That kid who long jumped to the cafeteria before anyone else so was always first

>that kid who long jumped to the cafeteria before anyone else so was always first

>that kid that quicksaved before every exam

>the kid that made keybinds to push in his chair

>that kid who sequence break'd into his Junior year before 5th grade

>that kid who sequence broke his way from 4th to 6th grade

The only thing I miss from my school cafeteria was the Cherry Vanilla Coke

>that kid who could make it from homeroom to the playground in only half an A press
>always took me like 50

>that one speedrunner who glitched to skip the bus ride and was always early

>that kid who got stuck on the door

whoa, same time

>that kid who traveled multiple PUs to skip class

>that kid who committed suicide

>I was that kid

>that kid who transitioned into a girl but only got any% wrong warp

>That one kid that backwards long jumped through a long hallway in order to take advantage of uncapped negative z momentum to clip through walls so he could play hookie and also get back into school unnoticed

That's called running, OP. No need to diss it. It's very fast.

>tfw you had a vision of that kid on the ground bloody a week before he did it

>tfw ghosts browse Sup Forums

>that kid who ran on the hallways with Naruto ninja running pose

>That guy who quickscoped in the bathroom

>that kid who rightfully told mods and jannies to fuck off

>that kid who built up speed all night so he could finish the mile under a second

>that kid that slowly crawled to the classroom because there was no rule for actually walking or running to it

I do not like this image.

>that kid who did a BLJ off of the wheelchair ramp so he could launch himself onto the roof

>That kid who force lagged his connection to always win dodgeball

>that kid who got himself beat up behind the school for several hours so he could reckoning bomb you with several thousands of stacks

>That foreign exchange student with shitty ping

>that kid who grinded xp for penis inspection day

>that autist that made another one of these stupid fucking threads
man I hate his guts


>be senior in high school
>private jr/senior high school so there were 6th-8th graders as well
>unintentionally make friends with this autistic 8th grader with bushy eyebrows
>talked to me about playing Ocarina of Time and I'd give him tips (this was late 00's)
>didn't really care for him but helped him out to be polite
>midway through the year his grandmother comes home, parks her car in the garage, closes the garage door, and falls asleep while in the car
>gasses herself, the kid, and his sister
I really did not need to be remembered about this. The funeral was at the school church, everybody had to go. Open casket funeral.

>everyone graduated by the time he finished his test

>that kid who had aimbot during dodgeball

The kids weren’t smart enough to get out the car after two hours of grandma sleeping in the drivers seat?
How the fuck does one fall asleep in the driver seat of a running car parked in the garage. Sounds like natural selection worked

fuck that's morbid

He was too autistic to not open the garage? Austism isn't retardation especially if he was in 8th grade.

Sorry if I was unclear, the kids weren't in the car.
They were sleeping in the house, the grandmother came home around 10PM or so. The car exhaust filled the entire house.

Makes way more sense, thanks.

>kid down the street from me OD on pills
>his father had a fatal heart attack three days later

Holy shit, didn't realize it could do that. Thought it would only fill the garage.

>that kid who did the drop trick to give all of his friends a gameboy with pokemon red that has a whole team of lvl 100 mewtwos on it

>My class before lunch was far from the quad and cafeteria
>After the bell rang, I had to run to avoid the big fucking crowd
>Always self-conscious about running.

>that kid who was so cool because he was doing NG+ in school

>start moving really quickly down the hallway
>it turns out you were going the wrong direction
>people will now watch you turn around and know

>had to re-take a whole semester's worth of classes in college because I ran out of money near the end and couldn't afford gas to drive to school
knowing the material and breezing through the tests was kind of a nice feeling. too bad I wasted $2000 and six months of my life though

>that kid who got his QPU missalinged

god bless Darian wherever you are