>Game is loaded with custom parts
>No way to mimic the cool looking antagonists
Game is loaded with custom parts
Post yfw Sirius was the bad guy.
I never fucking knew until around a decade after.
Have one of my larger nostalgia bombs
Same here.
Why does it feel like everyone who played this game didn't truly discover it until years later?
Because it's one of the hardest games to collectathon.
it was hard
R...Really? I still have mine stuffed into a closet, box instruction booklet everything.
Love these old high res versions of things.
>be child me
>never figured out how to get all gold cards on the water palace boss
>just replay all levels or do boss rushes
>finally get get all gold cards 10 years ago
>let it sit for years
>do a boss rush
>new scene after the final boss
>game is loaded with custom parts
>can ban the ones you don't like
Game was great, but the young me couldn't bear the long ass text boxes. Honestly I don't remember what the end of the game was about, I just started clicking through them near the end there were so many.
Why do that when you can be this?
this fucking place
This is where the game stops being fun
>bomberman will never be good again
Most of us probably thought that there wasn't a whole world's worth of content as a reward for 100% completion.
Traded the game in years ago and didn't know this until a few years back.
One day Drum n bass will make a comeback.
I cannot believe this is the only videogame this guy has composed for.
Bomberman 64 is one of the weirdest games of all time, it has an uncanny quality to it.
This one, this entire world actually.
Oh dammit, it hurts.
Same. It's the kinda the aesthetic you don't see anymore.
Really? What's his name?
Also I really wish we would have gotten that 3DS Bomberman
Hero was better
Akifumi Tada. He mainly composed for anime. Bomberman 64 was the first and last time he did any work on a video game.
Fuck no.
Akifumi Tada. He's composed for a lot of anime.
Apparently it only took being able to jump for my dumb ass ten year old self to think this game was better.
I can actually see all those levels I went through, damn.
I got stuck on this game for years as a kid because I didn’t realize you could make your bombs bigger
You're not alone, friend.
These are amazing! I've never seen them.
but wait there's more!
More memories
You and me both brother
Agreed. I always regretted not being able to dress up as the villains. Their armors are so cool.
>Don't hit on me, silly boys!
The first levels were so disjointed with the teleporters it actually feels weird when you get to Blue Resort and you actually have a clear goal.
In the first stage there was an invisible bridge leading to a inaccessible cave.
This boss is creepy as fug. I really need to replay this game, it's been like 20 years since I cleared it.
Music from Bomberman Hero still gets stuck in my head sometimes.
This the only shot of the citadel?
He meant to collect things in ya dingus