I'm loving this ost it's got a little bit of everything, here's one of my favorites:
Post some of your favorite tracks from the game
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Mostly just because of how much time I spent there during my first time playing the game.
Better than Xenoblade Chronicles OST desu senpai, yasunori mitsuda is goat
Amazing song. Loved the ending.
Idk but this soundtrack feels old school in a way? Maybe I haven't been playing jrpgs that much but I feel like most osts nowadays are too "ambient"? I don't know if thats the right word but I love music with strong themes.
Anyone really like the Argentum theme?
Had to post both versions, can't choose between them
>Mythra has a ponytail because Rex likes it
Old school game music had to be very strong melodically because you could only play like five notes at a time. In most games these days the melody gets lost in the sweeping orchestra.
Mitsuda et al. did a great job keeping the melody prominent.
Yea I really love it myself, this game just makes you feel like your going on one big adventure, I liked how it's one of the first pieces you hear.
Thanks, I've never actually thought about that and how better hardware would change the music itself to be so different stylistically.
I feel ya.
Gormott was an amazing starting zone. It was also nice that the very lushness, life and comfiness that the player attaches to is why Uraya and Mor Ardain want it so badly too
Silva Gunner thought the same thing
>desert theme
>upbeat orchestral jazz fusion with celtic tinges
Takahashi is a crazy genius.
Honestly, this game makes me appreciate how essential it is to have a good soundtrack. Sometimes I would just want to keep playing because the music was so good. Been a while since a game has made me feel that way.
Well and given how XB2's combat has more of a 'rhythm' to it than XB1 or XBX, the music really just lets you roll with it like some weird combat/rhythm game mash up
That part at 50 seconds reminds me of a sonic game
also, is this the battle track that's around when you have Jin in the party?
I like the "Mute" theme best.
fuck I love this
It plays at numerous points in the game, not just then
Haven't found anywhere where you can order the ost disc so probably won't be soon
This might be one of the best "Bazaar"/"Marketplace" themes I've heard in a game.
It just does a great job of selling the pace of life
I think there's a longer version which plays in Chapter 3 but they may have just edited it for that cutscene
This track is very underrated
>And then what?
Chapter 9-10 were really great, if only because they finally got the voice acting to a consistently emotional quality where it counted
>that rex yell at 00:42
>I'm not here at all, I don't exist here at all
>cut to Architect/Klaus
It's your fault for playing it dubbed.
Mor Ardain immediately gave me Chrono Trigger/FF6 vibes when I got there, I love the soundtrack. It feels like a love letter to a bunch of different jrpgs.
And miss the battle banter, Malos and Poppi bits? I'll take Rex's unusually long and muted screams if it means I can hear everyone else basically
>love letter to a bunch of different jrpgs.
I agree, Torna feels like a sort of callback to villain groups like OrgXIII and other sort of hammy enemy teams. Zeke, Morag and Tora all feel like they could be heroes in different games by themselves.
Literally the first song I searched up and been listening to it daily ever since
The beginning of this pumps me up so much
The entire song pumps me up all the time, I started playing it in my head during exams.
>Ctrl+F Tantal
>No results
Kingdom of Tantal Night is probably the best intro to an area I've had, even more than Mor Ardain
>Hear about how isolationist and starving Tantal is
>Hear about how it's descended from the mysterious hero Addam
>Get to Tantal at Night
>Hear this melancholy tune
I can't even place my finger on why it came together so well
Exploring Tantal is on permanight mode for me.
I like night more, it gives a better sense of a dreamlike feeling, which I think Leftheria was going for. Still top-tier taste though, user.
best boss theme coming through step aside
All this boss needed was more bosses.
Should have done a KH2:
Start at the normal version of Malos, maybe super charged even more with some aid from Aion and Elysium
Then the Aion fight.
Then Logos mode or something, single phase boss fights should be illegal.
Maybe make use of that Shadow thing from Spirit Crucible Elpys, to recreate the Torna members
It helps that they're all designed by Nomura, Jin looks like he's straight outta Kingdom Hearts.
it's my fav
Annoy SciresM on Twitter to dump it
Drifting soul= relationship between Mythra/Pyra and Addam?
Honestly there's something about the design of the game where once you're high enough level in comparison to whatever you're fighting you won't even take damage except getting completely KO'd by certain attacks. At that point all there is to do is build up your elemental orbs. I think that was the reason they gave Malos a timer, because the combat isn't very balanced.
Glad we could all agree that this is the best regular battle theme
Yeah, I remember wasting Pneuma on the hangar Artifice thing Malos summons mid fight because I figures I could kill him with a full burst from half health (which turns out you can, and have to in some cases, with every superboss)
What the fuck, why does Pyra have long hair?
what could she possibly be saying to illicit such a shocked raction
So she can put it in a proper ponytail as Rex demands.
The song that plays in Indol reminds me of one of the songs from Jurassic Park. And fuck the user who said that the Mor Ardain song sounds like thriller, now every time the part plays I'm reminded of it.
Do you want this cake?
How can a 15 years old boy have such a cultured and refined taste?
Best theme for best character, a goofy melody with an extremely overdramatic tone to it, it perfectly fits him
"Mother... I missed you..."
>that violin at 1:10
Is Yasunori Mitsuda the David Wise of JRPGs?
>The Blades voiced by Shuichi Ikeda and Toru Furuya are right next to each other in the Blade Gallery
Monolith are some cheeky guys, I'll give 'em that.
I didn't realize how I only had three rollable blades left. It's no wonder I'm having a hard time scoring some Rare Blades now.
I managed to avoid most of the spoilers though. So, by the time I got to Malos yesterday and he Had a fucking monado, I was pretty shocked.
> what could she possibly be saying to illicit such a shocked raction
Why is there no quest to inform Mabons children of his death
because all that character serves to do is a. make you do tedious quests and b. die randomly so you can get vess.
>this plays for the relentless Ardun fight
You can talk to them after you finish the quest and they talk to you about it.
I was hoping that was the case. I was just about to do so.
When does her core crystal glow again?
I think other than roc, it's purely based on just a timer like merc missions, seems like you can use them after an hour or two real time. It can't be tied to plot because I got theory and praxis post game.
Isn't wulfric set to just after roc or did it just turn out that way for me. It did seem odd that wulfrif took so much longer to be ready.
>every battle theme
>Tantal (day)
>Mor Ardain (day)
>Garfont (day/night)
>Boss theme 1
>Boss theme 2
>core crystal room theme
ive played for like 10 hours before praxis became available. pretty sure time goes by with combat just waiting around wont do shit
I think wulfric is also weird, now that you mention it. I think perhaps they want roc to be the first you get that way, even though they give you wulfric's crystal first.
>When a battle theme this good plays for fodder
It was composed by Chrono Trigger composer Yasunori Mitsuda, so that's probably why
Every time I think about picking it up, I get reminded of the framerate and resolution.
>tfw people circlejerk around Nobuo Uematsu, Shoji Meguro or Shimomura
>The real hero, Mitsuda, is barely mentioned as much as them
Not talking shit about the other composers but I really think Mitsuda is just on another level.
Uematsu for example has really fallen off and shit the bed with his new stuff, but Mitsuda keeps delivering on every soundtrack he's in. This man has a true gift and I hope he never stops.
Best boss music:
Best cutscene music:
Oh, and best area music:
Having Mitsuda do all the cutscene music instead of just the ending theme elevates the soundtrack a level above the first theme. Compare that to
I'm still hoping someone mixes Mor Ardain with Thriller.
Rosa's theme is my favorite in the whole game so far (left off at chapter 6). It's just so fucking good and I love the nod to classic mecha anime.
Closest i could find at the minute. Just rips and probably not all of it but meh