>criticize Kirby for being braindead easy and marketed for small children
>Muh mature game for mature gamers
>It's comfy and cute
>Kirby has never had a bad game
How much of a faggot do you have to be to unironically enjoy this series? I'll give the first game a pass because for the NES it was cool but the new games are so gay
Criticize Kirby for being braindead easy and marketed for small children
let people enjoy video games
>>criticize Kirby for being braindead easy and marketed for small children
Just point out that the classic Kirby games had better balanced and platformer-focused so they were at least a very mild challenge, at best a little tough, and comparing the newer Kirby games to them, the new Kirby games look totally braindead.
modern kirby is somewhat difficult near the end of the game t b h
Kirby is a cute
The NES game was alright. I unironically prefer the hitting back projectiles at your enemies more than the clone ability.
The games are 5-hour long mini JRPGs OP. If you don't see the appeal of that it's fine. But it's just 5 hours of someone's life. It's really not all that big of a deal. I like the music. I can't justify paying 60 or 40 bucks for the games though
Everything Kirby does, other franchises do better (Starfy, Pikmin, Klonoa, etc.)
Why play Kirby when games like Uncharted, Killzone, Knack, TLOU, and Crash Bandicoot exist?
there were only 2 good kirby games
adventure and superstar saga
None of those games do what Kirby do. And Starfy is honest to fucking god even worse than Kirby.
Dude, calling things gay went out of style in 2008. Get a hobby, gramps.
>first game
>nes game
The first game was on Gameboy.
Brand loyalty is retarded. I like Nintendo but that doesn't mean I have to eat whatever shit they pop out
Starfy is overall more easy, but at least it has emphasis on actual platforming and world exploration. It also treats its cast of characters like actual characters instead of boring, blank slates that rarely interact with each other.
>criticize baby game for being for babies
You honestly don't see what's wrong with that?
Come now. Starfy is an awful game. You say exploration as to imply it has level design. It has not.
>Starfy is bad
>I won't explain how, it just is
Okay then, faggot.
>ignores my post in order to strawman
Good lord.
don't care for kirby games but i do enjoy playing (him) in smash.
Maybe if you provided an actual counter argument other than "it's an awful game" and some vague comment about level design, I would have, cunt. Either prove me wrong or fuck off.
>nuh uh
>Can't debate or prove me wrong
So a dead franchise does better character development than a series that has been ongoing for over 25 years. Yikes. Enjoy your delusion, I guess.
read >
Because there's nothing wrong with liking Kirby or his games. Most Kirby titles deliver a very good experience, if not great. It's not so much about turning your brain off as it is getting into the right mindset, but that can be argued about any game really.
Star Allies is the gayest one of them all though
>Give your enemies kissys so you can work together!
Like it was already about a pink faggot did they really have to make it even more gay
>he never kissed his friends on the mouth
>he never frenched his besties while his gf was in the other room
Missing out bud
You mean like Super Star, which released more than 20 years ago?
OP, you are trapped in the closet. All Kirby games are great.
People think Kirby is adult because they pull the oldest trick in the book and design the final boss in a completely different style.
No Kirby games do that.