What are some games that make me feel truly powerful?

What are some games that make me feel truly powerful?


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not morrowind for sure

why not morrowind? you can make yourself completely invincible within the bounds of the mechanics, no cheats/exploits necessary.

Flaccid animations and all spells looking the same will keep you from feeling powerful.

Yes you're statistically a god but the game won't really make you feel truly powerful

while you have a point, i think it helps if you play the game blind, not knowing about the potential gamebreaking shit you can do, thus giving you a proper feeling for how weak you are at the beginning. thus, while it never looks particularly impressive, if you can manage to get properly immersed, it can trigger that feeling of power later on when you acquire or enchant powerful artifacts. if you start the game and immediately make a bee-line for all the good shit then yeah, it's not going to really feel special at all.

it's not about truly feeling powerful. It's about the progression to get to that point.

EYE once you get upgraded cyberlegs and a few powers
I didn't realize how floaty the Halo series felt despite you being a superhuman in an armored suit until I played EYE
jumping high and crushing the ground when you land, exaggerated physics when you melee someone, even little things like the gatling gun's scope sliding down on to the screen rather than simply appearing make you feel powerful

>muh visceral gameplay

i'd also like to add that the inverse situation, (where a game has impressive player animations and effects but the enemies are all easy as fuck) really doesn't make you feel powerful either. it just makes you feel like the enemies are made out of paper. case in point: pso2. i don't know it was back when it first came out, but currently the early game content is complete shit and enemies just melt, even with the most basic of weapons. it doesn't make you feel powerful at all, it's incredibly unsatisfying. you need some sort of period where the enemies are tough to overcome before it can actually feel satisfying when you DO trivialize them.

Dwarf fortress adventure mode

Prototype works for me

not anymore.

With the new update basically nothing works except combat.

>make a demigod human
>train him until he has superhuman toughness and strength
>try to wrestle horse
>horse kicks him in the head and tears apart the upper spine, making him slowly suffocate to death
I never feel powerful in that game, no matter what I do.

this mod


Play 34.11, get Fear the Night, make adventurers until you manage to become a vampire or werebeast. It's full-on OP mode, depending on the variety of bullshit you acquire you can move at sanic speed, punch people so hard they fly into walls, be nearly immune to normal attacks, and possibly transform into a crazy beast form.
>tfw author left because the next versions totally fucked adventure mode

Oh shit, I totally forgot about the 4 different types of necromancer too, jesus. There's one who turns corpses into demons, one that's basically just indestructible, the standard zombie army one and one that turns you into a METAL FIRE GOD that can lay waste to entire towns.

Used to play fucktons of dorfs but stopped for a bit. What happened to adventure mode with recent updates?

NPCs barely react to violence and hardly defend themselves. Quests are broken most of the time. Everything seems to take a lot longer and perform worse. Basically the whole thing isn't as fun and got almost no new features.

punching and throwing gooks in crysis

>random enchanted items with fuckton of damage
>levitate for finesse

literally superman

Force Unleashed. Really let you wreck the fuck out of everything with that physics engine and force fuck everything to death.

>not morrowind for sure

>Game let you go so fast that you phase through solid objects like the Flash
>Game let you have insane amount of acrobatics that you hit the game world's celling so hard it crashes the game
>Game have no limits on what you want to do with enchantements and spell making
>You can jump from a mountain to another by the end game,
>Game is about bitch slapping gods like they are flies
Yeah, totally not Morrowind

Say no more.

Never played 2, but 1 you like destroy everything.

I like to think that crashing the game is actually waking up the Godhead due to all the mess you're provoking in the dream

>*defeats postgame bonus boss in one turn*

the Warriors games are all about being a powerful general slaughtering hundreds of lowly soldiers.

Best moments I ever had with ADV mode was when hamlets had stores and you could actually start as a peasant and kill things in the wild, gut them then bring thier parts back home to trade in for gear.

Quests were simple and easy to communicate as well. I do like the new communication system but yeah the world is broken now

Any Infamous game.
Star wars the force unleashed
If you git gud then DMC games especially 3 and 4.
MGR revengeance

34.11 is still the version for that, and whenever I get the urge I play FTN. Despite it being insanely unbalanced it's pretty nice to RP as a normal-ish dude and work your way up in skill, then recruit a bunch of fags and go try to take down some Elder vampire or something without abusing the OP shit. I remember one time I was being a monster hunter, had all the different materials for killing werebeasts and stuff, like 10 major monster kills, and got sent to kill a vampire. I got my arm lopped off by him after I stabbed him in the heart, then he transformed into a snake and tried to run away, but I killed the snake, used its body to make some vampire serum shit, and turned myself. I definitely spent the rest of that character's life being a one-armed vampire hunting down every night creature using my ridiculously OP strength until I was finally forced to use the same transformation trick to flee a fight, and ended up getting killed the same way.

Kinda got off track there but the point is fuck new DF fix adventure mode Toady you sperg.

What version should I download if I want to play like that?

34.11, literally right above you. Though IMO 40.24 isn't the worst either but it has the cancer dialogue and weird NPC AI.

>cancer dialogue and weird NPC AI
Yeah good luck quickly strolling through towns whilst eavesdropping on every single conversation happening around you.

The first Fable at the end. You're like a fucking God. Also Black and White. You are a God.