What non-Japanese video games are you looking forward to in 2018?

What non-Japanese video games are you looking forward to in 2018?

Whatever Retro is making. That's it.

vermintide 2

>Hey Vsauce, Michael here.

I just checked my list, and it's pretty much all nip shit.

I guess there's that strategy-for-babbies game the FTL people are making

Why do all these people like EXACTLY THE SAME? It's really starting to fuck with me. Like I'm in a twilight zone episode or something

Far Cry 5, Spider-Man.

They don't. You may have prosopagnosia.

They just have glasses and beards m8

White people are very same-y.

That's legit racist.

why is his mouth not open? something is wrong

someone please photoshop his mouth open this image feels wrong

Far Cry 5

>playing non-Japanese games
Sorry, I don't play garbage.

Pretty much just Red Dead 2 and I guess a trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. When did it all go so wrong for western games

>*faps to neptunia*

2 words: Cinematic Experiences.

I went to a game developer diner thing last year and they were all white males with beards and glasses.

Can't even remember their names, or which company they work for. Quite bad.

RDR2 for the sole reason of getting baffled by the greed

fuck me

Dreams for Ps4
Dont really give a shit about anything else.

History repeats itself.

I don't think there's anything I'm looking forward to, including japanese stuff, maybe I've forgotten what the good stuff is this year. RDR2 is the biggest thing I'm interested in but I have little faith in R* doing a good job.

pot calling the kettle black

do you people honestly have no self-awareness at all?

Looks like a Brazilian tranny


None. Seriously, why would anyone with a triple digit iq be excited for western trash?

What are the good jap games this year?

Most nu-males have receding hairline, beard and glasses. They don't have to have them but most of them have at least 2 of 3, which is why they look very similar.

State of decay 2 and (hopefully) the system shock 2 remake. 2018 seems like a shitty year for neat releases so far.

Fire emblem
Monster hunter
Death stranding(please)
Lost Sphear
Yakuza 6
shenmue 3

hopefully some new stuff gets announced with release dates soon, japs tend to be very secretive and announce release dates like 2 months before release

Subjective as fuck, but in the next year or two I'm looking forward to

13 sentinals
left alive
death stranding
yakuza 6 & kiwami 2
bayoneta 3
no more heroes
metroid prime 4
smt v
fear effect remake
fire emblem
and whatever 'prelude rune' and 're: fantasy' are.

probably some other stuff I can't remember, or isn't high-profile too

Maybe he isn't actually a nu-male, just a guy who enjoys some switch games.

his mouth isnt open

his mouth isn't open, this guy must be alpha as fuck

None. I will go japanese only.
Also I would have an switch if it is not so expensive to import and If I were not forbidden to buy stuff that can ONLY play videogames.

Not really looking forward to them but I'll play
Guacamelee 2
Sword and fairy 7 if that comes out this year, not sure if a date has been announced yet though

Holy shit I want to punch that smug fuck right in the fucking nose.

I'm clenching my teeth right now in vicious joy imagining my fish smashing his fucking soy boy glasses and busting soy fucking face

Why do all white soybeings look the same? Is it just genetic? Are they a seperate race to normal White people?
Nobody but fucking soybeings wear liberal problem glasses or have fucking beards in 2018.

if it weren't for the glasses, he'd be a normal looking guy with a beard. The glasses frames are just too common among these types

>normal guy
Normal people don't have such terrible hygiene. Only SJW libtards have beards and glasses anymore.

Spider-Man and the new Tomb Raider.

You are so fucking stupid I hope this is bait.

>lists garbage which is not good by any definition
>does not even mention ace combat 7
Is there a single weeb that does not have awful taste?

People unironically shill garbage like monster hunter and yakuza, says everything about this board's taste

Came here to post this. I'm out.

This, and maybe State of Decay 2. Beyond that, I've got nothing. On the Japanese side of things, the only things I'm looking forward to are REmake 2 and Dragon Quest XI, even though I've still got Tales of Berseria and Xenoblade 2 from last year to finish.

Please tell me what tasteful games I should play

Ow the edge

Zero. I hate western games.

Biomutant looks cool I guess.


Hey genius. There's a thing called puberty which leads to facial hair. Ever think of that?

Arr rook same




How often do you have to clean the drool off your keyboard

Not like Dreamworks face is much better

>I don't like ____ so its shit/bad
nice argument

Maybe not every white Switch owner is a stereotypical autist like you make it out to be.