Not a masterpiece
Other urls found in this thread:
I got bored of it after 10 hours and haven't touched it since November. BOTW and Splatoon 2 are much better games.
But that isn't BoTW
Fuck off, Hamsterson.
Prove it with a 50 page thesis using APA citation.
You guys are 'da biggest losers in 'da world.
None of 'ya will ever get married, hehe.
In all seriousness, my friend brought it over (I don't own a Switch yet), and it seemed kind of soulless and boring to me. I don't think we'll ever have that truly magical atmosphere again, like in 64 and Sunshine.
>not Chicago
I wanna see those footnotes, user!
> I don't think we'll ever have that truly magical atmosphere again
Because you grew up
thats fine, no video games are masterpieces and if you think otherwise you are a delusional manchild
>Not a masterpiece
I agree, this thread sucks.
This image single-handedly ruined the way people judged Odyssey. Nintendo should have never released it and just let people judge it on its own merits as a new style for 3D Mario instead of comparing it to the old ones at every corner.
That has nothing to do with it, because I don't just say this about every game or something. Example: I really liked BotW and its atmosphere.
Eh different strokes I guess. Shame joeyboi didn't like it
>I don't think we'll ever have that truly magical atmosphere again, like in 64 and Sunshine
It's literally because you're not a kid anymore. That is that "magical feeling" you're missing.
>an empty tech demo is a better game
It would be way too easy to fill up 50 pages that way.
>get notice from Youtube
>Joseph Anderson, one of my favorite video game reviewer and critic and all time famous celebrity, is streaming
>he was streaming A Hat in Time, a game I fairly enjoyed
>I ask him if he's enjoying the game
>"Uhhh, you mean this piece of shit garbage? Of fucking course not, you fucking loser"
>I was held aghast
>I asked him what he didn't like about the game
>"First of all, you fucking retard, the protagonist is a LITTLE GIRL, only fucking pedos play little girls okay? Secondly, the combat is DOGSHIT compared to Dark Souls 2 - watch my review video on why that Dark Souls 2 is the best game if you haven't already you fuckhead."
>I coughed, I couldn't believe what I was hearing
>I told him that A Hat in Time was a game that focused on platforming rather than combat unlike Dark Souls 2
>"Ex-FUCKING-cuse me?"
>he startled me
>"Did you just fucking CRITICIZE DARK SOULS 2? NOBODY does that except ME, the JOSEPH ANDERSON! Who do you think you are to compare this trash pedobait game to the impeccable Dark Souls 2, you are a fucking RETARD! Get this motherfucking pedo out of MY stream! I bet he doesn't even follow my Patreon!" he snorted while his thin beautiful super model wife and 2 month old son laughed
>I didn't know what to do
>he was a descended God from the heavens and I was nothing - dirt and trash compared to him
>but I love A Hat in Time
>as soon as I begin to type my retaliation I was greeted with a message stating that I was banned
>I could still hear him, and his wife and his 2 month year old son laughing as I sleep
>can even sometimes hear a faint "97" amongst the laughing
>Sup Forums desperately trying to shit on Odyssey
It's the new BotW
Footnotes aren't included in word/page count.
I had these feelings playing Wonderful 101, Bloodborne, Monster Hunter, Yakuza, Breath of the Wild. Odyseey was just soulless, I had a better experience on A Hat in Time.
BOTW has a more "mature" atmosphere, probably you wouldn't like id as a kid
Please don't lump Odyssey in with inferior games
the whole reason the switch is successful is because nintendo promised nostalgia in a box
3d world flopped hard and they needed to make it clear they're done with that
no tama ster pie ce?
change Dark Souls 2 to Dark Souls 3 and it's far more accurate
>tons of botw threads discussing the game and how good it is
>odyssey threads die off after two weeks of it coming out
>the only odyssey threads now are people posting conflicting e-celebs opinions about the game to bait shitposters
Yeah, or Odyssey was just mediocre while BOTW was actually good.
it's like a fucking lego game with a gay instagram filter on it
Here's the issue, Mario games are about having fun. Joseph can't STAND fun, he doesn't play games for fun he plays them for satisfaction.
His favorite fucking game of 2017 was Stephen's Sausage Roll
That game is in no way fun, it may be satisfying to complete the puzzles but it's not fun to complete them, it's work
Because Joseph doesn't have a real job, he looks for that feeling of work fulfillment in his videogames. Mario Odyssey is a vacation, a good time your supposed to drop into with some Extra challenges pepper throughout.
Not every game needs to be a ball buster and that's something Joseph hamster brain can't comprehend.
*>tons of threads discussing links boypussy and arguing with people who point out its flaws
>3d world flopped hard
What makes you say that?
And still you liked it. This tells a lot about your tastes
>BOTW has a more "mature" atmosphere, probably you wouldn't like id as a kid
Or your "kid" theory is just not true.
Award winning post
>HUGE year for vidya
>Powerful showcases of gaming everywhere
>Anderson picks some game about sausages that looks like it has half the work even fucking Getting Over It has
O im laffin
It was on the Wii U, that makes it a flop by default.
Who would win?
i hated botw though
it's a giant empty world
it's literally a tech demo
At least it's a strong basis for the next Zelda
>defends the price of a low budget puzzle game
>3.6 out of 5
Ooo lad.
What is that synopsis? This tells me absolutely nothing, does the boy go on an adventure? Is he stuck in the tower? Mysterious powers? Ancient heroes? I ain't asking for the whole book but give me something useful goddamn
I'd give it a 8/10 personally. It was good, it was only disappointing relative to the other 3D Mario games, almost all of which I regard as some of the best games ever made. The only one I wouldn't put up there is 3DL, and Odyssey was better, albeit only slightly
fuck off joseph
Joe also has autism and any game that doesn't indulge his autistic completionist mindset is automatically bad.
It's also why he loves Undertale. Games like Undertale are inherently appealing to autistics who like having virtual friends.
I like his videos but I'm inclined to agree here. He doesn't seem to understand the idea that a game can just be fun to play, and doesn't have to be a serious challenge or "advance games as a whole" or whatever the kids call it these days. I mean, I dislike games that are too easy mechanically a lot of the time, but I wouldn't go around critiquing something like that because it's not really a game that was made for me.
Didn't the diaper guy say this?
3D Land is kinda, okay.
I liked Mario Odyssey a lot. It certainly isn't as good as Mario 64, or even Sunshine, but I still feel like it's one of the better Mario games I played. Breath of the Wild on the other hand truly isn't a masterpiece. It's a .numasterpiece.
>anything less than a 10/10
does it have flaws? Sure does. Does that stop it from being one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had? Nope. They thought of everything. Every time I thought "can I do this?" or "I wonder..." there was usually something there--that's great design and so fulfilling. The hint art makes you really think and have to know the levels, the boss fights are mostly pretty memorable, most all the levels are phenomenal, etc.
stop trying so hard kids
I was always an edgy Sega and Sony faggot, so I never grew up with 64 and Sunshine. I just played them at friends' houses for short periods and they felt super fucking spooky, not magical. The worlds seemed empty as fuck. It looked like Mario was trapped in some kind of a fever dream hell arena. They're still some of the most unnerving games I've played. Silent Hill felt more magical and full of life.
Yes it is
it alright
That's because BoTW has become a contentious meme. Everyone on Sup Forums seems to either love it or think it's the king of mediocrity. Meanwhile it's pretty universally agreed that Odyssey is good (only reason you're seeing threads about it now is because Anderson gave the baiters some good material)
What's wrong about the image?
It shows the linear 3D games and the open 3D games, displaying Odyssey as such, which is true.
The fact that you're obviously incapable of accepting that other people have varying opinions to me indicates that you're either somewhere on the spectrum or you're very young, and either way you're in no position to call other people kids
Being stocked to the brim with menial tasks does not inherently make something good design. I'm not going to get into the age-old quality-vs-quantity debate, but we should at least be able to agree which side Odyssey places on, after which point all you have to do is accept that some people prefer one vs the other
Bayo flopped and she is still getting a chance.
3D World flopped because it was mediocre and failed to advertise itself.
>guys, buy our game, it's literally a rehash of 3D Land, but with co-op and fursuits!
>What's wrong about the image?
It sets up very specific expectations for the game. Ones that I assure you influenced Joseph's and many other player's opinions on the game.
I can agree that 64 had a more magical atmosphere than Odyssey, but Sunshine? Really?
Sounds like an incredibly autistic line of logic for those people to follow, which all things considered, is honestly not surprising.
"I'm the best boss fight in the game! You chumps!!!"
So a 9.9 instead of 10? Gotcha!
Maybe not. But it's fun.
Gameplay is good. Wish the game had a harder (more epic) end boss I thought I was going to take control of dinosaur and have epic fight with Bowser. I was wrong
I was hoping Bowser had his own possession cap and he would've taken over a T-Rex during the final boss
>Bowser possesses Mario
>Mario possesses Bowser
>final battle with switched roles ensues
Would have been kino.
Breath of the wild disappointed me with the bosses and dungeons I hope because of high praise they don't stick to that.