What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

A tower of Soy Goombas

Why do goombas blink with their pupils?


She ain't no average Goombette.

Not all of them though.

Because God has abandoned us.

Lots of them.

To be inseminated, for this is the inherent biological goal of all female organisms.

moustache ride

Literally to get gangbanged.

Gangbang obviously

To give manlets a chance

>take control of a goomba
>win her love
>exit the goomba, kill him, and take the moon as she runs away in abject horror

kinda dark there nintendo

When she runs away. Does she move so fast she disappears like a DBZ character or does she teleport?

She racis, runs away as soon as mario approaches. Does this make Goombella a race traitor?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to enjoy Mario Odyssey. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid 2000+ hours playing platformers, most of the gameplay will go over a typical player's head. As our Lord and Savior VideoGameDunkey said- "Mario is the king of video games. We all know this, time and time again, Mario has just completely fucking annihilated every fucking game on the market and for the past 7 years, I think Nintendo has struggled to live up to that impossible level of expectation. With Odyssey, Mario is back to reclaim his throne!" There’s also Mario's deep lore, which is deftly woven into every world. Everywhere you go there are throw backs to past games, tying them all together that only the oldest, most dedicated will grasp, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of Mario games, to realize that they’re not just good- they say something deep about GAMING. As a consequence people like Joseph Anderson who dislike Mario Odyssey truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the deeper meaning in Mario’s existential catchphrase “Bing-Bing! Wahoo!,” which itself is a cryptic reference to the North American winged elm, capitalism and the acquisition of wealth through exhaustive tedium and the joy of reaping rewards. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Shigeru Miyamoto's genius unfolds itself on Switch screens everywhere and only true fans understand why the game is a 5 out of 5 masterpiece. What fools.. how I pity them.

Marrying that handsome goomba with the stylish mustache that bend a tower of betas to do his will

Also how easy it's to win her love. Maybe Goomba towers represent social hierarchy of sorts.

found the full pic


too real user