a Switch. I love Falcoms games for example, both Ys and the Trails games but I prefer to play them on a handheld, playing 80 hours of slow turn based combat on pc or ps4 is just bothersome and Ys VIII would also be a lot better if I would have been able to play it in bed. The Vita is dead and sadly there is no other option than the Switch.

Lost Sphear will also be bothersome to play on ps4 or pc but it would be perfect for a handheld.

Literally everyone who bought a Wii U bought this thing within the first year and now there will be few left to continue buying it. I don't see normies carrying them around like mad so I doubt it is the next Wii

This is how I feel with Disgaea 5. I didn't play it as much on PS4 but on Switch it's perfect.

lol this is pretty good.

>My partner and I
Don't know if serious, but anyway I bought myself a SNES classic mini for my stress-free innocence nostalgia fix. Best $100 I spent in years.

>STILL haven't opened the box for that game
I really gotta finish up my backlog

>A hardware revision is inevitable. At minimum you should get the "Switch-i" or "NewSwitch" or "SwitchLite" a couple years from now.
Inevitable my ass.
Making different sizes of parts would be an R&D nightmare for this thing, it's already one of the most powerful tablets on the market so making the parts smaller would make the price skyrocket, and after the confusion the wiiu caused and one of the nails in the wiiu coffin they'd rather stay far away from anything that could possibly cause any consumer confusion.

Also Nintendo Labo.
No way in hell that's gonna work if they start making different size joycons or screens and nintendo would have a nightmare on their hands trying to explain to paying customers why their specific brand of switch doesn't work with their product made specifically for the switch.
The Labo has all but cemented that there will not be changes in the hardware size.

>They're going to treat the Switch as a console rather than a handheld.
That's a false premise. Switch is a literal handheld, there's no other possible way of describing it. It has a tablet chip and all. If easily connecting a handheld to a TV makes it a homeconsole then the PSP was also a homeconsole.
Nintendo spins it as "homeconsole" or "portable" in different markets, you just ate the marketing shpiel and believed it. If you were in Japan, for example, the PR is targeted towards it being a handheld.
But PR/Marketing doesn't matter, facts do. Switch is a pure Handheld.

>it's stupid given how fast technology changes
Why buy a PS4 Pro? New one will be out in a few years.
Because even the base PS4/Xbone comes with 500gb of storage (actually 1TB minimum now) and a real controller from the getgo. I haven't seen any other fanbase buying so much storage expansion or new controllers as quickly as I've seen Switch users. It's clearly a subpar package for the $300 they ask for, considering tgat most people will invest in a SD card and perhaps (the equally overpriced) Pro Controller within a 6 months or a year after they get a Switch.
The other consoles also launched with their full online component, while Switch has a 2 year delay. Sure they added functionality over the years, but none were ever as barebones as Switch is right now.

Regardless, what reason would there be for OP to buy one now? It's a new system, it doesn't have many games, if he wanted to cum on Link/Mario's ass so bad he'd have gotten one months ago. Might as well just wait for more games, for the full online and other functionality (such as uploading/downloading saves) to exist and not risk buying it before a probable hardware revision.

user, Nintendo can't not make revisions of consoles at this point. They Have to.

Why did this thing sell so well and yet the Wii U didn't? Is portability really that important? I guess it has the 3DS audience and the Wii U audience and that is why it is selling. But sales will likely be capped at 60mil

-If you don't care about Odyssey and BotW, you should pass.
-If you don't care about portable Dark Souls, you should pass.
-In fact, this is a portable system first and foremost. Ninten Turds treat it like a fucking GameCube - they dock it in their living room and leave it in the dock forever. This is invalid behaviour. If you don't care about portable games, you should absolutely not pick up a Switch.
-If you don't like a massive indie games catalogue, you should pass, cause that's all there is for the time being.

On the plus side, it's a really sweet piece of hardware if you do care about portable gaming. It's just uncertain if Nintendo will abandon it soon or actually keep supporting for a decade as they should.

Why do you assume they would change the size?
The Dock could get scrapped altogether for once. The hardware revision could have all of its internals changed (more battery, less drain, less heat, smaller NN APU, etc). And future base packages might have more storage or come with a "free" SD card, for example.

Many things can change without the formfactor chaning too much. Joycons don't even need to be touched, the rails on the new Switch just need to be compatible with the current ones.

Like they had to with the wiiu, the wii, the cube and n64 right?

I guess if you count the wii revision.
You know, the one that removes cube backwards compatibility to make it cheaper.
But that's not the kind of revision you're talking about here.

it's coming in February and will include the first look at Fire Emblem for Switch, plus have release dates for Yoshi and Dragon Quest XI

Well the marketing wasn't garbage. Some people thought the Wii U was a peripheral to the Wii.

DS and 3DS got tons of revisions each

Switch is a portable though.
Every single Nintendo portable got at least 1 MAJOR revision (GB to GBC, or GBA to GBSP) or multiple ones (DS and 3DS lines).

Even their homeconsoles got hardware changes. N64 got a RAM expansion with exclusive games and Wii for the 1:1 motion with exclusive games. Switch is a portable though, so I'm not sure why we're even talking about this.

>-In fact, this is a portable system first and foremost. Ninten Turds treat it like a fucking GameCube - they dock it in their living room and leave it in the dock forever. This is invalid behaviour. If you don't care about portable games, you should absolutely not pick up a Switch.
Congrats, you just missed the entire point of the switch.

>Why did this thing sell so well and yet the Wii U didn't?
Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.
Our modern society eats up artificial hype like shit eat flies. It's sad but true. Subpar products sell like hot cake while excellent ones can and will fail miserably because one had a good marketing team and budget behind it and the other did not.
The Wii U was a decent console, but it had abysmal marketing. The Wii was a piece of shit but had stellar marketing. The Switch has the marketing part right.

It's a portable system that happens to be able to push 1080p and improved framerate to a television if you connect it to a constant power supply.

Fanboys who buy this shit and play EXCLUSIVELY in their living room are fucking delusional. Get a PS4 or a PC, idiot.

Nah, he actually does have a point. Most people really do use it as a stationary home console - which ironically IS missing the point. Or better yet, Nintendo could have made a proper, beefier, better home console instead - so pure home consolefags got ripped off.
What we got is not the best of both worlds, but in reality the worst of both worlds.
They made compromises on both ends - if the Switch was a full blown handheld they could have made it clamshell and non-modular, leaving more space for better cooling/bigger battery etc. As it is, the Switch is neither fish nor meat.
It's like playing an rpg and evenly distribute all your points. Your character will never amount to anything.

I already have both of those though I don't need to just choose one because I'm not a poor retard

Paid sony shill detected

It was for me, I only had a PC before getting a switch. I underestimated how much playing games around the house would be convenient.

I find it hard to believe that anyone has a Switch as their sole gaming system. Most anyone I know that owns one also owns at least a good PC and more often than not a PS4.

They also for the most part play on their Switch exclusively in their living room.

>Most people really do use it as a stationary home console
First, this is false.
Second, why would this be a problem?
I don't want a portable only system in which a bunch of games I want to play are held hostage by a tiny screen, I'm tired of that shit and I'm not the only one.

It's a handheld that plays console titles and has some ports. That's basically it. The library isn't hiding anything from you; if you don't like what you see, don't get it. The novelty of the mobility really wears off unless you travel a lot or would be playing those games anyways. Don't think the act alone of playing a game outside is going to give you a rejuvenated experience.

Basically what this user said: If you don't care for the games currently out, you're better waiting for more to come. The Switch is also in dire need of a hardware revision which it will almost inevitably get.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Sony!

Well unfortunately they've decided to make this their mainline console so you have to get one to play their big titles this gen. And not everyone prefers playing at their kitchen table to their living room.

>Redpill me on ...

Jesus fucking christ what is it with Sup Forums constantly asking people to tell them how to think about things. Just use your fucking brain and form your own opinion.

Do you want to play the games that are on or coming to the Switch?

Buy it

Don't buy it

It's that fucking simple.

lots of good games slated for it but there's only like 3 worth getting right now
only reason I have one right now as opposed to waiting is because I got a big time hookup for one but unless you can somehow snag one for very cheap I'd hold off

>Well unfortunately
I'm sorry you have bad taste, because I already have one and I kike it very much.
And yes, I do use it docked almost exclusively.