I liked it

I liked it

Other urls found in this thread:


>Not P2W.
>No Lootboxes.
>Reinforces that it's a goddamn spinoff, not a mainline MGS title or representative of the future of the series.
Eat a bouquet of dicks Kojimadrones

me too

what kind of game even is this?
I really liked the mechanics of mgsv but the story and basically everything else was absolutely shit.
will i like survive?

It's the mechanics repurposed for a survivey crafty wave defence-y zombie shooter/stabber/slasher game thing, with minor stealth elements.

I got a related question.
I play ps4 and the shop lists "exclusive dlc"
That's the pre order bonus everyone gets right? I'd doesn't say what it is and I want those scarves. Pls help.

sounds kinda gay honestly

it's ok
Feels like it could've easily been some kind of MGO expansion though rather than a separate game

>heavy tactical weapon
>owo what's this
>fucking ray sits on a mountain and shoots lasers all over the place

PS4 theme is exclusive to the PS Store

>paying konami a cent ever again

this desu senpai

I want to hate this game, but it sounds pretty fun.

Konami should have made a Metal Gear Rising sequel instead.

you mean licensed?

Ah, so no GS/Amazon/walmart bonus then?

>There will not be loot boxes, and there will not be Pay-to-Win types of microtransactions.
Oh hey it sounds like they're genuinely trying to make a good gam-
>There will be things like the accessories in Metal Gear Online, and Forward Operating Base in MGSV: The Phantom Pain.
Oh god damn it

It has a single player story though.

Reminder that you can get it for $31 on GMG rather than Steam's $40 asking price.

I hated it.

>Sup Forums will pretend this uninspired genre rehash is good because they've convinced themselves it's giving some gook the middle finger
Truly the most interesting timeline

I liked it.

It's pretty great. Probably won't buy it on launch though, too expensive on my Steam.

The mechanics are expanded and there's no Kojima to write his crap plots so by all accounts it should be better.

the expanded stamina and healing from MGS3 adds a lot of enjoyment.

The game has ideas that conceptually are interesting but to say the open world zombie survival crafting genre is oversaturated is an understatement.

If it didn't have Metal Gear Solid in the name, people would be raving about it.

But the brand is stained.

This game needs a battle royale mode in the future. I know battle royale is a saturated genre, but the MGSV mechanics are leagues ahead of Fortnite and PUBG.

A battle royale with MGS quirkiness, cardboard boxes, and traps along with some stealth would work great but let's face it, if Konami did a battle royale mode it would be a straight clone without any uniqueness.

Fucking around in the waiting area is more fun than the actual game, not that the game is bad

>Literally fultoning people out of the game will be a viable winning tactic.

pretty much this.
if they pitched this as some zombie survivor game, but later in the game they allow you to figure out this guys are survivors from MSF, it could have been a kinda cool reference.
the game would be judged for its own good and bad traits, using the metal gear franchise as a stepping stone was a terrible idea.

>MGS battle royal mode gets patched in
>The sky drops are pachinko machines
>You have to cover your squad mate until he wins at it

The genre they went with is just not interesting at all anymore, it's been done to death, and it's the kind of genre used for cash grabs more than anything.

Exactly how many survival lane defense games are out there, you faggots?

>murrrrr it's been done before

Fucking where? The closest comparison is like State of Decay and now only was that game a buggy mess, it didn't have the more focused defense mode of this game's multiplayer.

Good for you. I went in with low expectations and was still disappointed. Somehow they managed to make it play worse than TPP in nearly every way.

Are there any other co-op modes otherwise than the horde base defence mode?


>survival lane defense games
Don't make up shit to make it seem rarer, Survive easily falls under open world crafting survival zombie game which there's already millions of.

>You literally craft bullets
>the fucking auto aim

I played one round and was upset with the time I fucking wasted

it's a glorified tower defense game

>X minutes until next wave begins
That triggers me, just give me time to explore.

>tfw kerm is right

You can turn off auto-aim.

is it over? I played like 2 matches, both of which took like 20 minutes to even begin due to no one online in my timezone. once the match began I had no fucking clue what to do. there was no help or tutorial. YES i figured it out as I went, but fuck me was I having fun? NO. Just defend some fucking drill and level up in an endless grind. If it wasn't for my try hard team I would've 100% failed it on my own because all they give you is a fucking stick and a pistol. FUCK YOU. Even if I wanted to level up I couldn't, because Faggotlevel35 was off on the side of the map clearing all the zombies on his own with his overpowered and overpowered dick.

What a boring ass game. The menus are a fucking pain to navigate through JUST to make a single piece of protection. Where am I even supposed to get half of these fucking materials from? Literally hitting fucking trees and barrels like this is some kind of Minecraft game? Fuck you.

What a shitty boring ass game.

Fortine has no fucking survival shit. Neither do tower defense games.

Fucking how?

Fortnites primary game mode is literally survival

>craft ammo, weapons, and bases to fend off against zombies
>have to keep bars related to your character's state from going down
>the world is open world
That's how.
There is not an ounce of anything new or anything that hasn't been done to death already

Not only does the game have a shitload of help screens when you first play, the idroid has a ton of tutorials.

How stupid must you be that even DSP could easily play and yet you struggled? No, the reality is you didn't play shit and are just being funny. No man is THAT stupid.

I don't care, the fact it thought I was so brain dead it had 16 levels if fucking sticky to the autoaim tells me all I need to know about this game

The game I played after it was sunset overdrive, it it was like the fun version of this pile of garbage.

I can not contain my mad for this game.

Fornite has no scavenging for anything other than bricks and bits of wood.

>the most generic descriptor

Really nigga. I guess this must be a driving game too because

>you get a car
>you drive it places
>you have to hurry

Yes, tutorials off to a side menu that you gotta dig up and waste an hour going through. It's a fucking pain. What for? So you know how to aim a fucking spear before hitting with it? Then the gameplay is fucking boring. The melee combat feels utterly devoid of any strategy. Just point and hit or use one of those "LEVEL TREE" skills like it's some kind of fucking RPG. Fuck I was so bored the entire fucking game since to unlock the FUN you probably have to spend days grinding boring ass missions. Shitty fucking game and there was no help at all during the first start up. Stop lying you fucking faggot.

It's always with the misinformation on this board. No, fuck you game for hiding 40x tutorials behind when all I wanted to learn was what the fuck is the point of this game.

>It's to grind for lootboxes user
fuck you

As a tower defense fag this is why I'm buying it.

>moving the goalposts
If you want to waste money on this rehash just because you think it's giving the middle finger to some random gook then be my guest.

Somehow this was even worse than the Dissidia beta.

>Fortnight has no scavenging for things except for your building materials

So... survival?

Trying too hard to sound retarded. Apply yourself.

Kill yourself little shill machine. Earn some real money.

Ooooh you are one of those muh kojima fags. No wonder.

Yeah because you eat the bricks, right. Or need specific medicine to cure certain ailments.

>its nor a survival game unless you have a hunger meter

I guess if you want to change the rules to fit your argument I cant really win here.

>muh kojima
In the sense that it's obvious Sup Forums only likes Survive because they care about whether or not it's "one upping" a jap
I don't give a shit about kojimbles but when these threads are full of people seething over him the real reason people are saying this is good is apparent.

so because there's a hunger and thirst bar to lower your hp and stamina metal gear survive is nothing like fortnite at all?

Sup Forums is no longer about playing games, isn't it. It's all about which console/guy/company/genre/series won, not the games themselves.

Is there a create a character for the single player?

What do you think survival games are, you retard? "A game in which you try not to die?" Is Mario Bros a survival game? Fuck off with that shit.

game is fun when you have 2-3 other people playing with you who know what they're doing, hopefully in the single player there's more of a focus on stealth and exploration

I'm fairly certain you're samefagging because that's fucking retarded. The vast majority of Sup Forums either loves Kojima or is neutral about him, there's no website on Earth with as many kojimafags. Most people here buying Survive are either doing it because they don't care about whether Kojima is involved or slightly unwillingly because the game still looks fun despite Kojima's absence.

People here are contrarian by nature. Survive is a shit game and will inevitably get terrible reviews so they'll people it up as some misunderstood masterpiece. Has nothing to do with Kojima.

>being this paranoid

>Fortnite, the game with a $150 founders pack
>the game where lootboxes are the primary form of progression
Why the fuck are any of you talking about this game in here.

The entire game (single and multiplayer) is built around a character you create.

>first post in the thread already starts to bitch about Kojima
>n-no you're just paranoid

>just give me time to explore
that's what single player is for, why would you want to explore an empty multiplayer map


The threads on this game since announcement say otherwise.

If you look at any given poster on average they came here from plebbit in the last two years and browse on a phone. It should be obvious why they play trash like this.

so from what i can tell everyone who likes this also shits on Kojima, so i'll pass

everyone who likes this will buy it because it's fun, nobody cares about your kojima konami drama soyboy

And yet the first post ITT is someone seething over a gook

>because it's fun
If only that were the case.

>don't have fun doing thing
>someone else has fun doing thing
>can't work out why

have you taken an autism test before user?

If I'm understanding how the game works
>we're getting more wave-based tower defense third person shooter games again, just like how Sanctum, Orcs Must Die, Iron Brigade, Dungeon Defenders, etc. were

No, people simply would completely ignore it.
It's a zombie game that stands out in no way whatsoever.

>don't care about multiplayer
>just gonna make a comfy base and sneak around in singleplayer

mite b cool

>Sup Forums will keep crying about Kojima when even the gaming media, leddit and all other game websites have managed to take Kojima's cock out of their mouths.

congratulations, you enjoy mediocre games, or rather game modes i should say. Gameplay mechanics wise its fine because it took from an already good game, game mode wise it got stale after 1 match. Have fun losers.

Except all the mentions about Kojima in these threads are from Survive apologists who call everyone who doesn't eat up this generic zombie game a Kojimadrone.

>already good game

This picture is nice, but it bothers me.
There's no doors anywhere, I hope they're craftable.

>the gaming media, leddit and all other game websites have managed to
To not give a fuck?
You think anyone cares about this game?
It averaged at 600 viewers on Twitch on burger prime time.
Barely anyone remembers this game exists.

>gaming media likes it
Biggest argument to drop this game.
The media also told me MGSV was a 9/10.
Konami's not scamming me again.

yes the gameplay of MGSV was 10/10, the progression is what was terrible. Don't get it twisted soyboy.

You mean the control responsiveness since it was a nice change from the slow clunky trash of western games.
The gameplay itself consisted of missions with zero level design, mindless grinding, running around a completely empty open world with no attention to detail whatsoever and...
Well, that's it.
It was an open world game made by people who have absolutely no idea about making open world games.

>It averaged at 600 viewers on Twitch on burger prime time
monster hunter world beta was incredibly popular and averaged 4k viewers max, people don't watch anything but cs:go, league of legends and BR games on twitch

Except now that the MGS fanbase has moved on, the only chance for this game is casuals and streamers, and even those ignored it.

>co-op is exclusive to those shitty tower defense missions
>no co-op in the open world
How can they fuck up the ONE thing they were doing good?

no, i mean gameplay wise, it was the most fun out of all MGS games, even if the missions were a bunch of repeat shit. You have so many options.

You can't. There is no single player. It's just multiplayer.

There is singleplayer, it's just for some reason it requieres permanent internet connection even though only some missions are co-op.

>kojimafags arguing when they don't know a single thing about the game

hasn't been confirmed why but it's probably something to do with how you carry over your single player resources to multiplayer

>stealth is utterly pointless
I rather just play MGSV, honestly.
At least I won't have to grind the shit out of everything.
Or better, i'll just stick to actually entertaining games instead of this dead franchise.