Post your main.
Post your main
and Orisa, and that's literally me
my main
funny thing is, if that woman was skinny and attractive, this would be super fucking hot
Instead you have a fatass whose flabs are only held together by the shape of her clothing
>Been here for years
>Somehow I am still surprised by the videos that get posted here
ded gam lul
fine work, fatty!
he doesn't cum or anything
he just passes it a few times over the table?
What's Orisa hiding under her loin cloth?
Her nigger FUPA
A cock
I even sound like genji
Fuck off, valvecuck
if he has a dick it's a he
if he doesn't it's a she
every other part of the body doesn't matter
the dick defines you
any other questions fucboi?
A cock
She doesn't have a dick, though
Why did this game have to die?
I first thought it was a nod at how Bastion players sit in a corner in turret form.
>his new epic looks like shit