So these are currently the only big MMOs that are not meme games on the market right now.

>Which is better
>If you play one of them, Why?

Other urls found in this thread:

WoW. It's an insanely well polished game that has something for every type of player from casual to hardcore and scrub to pro. There's a reason its stayed relevant for 13 years.

I'd argue FFXIV if you've been away from WoW for a long time. I think the changes will just lead to resentment and disappointments.

Eve Online or a FFXI private server

playing ff14 until wow classic comes out. Dislike all the changes that happened with WoW

>MMOs that are not meme games
You must not know what a meme game is boy.

I play both depending on which has content built up that I haven't tried. WoW is funner for experiencing the world and feeling like an adventurer. FFXIV is has a better story to play through but its definitely more scripted.

WoW for sure now that the low level experience has been made much better. Questing is actually enjoyable, unlike in XIV.

Haven't touched FFXIV but modern WoW is only really good at playing at the most casual level that only PUGs raids and levels alts and in general fucks around with friends, or pure poopsocker beating your head against autistic bullshit-difficulty (although Antorus doesn't seem as bad as Tomb) mythic raid fights.

Both are fine i guess.
I play more FFXIV.
FFXIV you should sub for a month or two and then quit and wait for the next patch.

XIV has a free trial you can play to lvl 30 i think

Personally I play JRPGs, not MMOs, and that's why I like FFXIV.

I've been hearing about this... I was going to hold off until Classic (I know, years from now probably), but maybe I'll give it a try.
Leveling was my favourite thing in older WoW versions. I liked raiding, don't get me wrong, but I loved the simplicity and reward for small group or solo play.

I dunno, probably WoW still. FFXIV has a content drought every patch after 3.0 it seems, whereas WoW has only had a bad one in WoD, its fifth xpac. Both have a big disparity between casual and hardcore content.

>Played WoW for years
>Stopped playing when I started studying for college/first 2 years after got into college
>Came back and everything was fucked
>Stop playing after first resub ran out
>Joined friends in XIV and never looked back

The content is not much.
But god damn if is not pretty and the music is great too.

XIV is exactly the same, except their casuals are arguably infinitely worse than the average casual WoW player.

I'm thinking of switching to XIV because the presence of wow tokens is actually actively preventing me from playing the game at this point
Not having the option to farm gold for playtime is the only thing that will keep me from doing it and let me actually play the fucking game itself

Play both of them but not at the same time. I'm pre-ordering BfA for the allied races but I'm only subbing for a month to play around with them before I cancel and re-sub to FFXIV so i can play patch 4.2

wow isn't anime bullshit, at least.

I play because the lore is interesting to me because I'm an idiot and it's fun

Play both. Keep jumping around between subscriptions. Those two games are stupid. What one of them gets right, the other will manage to fuck it up. WoW is more "free", you move around more, you have an actually open world, i find walking through raids fun and if you grind like a autistic kid you actually get pretty powerful, shit scales in a crazy way (You have videos of tanks soloing current raid boss on normal difficulty). Final Fantasy has better fights, better production value, Since the raid only has 8 players you are 100% guaranteed to have less retarded people in your party. There is not much gear on the game, and honestly doing a raid BIS and doing with the crafted gear of when it came out, right now is not looking that much different. (in case of an entire bis party, its way better, obviously). You dont scale as much as wow.

>Final Fantasy has better fights, better production value, Since the raid only has 8 players you are 100% guaranteed to have less retarded people in your party. There is not much gear on the game, and honestly doing a raid BIS and doing with the crafted gear of when it came out, right now is not looking that much different. (in case of an entire bis party, its way better, obviously). You dont scale as much as wow.
I play XIV and I can tell you without a doubt that every single fight is 10 minutes of piss easy colour by numbers. Devs have no fucking clue how shadows work, and everything clips with everything. The only thing you got right was that you're guaranteed to have less retards in your raid, not because XIV has less retards, but because party size is smaller. XIV's casual playerbase make the WoW BRs look competent as fuck, and no shit doing a raid BiS vs doing it in crafted is barely going to look different. Not only is crafted BiS half the time, but BiS doesn't mean shit except things die a little quicker. It's the same in literally every MMO.

I love FF and wanted to get into 14 but the free trial wasn't that good. The questing was worst than WoW. For some reason the world isn't open and it's filled with invisible walls and the gameplay seems a helluva lot slower for some reason. The game looks and sounds nice however. Also I hate the races in FF14. Why couldn't we have some based Ivalice races?

WoW fights are easier, what has going for them is that atleast you are facing more bosses instead of four. Boohoo FFXIV is shit with clipping and has shit shadows, Check the release date of World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy is a technical marvel close to that. Only case of Crafted gear being bis, is tanks accs, because they do more damage, the tankiness that you get from ilvl 340 is negligible, you still need defensive cooldowns to not die, you still have to pay attention at the fight. In WoW from a certain ILVL you have to actually try hard to fuck it up. And trust me. FFXIV playerbase is bad but WoW is not any better, just look that way because shitters hide more easily among other 19 players.

Honestly the free trial is shit. They did leveling in FFXIV as a slow way to learn you character/rotation, So in the endgame shit is looking as natural as possible. But yeah. A Lancer/Dragoon at lvl 30 will be using at most 2-3 buttons with a 2.5 sec GCD. Try to see videos of how the classes play at 70 and you will have a better idea of the game.

mythic+ with the lads is pure vidyakino

I'm not saying WoW is better than XIV, I'm saying XIV isn't the godsend you're pretending it is. They're both shit in terms of gameplay and graphics. The only thing either of them has going for them is the story, which isn't saying much since those are both pretty fucking bad as well. At least with XIV you don't have to buy ten different books to know why X is Y now.

i wish wow looked as nice as ff14. wow really needs an updated sequel

>Final Fantasy has better fights, better production value, Since the raid only has 8 players you are 100% guaranteed to have less retarded people in your party

that's where you're wrong kiddo

Stop this fucking meme

Combat is way too slow in FFXIV, active players excuse this by saying its fun at level cap, which is ridiculous

Mythic+ dungeons is like I remember BC heroics. You can actually die, people talk because you're forced to. After WoD, I assumed WoW was terminal, it's still long in the tooth and there's unforgivable laziness like re-releasing Dalaran, but obviously the better product if you're insistent on playing an MMO

If they'd worked on a WoW2 instead of WoD, we'd be living in a far better timeline right now

There is an entire raid based around Ivalice. If thats really your thing. The trial is weird because 70 is a competently different move set/play style compared to 30. You should really give it another shit.
Combat is fine, especially once you have all your off global cooldowns. If you want really fast pace try Ninja or Monk.

>but obviously the better product if you're insistent on playing an MMO
The leveling experience, especially with the most recent update is infinitely more fun in WoW than it is in XIV as well.
>There is an entire raid based around Ivalice
This user does not lie, but he doesn't tell you the entire truth either. There is in fact a raid based around Ivalice, but it's just a 24m boss rush meant for shitters to half ass so they can get gear they have no need for since they don't do the actual end game raids. It doesn't even give you any decent lore.

Some of the effects of M+ are nice and make you play differently, i enjoy that too. But is mostly gear gated. Combat is not slow on FFXIV. Depending on your Job you may actually play faster than you would on WoO. And in any case, all FFXIV classes has more depth. WoW manages to dumb it down its gameplay at every expansion.
WoW fights are 100% easier, has less mechanics and honestly, after playing FFXIV most of those mechanics will look childish. on WoW gear is way more important to clear a fight or not. As an example in Antorus, The world first had to wait a reset to gear up and then kill the boss.
Sorry not my intention. If FFXIV was a godsend, i wouldnt play WoW and FF. I really miss raids, doing shit around in a open world (tough its kinda of dead.) and dungeons that are not corridors.

Played both, mostly WoW from classic in highschool to wrath, then on/off.

FF for like 2 months.

Both are absolute fucking trash. FF takes the fucking spot. Try looking through the threads that get routinely cropped here on Sup Forums. It's the playerbase all collectively shilling the game.

Each commenter is some neckbeard asking questions he clearly knows the answer too but just takes the time out of his life to bump a thread about one of the most objectively shitty games in support.

WoW just plain sucks. Don't waste your time, the ship sailed for MMO's like 8-10 years ago, if you didn't play then just don't even bother now.

Are Sup Forums wow guilds any good at all? I have a job and am pretty casual these days, I don't really mind a little meme shit as long as it's not TERRIBLE. I've had decent experiences with LOTRO and DCUO Sup Forums guilds way back in the day.

People enjoying and talking about a video game they enjoy.


Fuck off cunt

Absolutely not. Never join a guild or alliance or any form of group collective of Sup Forums users unless you are underage and/or a meme spouting faggot/tranny desperate for attention because those are the only types of people in those guilds.

Neither is good, so comparing one pile of trash to another really isn't worth much.

It's true though, XIV threads are extremely shill heavy and they do literally anything it takes to keep someone from badmouthing the game.

Well where the fuck else am I going to meet a guild?

Just join a random casual guild my man. I'm sure there are quite a few on whatever server you play on.

every class in FFXIV has a bland as fuck rotation though that makes you fall asleep

t. MNK main

Most of ffxiv Sup Forums thread are talking about how fucking bad people are at the game and how fucking bad the ffxiv general is.

>WoW fights are 100% easier, has less mechanics and honestly, after playing FFXIV most of those mechanics will look childish. on WoW gear is way more important to clear a fight or not. As an example in Antorus, The world first had to wait a reset to gear up and then kill the boss.

They're not easier. Having raided in both it's MUCH easier to depend on 7 other people to not fuck up than it is 19. It's the same deal back in MoP/Cata when 10/25 split was a thing.

Trying to claim gear is all that matters is wrong too. Method got WF KJ at an average ilvl much lower than most guilds when they get their first kill. Even now it's been well over a month since the WF Argus and there are less than 100 guilds 11/11 while there are hundreds at 9/11 and 10/11 who are way more geared than Method was.

I don't know much about current WoW but here are the cons of FFXIV
>the blandest gear on the planet - character progression feels nonexistent
>few fights that test your ability to play your character - dungeons are complete pushovers. Raids are a nice step up in difficulty but only come around every 8 months and there are only 4 fights (+1 for meme ultimate).
>The gear rewards from those fights are literally invalidated on new raid patch day by stuff that is basically free. You won't be using any gear that drops to actually progress through content.
This is all what killed the game for me. It's an RPG with no growth or goals other than cosmetic ones.

I don't play (haven't in a few years), thinking about resubbing for cheap entertainment while I save some money.

I don't know if I can handle regular guilds, either. Meme spouters are cringey but reddit types are worse, and it seems like that's all you find on the internet these days.

Bruv, you don't need to lie. I play XIV and regularly join both Sup Forums threads and the general.

I just don't like final fantasy, so I've never tried it. I enjoyed Wow though

>Combat is not slow on FFXIV. Depending on your Job you may actually play faster than you would on WoO
Factually incorrect. Top NIN parses on FFlogs are only in the mid 50s CPM range and they are the most APM heavy class. WoW classes average around 50-70 with some peaking over 120.

>Playing ARR
>Entirely complete that fucking relic grindfest to make it BiS
>It's fucking worthless the second Heavensward is released

Where's runescape?

>Alexander Prime
Might want to update your image

Does anyone else really enjoy the low level dungeons like Ragefire Chasm and Wailing Caverns?
Does WoW even still have those kinds of early game runs?

Welcome to MMORPG's.

It hasn't changed, I'm looking at Ultimate coil right now and none of the logs are noticeably higher.

So keep it /vg/. Otherwise go to 8ch or some shit if you really want pointless blithering. Most of those XIV threads are statements with no replies. Just migrate elsewhere for discussion.

Yes but they've all been changed since Cata to either make them shorter or completely changing the entire dungeon. They're pretty irrelevant though and you'll probably just run each once before moving on to the next.

I do, and with the new leveling changes you can queue for them until level 60 and they'll drop relevant loot which is fucking cool imo. I really dig that you can do old shit but still get things relevant to you.

You said everything user. Its easier to get 7 players than 19. That is the only difficult thing in wow. Watch antorus mythic bosses and then watch the last 2 fights from FFxiv (not counting the 24 man). And honestly around 100 guilds doing mythic content its actually a good number, Since like it was mentioned, you need 20 persons invested in doing that shit. More people will clear when both better gear and raid nerfs happens.
WoW classes keep spamming the resource generator button and then the spend resource button, with cds being used eventually. But sure, if the logs show that WoW plays faster then that is correct, i just wouldnt tell WoW players that FF has a slow and boring gameplay in comparison.

7.3.5 made all dungeons while leveling harder. It's nowhere near the same as vanilla but you can't just chain pull all the trash between bosses and expect to live, even in heirlooms.

You could also just wait for classic.

I don't even make threads.
Also you can't stop them.
I don't know why people are so angry about ffxiv threads.

>Stop talking about games i don't like.

Okay pal.

Are they still fun though?
That sounds cool. So someone could level 5-60 in a single dungeon, or do you mean they have different dungeons relevant to every level, so you could play the whole game to 60 running dungeons?
Also, isn't the level cap like 110 now?

You can if your group isn't retarded and understand how scaling works.

Hey, relics were a thing in FFXI and they were always good and relevant. Granted, the amount of work to make them was fucking staggering but still. SE knew to not shit on something that a whole guild had to help build.

Different directors though, so yeah. Yoshi-P is a fucking hack and the very structure they update their "content" on is pure garbage. I really wish I wasted less time on it. The only saving grace to XIV is some design elements and absolutely the music.

Have they changed the rep grind you need to finish the story in legion
I logged in for a week straight just grinding nightborne reputation so I can actually finish the damn story, then once I realized the game turned into a job I just stopped. At least XIV lets you play their dumb story straight through with no forced stops (unless you're a dps lmao)

t. Owner of the internet.

its been a while since ive played but i remember the night time music in the big dessert city being fantastic

Not really, even with the leveling changes they're still snorefests. Vanilla dungeons also were and people will soon realize that once classic comes out and the nostalgia wears off

Yeah, I might wait for Vanilla.
I haven't played in ages, and just remember really enjoying the low level group content.

Every vanilla dungeon caps at 60 and you unlock more as you level up. They got rid of that stupid "You're this level so you can only queue for X, Y, and Z." Now it doesn't matter what level you are as long as you're at or below the cap. You can be 56 and queue for Ragefire/Deadmines if you wanted.

Yes, after some patches they removed the content that was gated by reputation

A lot of the music is top tier stuff. Soken definitely does some seriously good work. The problem is that you can't make an MMO good when the only thing that IS good is the music.

>That is the only difficult thing in wow.
You are making a very ignorant and gross simplification. I've kept in touch with my static members that cleared ultimate coil and it's not the same. Nothing in Savage or Coil cockblocked my static nearly to the same degree star augur or fallen avatar did.

I'm not saying harder = better. But claiming mythic raiding is just finding 20 warm bodies is bullshit.

Welp, I really enjoyed them, so I'll take what you say with a grain of salt since the way we enjoy wow clearly differs.

Comparing ff11 to a modern mmorpg is ridiculous though. It's like comparing Everquest to WoW

Plenty of things did become irrelevant in 11 too. I remember working hard to get my AF pieces just to have them be made useless not long after.

What, did you expect it to last forever?

I started playing Lineage 2 again. Solo. Because I'm a masochist.

wow has actual pvp. but ffxiv is fun to hang around cities and just talk to people (no chat bubbles though what the fuck)
so yeah, i choose wow

Play Lineage 2 for pvp.
If you can ever get to high level
The game is a pvp dream tbqh.

AF was a stepping stone. As was relic and Empyrean, until they changed shit and you can now get HQ versions of each through upgrades, making them entirely relevant again.

The reason to compare them is that SE has a still-running classic MMO that paved the way for better choices down the line when SE wanted to get back into MMOs again. Instead they ignored anything they could have learned, hired a hack that just said "copy WoW" and theme-parked that shit forever. Sure, it's financially successful, which is all they care about (cash shop on a subscription game) but it's very, very obvious they don't care to further the game.

I expected it to not be outshined by a fucking quest reward. Especially with how much work goes into those fucking things, or at least did before SE nerfed the shit out of it.

>Just resubbed today to WoW thinking 7.3.5 couldn't be that bad
>It is however exactly that fucking bad
>Dungeons are damn near unplayable in PUGs because enemy HP is higher
It doesn't actually make it harder per se, but it takes so long that the healers commonly run out of mana healing the tank and then everyone blows up.
>Even past the levels of the dungeons the dungeons scale to the cap of the portion of the game they are in
Ex. all vanilla dungeons scale to level 60

So I decided not to level my low level alts and instead focus on my higher level characters.
Hunting some xmogs for fun playing fashion craft.
>People who hunt specific dungeon gear for xmogs are now fucked by personal loot tables that only give you gear suitable to your desired spec resulting in many boss kills rewarding you with fucking nothing

I'm now probably just going to:
>Go on my main
>Do Legion world daily crap every day until I reach exalted with every group so I can unlock the fucking allied races in the expansion
>Stop playing
>Hope they at least increase the shit out of exp gains sometime between now and when BFA gets released because I actually enjoyed WoW as the casual game I believe it should be

>Check the release date of World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy is a technical marvel close to that.
If it's such a technical marvel why doesn't it have
1) good netcode that doesn't tank the game every time a packet is even slightly delayed
2) abilities coinciding with their animation
3) proper handling of height and platforming
4) actual open fucking world without loading lines every 10 meters
5) ability to add actual new data handling functions such as appearance log without ten different limitations

I firmly believe that WoW has always had a ton of problems and isn't as good of a game as it used to be even two expansions ago but XIV is hilariously incompetent at anything that doesn't involve audiovisual presentation.

Getting 20 people isn't the only thing that's harder. Coordinating 20 is also significantly harder than a group of 8. It's why 10 man raids in cata/mop were easier despite having the exact same mechanics.

>Watch antorus mythic bosses
Watching a fight means absolutely nothing. When you watch a kill video you are essentially seeing every mechanic done correctly so of course it's going to look easy. There are a ton of encounters that look way easier than they are to actually execute. I unsubbed after savage deltascape so I'm not going to speak of how hard ultimate coil is but if all you've seen are videos of ABT mythic without having actually done them then you don't have any business commenting on their difficulty.

Relic are for losers.

t. casual shitter

This. Ultimate Coil also looks easy if you just watch the clear videos. Like, how hard can it be to just move out of exaflare amirite :^)

Why the fuck you even want the relic.

If FF11 was released today with modern graphics it would flop faster than Wildstar did.

That game had huge problems from begging to end and some were never resolved. Almost every MMO since WoW has been a "WoW clone". WoW just created a modern genre of MMO's and things haven't changed much since because it works.
It's just like how people use to call Half Life and Halo "doom clones"

if wow could have kept its community building aspects it would still be decent, but now im sitting in any old main city or dalaran with noone around and trade and general is dead in both. its just not the way a MMO should be

>Why do you want a BiS weapon
I honestly can't tell if you're legitimately retarded or just baiting.

Relics are for the casuals who can't do savage though

Why do you even want your BIS if you can clear everything with mismatched gear?.

In ARR depending on your class and how you built your relic it was BiS.

Who cares about BiS months after the final tier of the expansion is dead and gone? That's the only time relics are even BiS at all

That's to be expected somewhat.
What isn't to be expected is to never be able to use raid drops to progress through new raids. The weapons Neo Exdeath drops are worthless (except for Ultimate, which also drops worthless weapons). The extra slap in the face is that you can slot materia into them. It costs money to raid but you get nothing from it.
It wasn't this way in ARR where you could actually use Twintania drops to progress to Nael and use Nael drops to progress to Bahamut.

yeah yeah, thats great and all guys. But is there a single mmo that doesnt have shit quest? All quest from WoW and FFXIV are basically "Kill vampires 0/800" and besides dungeon you cant level any other way.

>yfw there no good mmos

What will save us?

Only thing i can think of is gw2 that gives alot of xp for just exploring, enough that it can get you to max decently fast.