Do any left-handed people actually use a mouse with their left hand?

Do any left-handed people actually use a mouse with their left hand?

No, why the fuck would I?

not really, they get used to living in a right-handed world if they don't want to suffer needlessly

you think left-handed guitarists enjoy having zero selection for guitars and having to pay 5x as much because they're a niche special order item?

You mean right hand. A left handed person would use their right hand for the mouse, like you use your left.

I’m lefthanded but I don’t. However I know a couple people that do, and even one that swaps the analog sticks when he plays fps


I use my right hand for mouse, typing is easier with the left hand too.

How do left handed people even exist?
Is it contrarianism in the form of autism?

I use my right hand like a normal person.

But I really struggle to use scissors in my right hand for some reason.

Yes. Its not that bad. For fps games that require a lot of jumping I usually bind jump to middle-mouse so I've enjoyed games like Quake just fine. wasd btw.

Because I started that way and didnt realize until later that I kinda fucked up. After that I was too lazy to make a switch.

im left handed and use a right handed mouse. ive been basically forced to be right handed my whole life any way.

You ok?

I use my right hand for the mouse, left hand for everything else in life.

Baseball is really the only place they win out. I got stuck in outfield when I was brand new, but the left-handed kids always got special lessons to be pitchers and first-basemen which is what all the cool kids wanted to play. Although they could just as easily get stuck in the outfield like I did if they suck.

here you go
>captcha: road road

The only things I use my left hand for is writing, fapping, and handling weapons.

Even on your dick?

What about stuff like boxing?

They're not people. They're children of Satan and therefore demons. Scientists proved this a long time ago back in the middle ages


I use the standard set-up. I think it's actually advantageous in vidya, after all mouse movements are simplistic while the left can perform quicker on a keyboard.

I can use either, it doesn’t really make a difference to me.

It's too much of a hassle to bother. The desktops really don't accommodate it well. I have seen people turn their mouse around to invert the Y axis.


idk enough about boxing to say, but maybe. I just know that in almost everything else there is no significant difference or they are disadvantaged.

No just asking because I use my right but on mouse I use left.

I'm perfectly ambidextrous because being left handed was a sin. I switch my dominant hand back and forth all the time to fuck with people.

lefty, can confirm

>virgin hand-bias
>Chad ambidexterity

>not training yourself to be ambidextrous at a young age through 100% concentrated power of will

I do.

Even own the Death Adder left handed mouse.

Left-hand mousers, how do you have your keybindings set up?
IJKL for movement for me, then everything else is pretty much mirrored from default controls.

>left handed
>also have wrist problems which makes fine/steady hand movement impossible
shooters and other games which require precision mouse movement fucking impossible for me to get good at, though luckily I prefer grand strategy and RPG's instead

Ambidextrous master race here.
Fapping with both hands is truly the height of man.


Pick ONE (1)

I use everything right-hand style that doesn't involve utensil/pencil-grips.

jesus fucking christ

I'm struggling to ascertain what this means

Check my 5% pleasure.

Yes, why wouldn't I? I honestly don't understand how you right handed fags get along using a M+K when all the best keys for directions/etc are on the right side of the board while you fuckwits are stuck using WASD.

I'll be over here enjoying actual direction buttons, the del/ins/home/end/pgup/pgdwn buddies and if I need that extra touch of control I can just use the numpad as direction and all those tasty buttons around it for extra stuff. I love having options.

How do you setup your desktop area to be fully ergonomic?

I have carpal tunnel and want to get rid of it. Playing games for more than 2 hours is painful now.

I'm afraid I can't let you keep your soul now that you've exposed me.


noooo let me out, I need my soul!

include me in the screenshot lol

I literally do everything left handed, even using my mouse with my left hand right now. But guitar left handed is some backwards alien shit to me. I guess I lucked out that the normal way is way better to me.

Replace wrist issues with dyspraxia and this post could describe me, maybe we're long lost brothers?
>image related

Yes they do. Now stop questioning me like everything I do is wrong and/or have Satan guiding my hand when I punch you with it.

>Do left-handed people do things with their left hand?
really gets the noggin joggin

no rofl, i even play my guitar Right handed.

>Left handed
>Always used the wiimote in my left and nunchuk in my right because it made more sense to use my dominant hand for the IR pointing when I had a Wii, thought nothing of it
>Only a few weeks ago while emulating some shit I realized I always had it backwards compared to a standard controller

What freaks!

>write and use wiimotes and knives left handed
>do everything else right handed


They do, and the left and right mouse button is reversed as well. I work as IT support for a mostly office environment, and our remote connect software is too dumb to realize this, so anytime I have to help a leftie I need to right click with left mouse and left click with right mouse.

lower your mouse sens, if you play with high sens you flick your wrist instead of moving broad sweeping motions from your shoulder. also if your chair has elbow support use it, dont keep your hands bent. unrelated but if you play for longer sessions make sure you dont sit perfectly still having adhd helps
no but i open doors with right hand, i carry small objects with the right hand, i carry heavy things with the left, i use my phone with my left
take from that what you will, i was supreme/global in csgo so it doesnt affect aim imo

>Windows set to reverse left/right-clicks for lefty-mouse use
>Stuck having to rebind left/right-clicks in most games anyways because they don't respect system settings

I feel bad for lefties, if you wanted to use a nice trackbal mouse you either have to use one of those awkward as fuck middle-ball ones or shell out a bunch of money for a left handed one.

so comfy.

Hi newfag

No we don't. Everything in the world is made for the convenience of rightie plebs who can't operate a pair of scissors if it isn't specifically designed with them in mind. So we left-handed people tend to become basically ambidextrous while righties' left hands atrophy and fall off.

>read stories about lefties in the past being forced to use their right hands instead of their left, which leads to learning difficulties later on in life
>be left handed
>have learning difficulties
>start to wonder if I was meant to be left handed, or if I somehow "forced" myself to be, and was meant to be right handed instead

Maybe I'm just retarded.

>tfw use my card at a store and they make me sign the screen with that pen that's hooked onto the right-hand side of the machine and the cord is never ever long enough to accommodate holding it left-handed
No one understands my pain

I did for Tribes 2 and BF2142 but I cant think of any others. When I started playing more PC FPS games after that I conceded and played them proper. Changing every single keybind got old.

Even 10 years later I still can't aim as well as I can with my left, but I deal with it. I might pick up one of those ambidextrous keypads to mess around with lefty shit again.

Being left handed is pretty based when it comes to jerking off. I can browse all I want easily with my right hand and go full force on my dick with the left.

i'm left handed and use wasd with my right hand sue me

Its usually not a problem with most games, but with stuff like Metroid Prime it was disconcerting.

No and why would I use my most proficient hand for video game action which take less proficiency then using keyboard?

>he still uses his mouse while whacking it.
dude, my dad gave me his old USB pedals he had for flight sim and I set up CDisplay to page up/down with them. manga and doujins have never been the same.

I'm left handed and use mouse right handed, play guitar right handed, and use standard controller options - never have used the "southpaw" option. I just write and instinctively use my left hand to grab things as it is the dominant and stronger one.

Take notes, boys. This is how you rack in delicious (You)s.

No, so it's easier to masturbate

left handed here

I know this feel

because you are left fucking handed

My closest friend does actually, which is why he never really got into PC games that weren't MMOs

maybe it's maybelline, I dunno. As a lefty I don't know why the fuck anyone's parents would force a right-handed kid to do everything left-handed though.

I'm right-handed but use my mouse and keyboard like that.

>maybe it's maybelline,

You fucker.

lmao wat



Isn't Fall of Cybertron one of the few PC games that supports left-handed control schemes? Besides games that allow you to completely reconfigure control bindings, are there any others?

I masturbate with my left, does that make me amphibious too?

>my fellow Lefties letting the right man keep him down
I'm disappointed in you, user.


Yes, you are a gay fish.

>playing Squidward Sword
>Link has the sword in his right hand, while I have the Wiimote in my left hand
>have to swing my left arm to swing his right arm
Fuck you, Nintendo. Link was always left-handed before.

I masturbate with both hands because I'm afraid one arm will be stronger than the other and then it would be awkward when people notice that one arm is significantly stronger

I'm doing right right now.

They made that change for Twilight Princess. The GC version actually keeps him as left handed.

Somewhat ambidextrous. Used right handed kb+m all this time until recently. For reasons, I moved the mouse over to the left side. Been about a year and I'm still pretty inaccurate with it. I find myself crossing my arms to use the mouse sometimes.


But I'm more ambidextrous. Never really chose a side, except for writing. Can only write with my left arm.

I can't even do it with my right, it doesn't go right, even though it's my main hand, my right arm is stronger anyway though.

I'm left handed and masturbate with both hands, usually my left but sometimes alternate since using my right kinda feels like someone else's hand. Sometimes I fap with both hands simultaneously.

you need to get used to it.
in the beginning it doesnt feel right because you're penis is so used to your hand in a specific configuration. using both hands teaches ur penis to not just get erect one way

>left handed
>but no left-handed computer setups anywhere
>have to adapt
>still have worse aim in fps than the righties in my group but don't want to totally relearn mouse and keyboard left-handed
As a side not it's a pain in the ass to be left-handed as a kid, there are only right-handed scissors that bite into your left hand, no one will ever teach you the correct motion to throw a ball because they can't into anything mirrored, batting stances always fucked up, feel weird shaking hands, all that good stuff.
I still love being left-handed though

Then you are not ambidextrous, as one I can easily do everything with both hands.

>be left handed
>do everything like I'm right handed except handguns, writing, anything that involves throwing and eating
a-am I even left handed

>equally shit at everything with both hands
That's technically ambidextrous, right?
Google tells me that's called "ambilevous" or "ambisinister"
Both of them sound horrible.

Just get a pair of these.