This game is retarded

>devs so lazy the couldnt be fucked with adding actual proper hitboxes
>hey lets just add bones that shoot out ay lmao thats good enough for these idiots



How about the devs get gud at their fucking job.

Name one Monster Hunter game with non-bullshit hitboxes.

For real though, anyone else have the camera flip out when hanging around his back legs?

Welcome to Monster Hunter faggot.
Git gud and thank goodness that they didn't reuse ps2 assets yet again.

You will get used to it.

Haven't played since FU, what's wrong with the hitboxes now?

Nothing, it's just a new generation of bad players.

nothing, just your usual batch of new players complaining about shit instead of getting gud

This is truly the Dark Souls 2 of MMOs.


>make an actual complaint
>git gud lul

only thing wrong with this monster is that bones grow black too quickly / breakage is on threshold, not on some meter that gets lowered on hits
you can whack this energy drink flippy fucks head constantly and to almost fucking there, but if you don't break the threshold damage you get body slam, and you have to wait for it
I don't think scarring the face beforehand allows you to go negative either

remove bounce-off (but keep the lowered damage) or change spikes into higher frequency but lower threshold

Where's your game?

It's such a breath of fresh air.
The Soulsborne formula works really great for it. Thet inovated the formula with dinosaurs and stuff. I also like that they mixed trick weapons with normal weapons.
Much better than Dragon's Dogma or Lords of the Fallenn who just copied the formula without any improvement.

The only attack of his I find to be a little bullshit is his airborne lunge.

It has a FUCKHUGE hitbox. I was just in a Nerg multiplayer hunt and I saw one guy get rekt by that lunge despite not being anywhere near it. Its kinda ridiculous.

Imagine seething because you're shit at MH

Enemies dont need to hit you to hit. Its because the devs are lazy but fans will eat anything up.


I can't kill him solo within time limit w/ the LS I cart to many times. I can even cut his tail off consistently but I can't kill him. Damn it.

Nothing, just a gen of little bitches that can't take a challenge

Superman dive it

(You) know there will be a lot of reviews like that.
Dude, at least they aren't reusing their PS2 textures and character models anymome.

So your issue is actually that the attack is too large rather than it being displayed inaccurately?
In other words GG(get good).

i know there will be and it triggers me

I barely managed to solo him last night with DB, carted twice.

You can clearly see its spikes flying after its attacks, if you suck too much to avoid them, blame yourselves, not the game

Is the beta still up btw ?

Yes, up until 9pm ET, I believe.

yes until 9pm today

superman dive is bugged, it only works half the time. dumb as fuck

It actually seems that literally nobody on planet earth uses the comedy run invincibility dive. It exists for those exact types of attacks.

Mad because bad.

Seriously though, git gud

now this is just flat-out wrong
Superman is the one thing you can count on

If you hold the sheath/sprint, face even vaguely away and mash dodge
you will dive
If you fuck up, that's entirely on you

No, blocking or superman diving is guaranteed to get you through the attack

Superman dive has been consistent throughout the entire series. You just fuck up the input like a retard.

Are you using demon powder and barrel bombs?

I'm not going to pretend that I haven't spent several hours trying to kill this thing, in both solo and multi, with no success but you definitely need to acquire some skill and stop being upset.

What is it about Papa Nergel that makes him a walking natural disaster? All he does is grow and shed thorns.

Post a room and I'll join you in multi
Not saying I'll carry, but I can kill him on my own

It's been this way for a while, the dive only works when you're panic running while facing away from the monster. Sometimes it's not targeting you even though it's still attacking in your direction, and you normal run instead. It's not bugged, it just relies on you being in combat with the monster (the eye icon next to your status), and you facing away from the monster.

If I'm having trouble with a monster that likes to spam moves with a large hitbox, consider taking up a weapon with a big shield (charge blade, lance, gunlance, SnS maybe if you have good guard skills on your armor) and playing more conservatively, taking a bit more time to guard big attacks. You can easily survive his divebombs and shoulder tackles with it, only takes chip damage.

I find lance to be the safest way to kill it, with CB being the fastest.

Stop spoonfeeding you fag

People are just bitching about the shrapnel he shoots after an attack. It's annoying, but fair and telegraphed

I don't think that's what spoonfeeding means
If he's online anyways, I'd rather he'd be with Sup Forums or /mhg/ than randos
I can't go into his game and kill it for him solo

Except I know how its done and ive done it multiple times, it just randomly doesnt want to do it.

Now what if they his spikes seregios's bleeding property?

Ive already beaten nigergante with a greatsword, Ive blocked and superman dived his attack multiple times, its just there are times where i know for a fact ive pressed it and instead it just rolls and the attack ends up killing me. Its inconsistent and the devs dont care because the fans dont. Feelsgood knowing a cardboard box will outsell this shit lmao

Tips for this guy using GS?

Sticking to one weakspot and chilling underneath him seem to keep me from getting carted but I'm not killing him in time.

Yes but I'm only using barrels when he's sleeping

Also remember to use the cheating cape. Allows you to get hits in while totally ignoring his attacks.

I rather have ps2 textures and a shit ton of monsters and gunner/blademaster separated sets, all I wanted was for the game to be on ps3/4, not a graphical update

The hit box of Nerigante changes based on spikes. You're getting hit. His dive bomb is balanced around shields, superman dives, and the fact that he won't do it if he doesn't have black spikes. You can only dodge it if he initiated it close to you and you run past the tail, dodging laterally won't get you enough distance to avoid the shrapnel.

If you're getting killed by his paw slam, your waking up too soon.

Also, elders tend to be balanced around armor skills...there's a reason earplugs prevents one-shots, same with tremor, etc.

How new are you?

Did you somehow miss Capcom higher ups saying (before World's announcement) they wanted the next MonHun to have Western AAA audience?

I'm thankful the game was less dumbed down than I feared.

Well, if you want a guaranteed dodge with iframes that works no matter where you're facing just use longsword's foresight slash. Moves like guarding and dive can't easily be done at any direction and at a moment's notice. Don't rely too much on them. Monster Hunter Generations did that with adept style and it totally broke the game's difficulty. People running into explosions and fireballs and shit because they're totally invincible anyway.

It's your own fault for expecting anything good for current Capcom.

Finally managed to beat him with the hammer after struggling for 15+ tries. This asshole always get me down and combo me before I can super dive out of his way when I stay close to his head.

But by using paralysis knives, poison knives, the titan cape, demon powder, I've finally beat him under 13 minutes. It's no speedrun, but that's a real improvement.

>Sup Forums is so bad at videogames they need easy mode in Monster Hunter

>your waking up too soon
My last monster hunter was on the WiiU and I didn't know this was possible.
Really seems counterintuitive.

congrats, user

It took me the whope day but I finally solo'd him.

Not proud of it, I failed to do it with the glaive like I wanted (used Edgy Knives) and barely made it in time after like a hundred attempts.

This dude fucked me up. And it took me way too long to understand how to actually fight him correctly.

What's the most efficient way to use knives?
Just go for headshots?

You can sit on the groud and not get hit. It's annoying, but stop mashing.

The feeling of getting gud one hunt at a time is what makes this franchise great

barrel bombs and flash pods in your item box inside the camp tent will also cut the time down, and if you know what camp to fast travel to you can actually cut him off when he runs away, giving you more time to damage him

shooting flash pods in front of the monster's face will blind it and make it attack in random directions, if you blind it while it's up in the air about to do his spike attack it'll actually fall down, giving you more free hits on the face

its funny how nergi does his airdive after he threw you arround, if you stand up as soon as possible he will cart you 100%

Dear Scrubs,

Learn this game using hammer. Get an Evade Up+ Armour set ASAP. Now you should be ready to grin out just about anything.

Are damage numbers still a thing?
Are you still guided by green fireflies highlighting everything to you like some Witcher sense?
Walk while using or picking items up?
Stupid Assassins creed stealth mechanic?
Still look like a casualised westernised bastard version of MH?

I haven't followed this game at all since the reveal.

>Are damage numbers still a thing?
No. You can turn them off.
>Are you still guided by green fireflies highlighting everything to you like some Witcher sense?
You can probably turn them off in retail too.
>Walk while using or picking items up?
>Stupid Assassins creed stealth mechanic?
What the fuck does that even mean
>Still look like a casualised westernised bastard version of MH?
That's just your delusion, go actually play the game

>implying crap sum have EVER made a hitbox for monhun that even remotely conforms to the monster in any way.

>implying "bad hitboxes are A FEATURE! REEEE GET GUD!" faggots aren't now going to flood the thread.

pic related. a super serious official artwork showing the way hit and hurtboxes totally fit to the monster, only filthy gaijins don' have arms that actually are 20 feeet longer than they appear visually.

what did i say about the REEE GIT GUD faggots?

>legitimate issue with the IP devs too lazy and cheap and incompetent to bother fixing

>reeee u r jus a shitter!

every time.

Thats not even an exaggeration, nergis hit box for his dive bomb is so huge you will get hit by literally nothing. The animations in this game are the laziest I have ever seen and thats including other mh games.

All me

green fireflies are mostly required since maps are a lot more complex this time, they will highlight monster tracks but if you know the spawn area you can just run straight there. I thought it was easy mode shit at first, but you can actually spend a lot of time running in circles trying to look for the monster. It's not like older gens where you either look up the spawn area on kiranico or you use a psychoserum and walk over to that area. Either way the scoutflies and slinger are there to stay.

The game showed in reveal trailer and how it actually plays in the betas is vastly different, been playing since MHFU and it's less casul than X. But don't take my word for it, there's plenty of footage out there now.

i know, i love MH and am fairly got gud'd but there IS so much retardation still in due to legacy.
>fish monsters retarded hipcheck WALLS anyone?
shit is fucked, and the devs refuse to fix it because 'retarded shit makes game harder, are you a fithy gaijin causu?"
(when the stats released a while ago found that nip nong players are amongst the shittiest of the playerbase, and it's westerners that get hard for G rank etc.

>FromSoft can't program hitboxes for shit
>"lol git gud, it's really lore, you just suck"
>Capcom can't program hitboxes for shit
>"How about the devs get gud at their fucking job."
Explain the difference.

3rd? At least after freedom unite there is a huge difference.

nigga please Dragons dogma is way better than this trash

there is none. crapcum and from refuse to ever attach a hitbox to something that isn't an actual fucking box.

>is this object a 2 inch sphere?
>better attach a 15 inch CUBE hitbox to it!

>what? that makes PERFECT! sense! PERFECT! u jus FITHY GAJIN!

Only do level 3 charges or the draw weapon attack. Never just spam attacks. Don't get cocky and understand when you can pull off full charges otherwise just do the draw slash and then put it away and repeat

>only thing wrong with this monster is that bones grow black too quickly / breakage is on threshold, not on some meter that gets lowered on hits
this whole time i've been using the double daggers and wondering why the fuck I can't break the spikes

Nergigante is Plesioth hip-checks v1.5.

Feels too slow.

>remove bounce-off (but keep the lowered damage)
Just use right weapons for the job in hand.