3x3 Thread

3x3 Thread

If you actually talk to each other the thread won't just 404 after we're all done posting ours

All but World of Warcraft.

Kid Icarus Uprising destroyed my hands as a lefty, but I love it all the same. Banjo and Transistor are also far up there in my rankings.

It's technically Warcraft 3 but I keep it ambiguous for that one because I like early WoW and Warcraft 3 both enough to be in that spot.

5/5 Bayonetta, Paper Mario, Sonic Mania, Warioland 4, Superstar.
I legitimately have trouble returning to other sonic games now because the drop dash makes it play so fucking good.

I started Skies of Arcadia on my Dreamcast but it was a pirated copy I made that had trouble with stuttering during fights. I loved the look of the little bit I played but apparently I needed special discs for it for some reason and I never did get a working pirated copy. Is it worth it to get it running authentically on my Dreamcast or is would the gamecube port on Dolphin suffice?

Gamecube on Dolphin would be the best option. Encounter rate is slightly reduced while EXP gain is bumped. It also has some extra content.

The sound is a bit worse, but the trade off is worth it.

Sounds good, thanks man, Skies of Arcadia is one of those games I'm genuinely upset with myself for not having played by now. It looks right up my alley

2/3 Kid Icarus Uprising is such a fantastic game, shame I don't hear people talk about it much outside of the unconventional controls.
1/1 I really want to play several of these, hopefully Skys of Arcadia will get a PC port one day.

Kid Icarus Uprising is a treasure.
Also a really weird case because Nintendo of America interfered and made the game (especially Hades) a lot more humorous instead of serious like they were in Japan but I'd argue we got the better game for it. However if you asked me or most people on this site they'd say they hate the idea of a translation doing that.

3/3 Bayonetta, Majora's Mask, and Soul Calibur 2
Isn't Devil May Cry getting the first 3 games ported to PC and Xbone/PS4 soon? I might finally play 1 and 3 if I'm not wrong about that because everytime I think about buying them I know I need to put some work into getting their ass PC ports working and back out.

Yeah the hd collection comes out this march, I'm incredibly excited because DMC3 is probably my favorite game ever. I never could get the PC port of it to work right, no matter what it gets weird slow down. I only hope they get the popular style switcher mod implemented on this new port asap.

2.5/5 +DA:O, WC3; -Banjo, Gravity Rush ~Smash 4
1/1 Played a few of those, but not enough to judge. Only DQ8.
6/6 +DMC3, REmake, MGS3, MM, FF7, Prime 2. 3 Dante looks so fucking stupid.
Looking forward to the PC port of 1 more than anything naturally. Hope there's a possibility of it getting an instant gun switching mod.

7/9 -Warcraft, Banjo
3/3 +Bayo, Sonic, Kirby
8/9 -FF
3/3 +Quake, Devil May Cry, Thief

1/1 bayo
5/6 dmc3, resident evil, mgs3, ff7, bayo -tekken7
1/3 +dmc, you already know
1/2 +mgs3 -defjam

Help me get motivated, is Otogi 2 marginally better than the first? I've asked a few times but always get ignored. I've only played that one thus far, and I generally loved the style and aesthetics, but the gameplay itself got old really quick. People misuse the term floaty when it comes to games I believe, but Otogi is the floatiest action game i've ever played. Raikoh controls like a few days old helium balloon. I'd imagine you're not putting it on there for some hipster cred, right? What do you like about it personally?

I feel like 2 is snappier than the first, and I much prefer it, although I haven't had a chance to play the first in a few years. I'd totally recommend giving the second a shot, especially since it's stupidly cheap to pick up.

I love him but his hair is a little off in 3 admittedly, not enough for me to say it's stupid but he's definitely looked better. As far as looks go I really like 4's dante personally. Gun switching would be a really interesting change to 1. I'm really looking forward to playing through that one again, I've only beaten it twice, once when it came out and once in the 5th anniversary box set that came out back on PS2.

So is Rocksmith for learning guitars or is it insane Guitar Hero for people who actually know how to play?

A little of column A and a little of column B. It's also the best tuner I own, so it's got that going for it.


4/4. Now that I know it's Smash 4 and not Brawl.

4/4 +Paper Mario, Sonic Mania, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Wario Land 4

5/5 +DMC3, Resident Evil, MGS3, Majora's Mask, FF7

3/4 +Quake, DMC, Thief
- RE6

I'm looking for the next game that's going to blow me away. I got Hollow Knight on the Steam sale but I already put 100 hours in it and 100%ed it.

2/2 Soul Hackers and Quake
Is that Diablo 1? I was always of the impression Diablo 2 was kinda like the Street Fighter 2 or Warcraft 2 of the series. What do you like about it?
2/2 TWEWY and Third Strike
Where do I start with Metal Gear solid?
I imagine with 1 on PS1 but there's a ton of games and versions of those games and I have no idea what versions or on what platform to play them.
1/1 Sonic 3k but
Now that I'm finishing up some of the first PS4 games I got Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 are on the horizon. Im quite excited to get started on them Yakuza looks like it's going to scratch the itch that Sleeping Dogs did for me a little bit.

Have fun with Bloodborne and Yakuza. Have never played Sleeping Dogs

2/4 TF2 and Crystal -New Vegas and Mystery Dungeon
5/5 Dark Souls, BOTW, Paper Mario, Earthbound, Dong Cunt

everybody loves the dmc games. capcom really should make some more instead of re-releasing the same fighting games every other month.

I'd reccomend starting with just the regular MGS1 for ps1, and for 2 and 3 feel free to play the HD versions. Only bother with the rest if you're really into the series by then.

they fucked everyone over with remake 2 fuck capcom

>Where do I start with Metal Gear solid?
Metal Gear 1 and 2 for MSX

>Is that Diablo 1? I was always of the impression Diablo 2 was kinda like the Street Fighter 2 or Warcraft 2 of the series. What do you like about it?
1 & 2 are two different experiences entirely, one does not supersede the other imo. This should go without saying, but the first was more of a graphical rogue attempt. I like how self contained the first is, exploring dungeons instead of running around wide outside areas. I also personally prefer how itemization was done in the first game. Each piece felt worthwhile, different enough and rewarding. In Diablo 2, loot feels neverending.

I'm gonna have to try that at some point then

3/3 Gold, Diablo 2, Jet Force Gemini though it was years ago at a friends house and I remember little of it.

Paper Mario fans - What other games would you guys recommend that are similar? PM64 is my favorite and I'm always looking for something similar. I don't think any developer has ever managed to make anything quite like it.

IIRC the first South Park game is that gameplay style

>IIRC the first South Park game
Are you referring to the N64 game? Or Stick of Truth? I've actually already beaten Stick of Truth. Haven't played the newest one yet though.

I don't understand the rating system


I was under the impression stick of truth was in the vein of paper mario


>I was under the impression stick of truth was in the vein of paper mario
Yes, now that you mention it I can see some similarities. I might end up checking out Fractured But Whole.

IIRC Fractured But Whole is more in the vein of Megaman Battle Network

Both comparisons are from an IRL friend who's really into them

1/3 DA:O
2/2 Quake, Thief
1/3 Rocksmith
1/4 Bloodborne
1/5 New Vegas
1/4 Dark Souls
1/5 Bloodborne

Don't like 3 Dante's personality or appearance and I feel he ruined the character, made worse by the fact that capcom feels the need to shill this incarnation into most of their newer crossovers with no fanservice for anyone else. The coat does not scream stylish devil hunter to me either. 1 Dante is by far my favorite, a sincere albeit unintentionally cheesy dark hero. 4 is ok, preferable to 3 at least, but still a little on the hammy side. Fan of the Anime Dante overall too, it's a shame the loli had to get tacked on the whole season through though.

>Fan of the Anime Dante overall too
Not him but I thought I was the only one who watched this shit.

looking for that user that posted arkham asylum instead of arkham city in his 3x3. i need an explanation

not him but asylum is better


explain yourself

I enjoyed it. I can see why newer fans wouldn't though, this Dante isn't anything like 3 or 4 portrayed him naturally. More laid back overall. I had to watch it subbed though, Reuben can not do a non-"Crazy" Dante at all. It's like he exhales all of Dante's lines in it, gets really fucking obnoxious.

I watched it in single-voice Russian fandub. Didn't like it

>single-voice Russian fandub. Didn't like it
You don't say.

No, I didn't like the anime. Dub was ok. I usually watch anime subbed tho

>single-voice Russian fandub
I really hope this is exactly what it sounds like

Yeah, avant-garde stuff


5/5 REmake, MM, FF7, Bayonetta, MP2
Cool images as well.
6/6 DaS, BotW, Super Metroid, R&C3, FF7, SotN
3/3 BB, Pokemon Gold, MP2
2/2 One Piece and Trigun are pretty dope anime

Yeah, it's honestly not very good. The ending is downright ridiculous with how it tries to do a tear bait moment with Dante being stabbed, only for Dante to shrug it off and one-shot the big bad.

It's good for those fans who wanted to get a glimpse of Dante's daily life, which it handles in an alright way.
The casino episode was kino, it had some nice "feels" moments, and pretty good original songs.
Also the loli and Dante's tutor were good additions to the cast.

Yeah the casino episode was cool. Well, the anime was, as much as I hate this word, pretty comfy

Fuck off faggot we said comfy on this board for years before it suddenly became a problem in the nuchan era.

Comfy absolutely conveys a certain idea/aesthetic/vibe to other people as a descriptive term.
Animal Crossing is comfy
A good overworld with lots of nooks and crannies is comfy
Certain game aesthetics or even game genres are comfy

I'm sorry for being like this and I'll gently fuck off

It's fine but just say comfy when you totally know that comfy is the descriptor you're looking for nigga

Ok thank you
