On the 26th are you gonna buy Dragon Ball FighterZ or Monster Hunter World?

On the 26th are you gonna buy Dragon Ball FighterZ or Monster Hunter World?


while i didn't find MHW beta too bad, not a fan of some aspects, if i hear it is good i may pick it up later but hype for DBFZ, going to meet up with my brother and play some matches since we both used to watch the anime.

Getting both

>if i hear it is good i may pick it up
You're such a fucking fag, you played the game yourself so how about you make up your own mind instead of being a sheep

Both. I'm more hyped for FighterZ though.

Bought DBFZ because I'm a PC player

Well i'm not a Monster Hunter fan so

>hype after playing the beta
>Hurrr you retards it's just a beta they'll jew you int the final game

>caution after playing the beta
>Durrr you're such a faggot you played it enough to have an opinion

Doesn't DBFighterZ have auto-combos?
Seems a little goofy

Yes it has, and if the other guy figures you're using auto combo you are utterly fucked

dbfz because fuck paying sony to play MHW online

I thought it'd be an issue but after some time with the beta they seem pretty inefficient and predictable. Basically they're for new players to mash and feel cool but bad to use against good players where you want to manage your meter and find cracks in defense. When I stopped playing like a retard they weren't much of an issue to defend against and pretty funny to see.

I just finished Nergigante in the beta and I'm definitely getting MonHun. I'll get DBFZ later in the year if it doesn't die in a couple months.
Also, MonHun is like endless hours of gameplay for me singleplayer or multiplayer. I'm probably going to play a decent amount of the story mode then get a month or two of PS+.

Monster Hunter, the Fighter Z beta was really dissapointing and MHW was amazing.

Couldn’t actually get into any matches for DBFZ, so I don’t know what that’s like. The tutorials made the gameplay seem okay, but I’ll probabl wait for a sale on it since I’m not that big of a fighting game fan in the first place. I was pretty disappointed with MHW though. 4U was way better in my opinion. Next game I get will probably be Bayonetta 1+2 or Persona 5 Dancing

Fighterz on PC. I'll pick MHW on PC in Fall since my buddies don't have PS4. Brother already got a copy of Fighterz on PC so I'm good for both there. MHW's beta was okay, I wish the game wasn't so hard on the eyes in some places, and I wish there was a bit more color but otherwise the game was fine.

Only thing I'm salty about for MHW is that I don't have a mic and I have to pay the Sony tax. That's why I think I'm going to make a good amount of single player progress before doing group hunts.

Anyone who doesn't buy both, doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

I'm more hyped for DBZ but will probably get more fun out of Monster Hunter, I lack the time and my hands are fucked up from arthritis so I can't get as good at fighting games as I need to be and dont want to spend 60 bucks just to get my ass kicked

DBFZ. Bought a fight stick, preordered on steam, gonna get the fighter pass once they announce who's in it.

is MHW even gonna be on PC

DBFZ. Capcom is not a company that deserves support.

In fall, yeah

I ALREADY bought dbfz and the character pack
I don't give a shit about monster hunter

I'm poor.

I wish they made a good Naruto fighting game instead of DBZ.

MHW is shitty, just a watered down action RPG. Compared to Nioh the combat is super simplistic, just dodge out of the way of shit and mash Triangle and repeat. It's Dark Souls for normans.

Nah senpai, I'm getting DBFZ, I love fighting games, it looks to be great, and has amazing waifu potential.

>buying a current year capcom game

More likely to get MHW for ps4 than pc. Just because most of friends have a ps4. I know some will double dip and get both.

It does but they do shit damage and don't generate much meter. People spent ~2 days labbing in the tutorial mode with a few characters and found you can do some pretty ridiculous stuff (43% 1meter no assist midscreen combos, 90% 7meter sparking blast two-assist corner combos, etc).

You've never played a MonHun game before have you?

Let's not forget Dynasty Warriors 9 second week of February.

Fuuuuuuuuck me
I don't have money for any of this. I'm using a gift card on MonHun.

ya but that can wait because it is a single player game. And the publisher takes forever to mark those games down.

Monster Hunter World doesn't even come out on the 26th you fucking dumpass, its release is still like 10 months away

They made half the roster clones again and fell for the open-world meme. No thanks.

dbfz now on ps4
mhw later on pc

I'm a Dragon ball fan but my hatred for fighting games outweighs my love for the series.

>muh open world

I hate you people. Go back to /vr/. It's 2018, we have the technology to enjoy open world.

The first is trash made by a trash company that only makes trash fighters.
The second is the most casual MH that ever existed and spit in the face of all actual MH vets who love proper MH.

Nope, first one, hated it, never gonna play another one.

Also, I love how the game plays up the "tracking" part of the monster but it literally just points you were to go 100% of the time, the "hunting" part of "Monster HUNTER" is a fucking joke. Why not just drop you right next to the monster, all the time before you find him for the first time is just a waste.

>wow what a faggot you don't waste 60 dollars on shit you aren't sure is going to satisfy you

Nioh has the most overrated fucking combat of all time, it gives the illusion that it is far deeper but it really isn't, despite having more options. The differences between each stance mechanically are negligible at best and switching stances is clunky, Bloodborne's trick weapons are in general far more different between each form and switching between forms is far more fluid and fun, and Nioh certainly can't hold a fucking candle to Ninja Gaiden Black or DMC 3. There's also the fact that literally everything about Nioh besides the combat is fucking terrible.

No, let's forget.

You trust Koei of all devs to make a good open-world game? The roster still sucks anyways.

Nice projecting there faggot. Can't afford a console? Too pissed that the PC version is 8 months away? Just bought a switch for Mohan but they ain't giving you one?

Which one is it? Because I'm a long time Mohan player and I'm fucking ecstatic about world.

DBFZ, the beta was a lot of fun

Didn't mean to trigger you, I wasn't trying to say Nioh was the best Souls-like game or that it was super deep blah blah. I've just literally not played any of those other games you listed. Regardless of how Nioh stacks up to other games in the genre, it's 100x deeper than MHW is.

t. Switch owner

I already bought both.

Gotta support developers when they are actually trying

You must be the most hardcore thing in existance. Neither games out yet you have such a broad knowledge to make that judgement, how do I become wise like you

Not necessarily, but you talk as if a good open world game can never exist, and it's a meme.

Full lobby annoyance aside MHW beta had smoothest online I've had in a while and unless they were all ironic weebs the Japs didn't seem to butcher the connection either.

Is it p2p or dedicated servers?

I probably own more consoles than you kid. Namely every single console that exists sans Xbox One. Including all handhelds.

Doesn't sound too bad then assuming you can turn them off. I wouldn't want to have to try to avoid activating them by accident. That is one thing about the game that makes me look at it with an eyebrow raised. Other than that it looks really cool.
MHW has the scout flies that you can't turn off that rustles me a bit.
I'm getting both but MHW first since I love the beta and I broke some directional buttons on my DS4 pad. I'd want to get a stick for FigherZ so it'll have to wait.

I disagree, I would say that MHW combat, despite having less OPTIONS than Nioh, is far better and much more fluid and fun. There is also more variety.

Holding any arrow like back stops autos from activating and makes for starts for pretty cool manuals

>He doesn't know about the intricate weapon combos of Monster Hunter

It releases on PS4 and Xbone on the 26th.

Sure you do buddy.
And your uncle works for nintendo.
Go back to being irrationally pissed about a game you know you like.

>playing either on the PS4 when the X1X is the superior version
Why user?

>those arguments
You're not even worth arguing with.

Not sure. Not a fan of fighting games and I wanna wait and see what the mission structure of MHW is gonna be before I buy it. Might hold off and wait for SotC and Bayonetta.

>being such a newfag
I pity you.
Go play some good games and lurk more

one's a guilty gear reskin with *teleports behind you*, the other is a good ol fashioned killing sim with Aloy. I'm not sure I care enough to buy either

You can't turn them off, it's more like you can do auto combos or you can do manual combos. The auto combos are just there if you don't know how to play and want to fuck around. If you want to get better at the game you learn the manual combos like a normal fighting game.

Also you don't need a stick for DBFZ, sticks are really only useful for double-stick movements like there are in Street Fighter. Every super is a single quarter-circle back or forward (there are no halfs, 360s, or dragon punches).

How important is actually the multiplayer for MH? The beta was the first time I played a MH game.
The first weeks of any multiplayer game where everyone is figuring everything out are the most fun so I'm really split between which one to buy.

Because I wasn't arguing.


the technology maybe, something to have the world going outside of only what the player is interacting with, so that takes consoles out of consideration, so no big company is going to fund it if you leave the console market
and good ideas for it? no, you still lack the idea guy that doesn't fucks it up

After having played the beta of both it'll probably be Dragon Ball. Monster Hunter was fun and all but I can see it becoming really repetitive, the combat is really simplistic.

Clearly. You're shitposting.
It's not possible that I just hate the game for what it is. No, I HAVE to be a seething Nintendo fan, I HAVE to be too poor for a PS4, I HAVE to secretly love the game.

Otherwise your entire world view would shatter wouldn't it? This cannot be, how can someone not be happy with MHW? Insanity.

Yes, im going to stream it and give away a copy to
any followers that view

>9% neither
>these people are the loudest
this makes me sad

Both on Xbone

first day on Sup Forums?

You realize that the majority of people who don't care about these games wouldn't even enter the thread to begin with?

monhun demo seemed boring pass/onsale

MHW lost me with the incredible shitty frame-rate and the vaseline blurr plastered all over the screen.

Bare with me here
You're shitposting.

>i hate all the games you hate
>i don't know why, i just hate them and hate you
>i'm too autistic to explain myself

>tfw too poor to buy both
i have to get monhun

Would be fine I guess. I haven't played it so I wouldn't know if it would make it annoying trying to learn the manual combos with the auto combos there. It wouldn't matter in the end at least.

I solely want a stick so I don't have to worry about breaking anymore controllers. Plus, could use it for SCVI as well.

My dude

fighterz and mh for PC later

I'll buy MH when it tanks to like 20$.

>playing on either when PC exists
know how I know you're a pleb?

>want DBFZ on Xbone
>beta literally didn't work on XBone
>"Enjoy a second beta, online for PS4 and AI offline battles for XBone"
I wouldn't be surprised if the online half of the game got delayed on Xbone. I honestly feel tremendous pity for anyone who owns that console.

because the online always dies for fighting games on pc

I would rather wait for at least the third iteration of DBFZ com late next year.

I'm going where my friends are at with this game.

Honestly, at first I'm going to be focused on the story, training, and arcade anyway. It will probably be a month before I play online.

It has but they are very predictable and have a huge window for the opponent to scape and punish you badly. You can't combo specials properly when mashing the auto combo.

That was introduced for American casual audiences that are unfamiliar with the series. There's an option to turn it off, which I'm using because it's not that hard to track on your own.
But hey, if you don't like it that's cool. It's not for everyone. I think I just like the grinding for gear and shit.


>Using Vegeta for console wars

Fair enough, but you know people are gonna wanna play online and be super mad when it doesn't work.

Gotta beat Story Mode first my dude, gotta unlock best waifu.

DBFZ on PC now, MHW on PC when it releases. I'm not going to play the game 1080@30, and my friends are also idorts so we'll play MHW together

I don't think there's a month worth of off-line content unless you only play it for a couple of hours per week.

A reasonable response in Sup Forums? Damn dude that makes my day.

I heard from some other user in the thread that you can't turn it off. Either way, I think I'd want to leave it on just because of the time limit. I don't like that I can't take my time and hunt down the monster at my leisure since I'm being rushed along by the timer, so I have to leave the scoutflies on to speed the process up.