Has the gaming community changed for better or worse in these last 10 years?

Has the gaming community changed for better or worse in these last 10 years?

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How fucking delusional do they have to be for any of them to think they're attractive?

It's the same but under attack from outsiders.

And they keep trying to claim this isn't a mental disorder.

If we were actually discussing this, I would remark that the point is not for them to be attractive, but for them to feel that they are now expressing themselves as who they truly think they are.

My mom once ordered the tortilla chicken soup from Red Robin. It came with a conspicuous pube floating in it.

i can honestly say it has gotten worse. and not because of the people in the OP's pic. it is because of the conservative white male shitters who believe themselves to be perpetual victims of their own imagined oppression. they ruined all of society, including gaming.

It's a good thing that we have certain norms in society and that one of them is looking half presentable. These people are freaks.

I don't like how they look

why is this every single gamer group i've ever seen

>fat guy with bad, coloured hair that calls themselves trans
>woman who doesn't know what makeup is - looks and dresses like a man
>tall loud obnoxious guy with short hair who thinks he's the alpha of the group
>overly christian weirdo
>short fat awkward ginger who thinks he's the funniest guy on earth but literally everyone hates him
>actually kinda chill fat guy normie with a beard
>the jock who's dating one of them
>two awkward looking girls who loudly proclaim that they're lesbians but the most you'll ever see them do is sit beside each other at a table or on a couch

We are the resented class, that is a fact. I don't understand how this is controversial when certain radicals outright say it? Are we just not allowed to comment on it?


So like black people then?

I play flight sims so things have been great over the last decade

Post the dollar bill one

this obviously isnt a good faith question with that op image

Pretty sure not a single one is a woman except maybe the closest left who looks like a man...


Games have gotten worse as well.
The consumer has become complacent and willing to accept subpar releases.
The gamer has gotten too sheltered and developed thin skin.

*bows head*

You're right, it is not my place to speak about things.

>they truly think they are

the closest left is probably the trans one

>Sup Forums is still triggered over this image

They targeted US.
They targeted GAMERS.

Benjamin Franklin?

bitch over here with a fucking twelvehead


>point and laugh at disgusting spectacle
>le triggered

Why don't leftists have brains?

There is no way they truly think they look like that, unless they are delusional. Because the way they probably see themselves in their minds eye is that they're an average or attractive/cute girl in all aspects of personality and looks. But they know they aren't so they accept that they don't actually put in any effort.

Well I'm still playing just as many games as I did 10 years ago so not too badifficult. The "gamer" community is a retarded, self-satiring joke, but as long as I don't play their faggy indie running sims and "fauxretro because I can't do anything else" and wannabe meatboy bs I'm good.

>nooooo, *we're* the ones laughing *at* them
Sure you are, snowflake

Who you callin' pin head?
my sides

That whole table is tranny friendo, it was the trans group from agdq

m8 the only thing that image triggers is my fuckin gag reflex
fuckin cynthia lookin ass motherfucker, fuck outta here with your mullet, out here reflecting light like a goddamn fresnel lens

>cherry picking from the most degenerate fucked up corners of the internet
Why do these faggots represent the community as a whole again?

worse, i clearly remember a time games were sought after because they held a technological "wow" factor by enthusiasts and it seemed like every year there was always a surprise around the corner.

now that "surprise" is predictability - either it's the 10th installment of something or a HD remake because execs want predictable margins. and now in the age of social media, the most vocal yet irrelevant audience simply complain what games should tell, rather what games should be

He was laughing at them.

Because they're the loudest and most obnoxious group.

is this the first documented image of the numale smile

>getting this defensive over a simple observation

For the 1,000,000th time this image was posted? Either OP is insane and easily entertained or something about that image hurts his precious snowflake fee fees. Doesn't matter to me, by the way. You're all so painfully insecure about it; I just had to let you all know

I miss AGDQ threads. I'm glad ESA is just around the corner.

how can one picture be so based

Does this guy actually have caner? He looks deathly sick.

reddit meme

Some user said that, not sure if he was just memeing.



La creatura..

For worse by far, especially on PC.

fucking lighthouse ass bitch, I could land a goddamn B-52 on that runway, shit looks like he stuck his head in a bucket full of nair, he out here raising money for cancer when he clearly need the money to pay for his fuckin chemo, deadass B


>How do you do, fellow transgenders?

>ywn be in the hotel room while these two gorgeous trannies fuck

why live

I gotta agree with you, the balding one is evidence enough they don't care about beign attractive. They would wear makeup and he would at least wear a wig.


i bet they smell terrible

Nice bait

It seems to matter to you.
How could it hurt his feelings?

> Sup Forums cracks jokes
> Ignoring the fact that this tranny could crack their backs

Say something to one of these people in person. I dare you.

Please leave the "black twitter" thing to black people on twitter, sweetie

whats the name of the balding freak??

jenna shea

only thing that bitch should be cracking open is a can of rogaine smdh

Jared Leto

Be careful about hating on trannies too much. They are the representation of divinity, of the "bridegroom" or the "sacred marriage"


They don't. They know they are not. They completely understand they are freakish to the normal world. They rely on it.

They are people who have not had a happy childhood, they grew up hating themselves, they want to be someone else who is the oppsite. So they look for a self diagnosis that explains why no one likes them and connect the dots.

You will hear a lot from trans people that they are gay trans men or women. In other words a man transitions to a woman but is still attracted to women.

Their whole lives have been spent gathering sympathy from others, these others want to be good people, but they are leading people to literal self destruction.

It's fucking terrible what the world has become.


>tall loud obnoxious guy with short hair who thinks he's the alpha of the group
Fuck I've been found out.

>sauce before i cum please im so horny

lookit this dood

>It's fucking terrible what the world has become.
Shit like this happened before. The 60s were a complete shitfest of random fucking and "free love" as soon as the pill became available for women.

Well looking at the top of his head makes me laugh.


Thanks for continuing the thread I made earlier.

Fucking look at those people oh my god


Are they all tranny's?
I wouldnt trust any of them to babysit a pet rock.

does this person have a twitter

Mr.Shiny Head

OH NO. A picture of some PEOPLE! How TERRIBLE!


He can crack backs? Is that supposed to be scary? Sounds kinda nice





Oh, for the worse, easily. And this isn't even a debate. Nowadays, gamers would bow to Jack Thompson and consider him a scholar if he were around today instead of the 2000s.





This many snow flakes on the screen, I thought a blizzard had busted through my window :))

Just sad


all me btw

>pee pole


>mexican intellectuals

found the crossdressers