ITT: high test games

ITT: high test games


Got it for like $3.99 during the Halloween sales. Well worth it for that price. Definitely a 'fuck you, I liked it' game for me.

I'd have paid sixty. Quality over quantity.

Too bad we'll never get a sequel.

It's been tied to my account for like two years but I never played past the beginning

It's super short. I got the platinum in 2 days.

I'd honestly be shocked if Sony wasn't shopping it around as a possible film franchise.

Contrary to belief, The Order isn't a QTE game, it's actually a terrible third person shooter.

Everything about the gameplay is competent, it's just nothing special. Great story and world building though.

It's one of those games that gets hated on when it comes out, but years later will be considered "misunderstood" and be praised, à la MGS2.

Got this from PS Plus months ago and finally tried it out. Ended up playing all weekend. I literally never see it mentioned here.

The shooting's solid as fuck. The QTE bullshit's the best ever. Everything else is perfect. The acting's unreal. Perfect visuals.

The clothes and weapons don't even clip.

I don't see why we can't have games like The Order. We'll still get shit like Devil May Cry. Games that aren't cinematic.

Yeah. I believe that.

Flawed but solid as fuck.

Yeah it's weird that Sony is shying away from this kind of stuff despite Uncharted and being their flagship franchise.

>joked about this game with a co worker in 2015
>looked at me dead serious and told me "Dude, that game is long"
>was quite serious actually and not joking

It's due to the reception it got. People overreacted like crazy.

Yeah, The Order is one of the very few console games from this gen that legitimately looked next generation to me. Easily some of the best mo-cap I've seen outside of Naughty Dog's stuff.

The worst thing is how long they spent building the engine. I'm not sure it's even being used now.

Also, they're stuck making dog shit. I feel bad for them. The Order bleeds quality.

The main issue is that it released two years too late. People were tired of QTE bullshit. They weren't ready for an incredibly cinematic game.

Yet Until Dawn released six months later and got a free pass. I don't get it.

Someone post the bolt action gif.


I haven't seen that. Explain.

It came with my PS4 and despite being 4-5 hours long, it felt like it dragged on for at least twice the amount. Forgot about it the moment I finished it.

It better be the best fucking four hours in video games to justify that price tag.

I was genuinely fucking awed. I played the game twice. Then one more time.

I'm gonna play it again soon. There's nothing like it.

It's literally just bloodborne but good.

Have I stepped into a different universe?

Nah. You found a thread with people that don't give a fuck about Metacritic.

What cinematic games are they coming out with? I don't recall them announcing anything similar to this or Until Dawn. I guess TLoU 2 but that's not quite what I'm looking for.

Until Dawn was super enjoyable as well. I'd love to see it turned into an anthology series of cinematic horror games. Pretty sure it flopped though.

How disappointing this game has turned out. Loved the idea for the setting.

Detroit Become Human
God Of War looks like it's taking a similar approach as well.
Not Metacritic scores, but Sup Forums usually hates cinematic shit.

The auto-aiming system is easily abused, and on top of that, someone used it to get like five headshots in like two seconds, and a trophy was gained.

I'm probably wrong here, but it looks utterly stupid.

I'm bitter about The Order getting slaughtered by Metacritic. Until Dawn got a free pass for no fucking reason.

I should give it a fair chance. It's not their fault journalists are fucking retarded.

UD is basically every slasher movie cliche rolled into one and then some but man is it enjoyable.

You have. This thread is totally a circle jerk.

You serious? Until Dawn was advertised as playing a movie and thats what we got. The Order was advertised as a third person shooter and instead you got a short ass game that was mostly cutscenes and walking and talking for what was a ridiculous price.

I play games on the highest setting. The Order's pretty fucking easy. That trophy was one of the last I earned.

more like lost test """"""GAME"""""" for soybois

You're talking to the Order-kun, who genuinely has the worst taste I have ever seen.

Fair enough. The Order does have solid gameplay, though. The game's just short.

I genuinely think people overreacted.

At least two or three other people ITT enjoyed the game.


To be fair, the game didn't look THAT interesting to begin with so anybody who got excited enough to buy it on release day is probably a bit of a pleb anyway. With that being said, four hours just isn't long enough to justify that kind of price.

I dont think its as bad as some people make it out to be but i dont think they overreacted for what they were told/shown to expect.

Imagine buying a guide for The Order: 1886. The game has one (1) challenging moment. On Hard mode. Normal's a fucking breeze.

>Detroit Become Human

Oh right. David Cage's new hunk of crap. I'll be avoiding that one.

imagine buying a guide for a cinematic shooter

You're probably right. I didn't pay attention to the advertising. I bought it last year.

I would definitelt pay sixty for it, though. No joke.

I don't enjoy most games. The Order scratches a different kind of itch. I've always wanted a game that's extremely realistic. Extremely detailed.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy shit like Devil May Cry. Many of my favorite games are pure gameplay.

Same. His shit sucks.


Pretty much the only series I miss not still having a 360 for. Maybe I'll eventually pick up a dirt cheap Xbone S just to replay it.

Oh, you're THAT guy who also has Kane and Lynch, TEW and Manhunt in his 3x3.

Hol up, what's wrong with Manhunt?

Yup. Unless a friend gets it so I can borrow it for free to try out I won't bother. Heavy Rain was a huge fucking turd.

There's nothing wrong with those games.

>People like this crap movie now.
You lot are fucking Sony shills for a 3 year old game there is no other explanation.

Any fighting game.

Or you know, we actually gave it a chance, played it and enjoyed it.

I mean it's not bad, but it's not great.
Kane and Lynch can be compared to a low budget exploitation flick. It's cheap, ugly and absolutely meaningless.
TEW is okay, but its gameplay and lack of cohesion between areas makes it lacking compared to games like RE4 and Dead Space. Also the story was dumb in the worst kind of way.
Manhunt is just kind of rough around the edges and its only remembered due to its shock value at the time.

Both Kane & Lynch games are pure action. No bullshit. Just shooting.

Not a single collectible. Nothing to worry about. Just grab a gun and start firing.

The Evil Within's structured like a literal fucking nightmare. That's the point. The gameplay's better than Resident Evil 4. Burning corpses is a dope mechanic.

You forget that Resident Evil 4's goofy as fuck. Humor and horror don't go together.

I'm not gonna talk shit about Dead Space. It's a solid game.

Manhunt isn't more rough around the edges than any other PS2 game. You're being unfair.

>humour and horror dont blend

what is

>tucker & dale
>evil dead 2
>cabin in the woods
>shaun of the dead
>what we do in the shadows
>return of the living dead
>american werewolf in london

>high test

The fuck does that mean?

I get that it's meant to be a crazy nightmare, but that means any sense of pacing or progress gets thrown out of the window. Also, the gameplay isn't better.
And there are plenty of PS2 games that aren't jank, but I'm no stealth connoisseur so maybe I am being unfair to Manhunt.
Vanquish was pure action and it actually pulled it off. Give that a go if you want to see an adrenaline pumping shooter.

All shit. Sorry. Not a fucking fan.

I still gotta play that.

I'm gonna crash. Sleep tight, Sup Forums.

Well, well. It seems everyone in the whole planet who liked The (Do Not) Order 1886 is here on this very thread.

Reminder that PS4 had so few fucking games for the first 2 entire years it was out that shit like THIS got elevated by fanboys.

And they have the fucking audacity to talk shit about the switches launch window library.

>shitting on Evil Dead and Braindead
Back to your porno-torture shit flicks.

Couldn't disagree with you more about RE4 but TEW is underrated.

Alright, fuck off to your grim-dark melodrama horror that takes itself so seriously and is so lacking in self awareness that it becomes un-intentionally comedic.

it's not even a joke, Sup Forums just acts contrarian. If the order was critically acclaimed, every person in this thread praising it, would shit all over it

>highlight the text you do not understand
>ctrl c
>ctrl t
>ctrl v
It is really that simple, you fucking neanderthal.