Which ones the best
Each has its strengths, but super is probably the best overall by a narrow margin.
Sky>SMD>Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Literal Shit>>>>>>>>>GtO
The only ones I've played to completion are Super and Red Rescue. If Super had the recruitment mechanics of the older games then it would be perfect, as I find that to be the only big flaw with it. Super is still my favourite overall though.
What other games have a main character that has the resolve to an hero to save everyone? I need more of this.
Oh, and the issues that crop up with stats because of how evolution isn't supposed to affect stats in any way are annoying. For instance, Gallade's special attack stat will always remain higher than its physical attack.
Other than that I love the game though.
GTI wasn't that bad
rescue and explorers
Hotline Miami 2
Sky > Red/Blue >>>>>> Super >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOI
It did have good ideas, but it had a lot of shit that kept it from being actually interesting, the plot is absolutely asinine compared to blue and sky and in the end SMD is a superior version in all aspects, leaving this game with absolutely nothing worthwhile to stand on it's own.
>Super below red and blue
dude stop
Super was trash and you know it.
Sky > Blue > Super > Gates
>Best gameplay of the series
>Best soundtrack of the series
No, I don't know it
>best gameplay of the series
>best soundtrack of the series
You sure you weren't talking about explorers of sky?
I really want the next mystery dungeon game to be on the Switch. Imagine all the potential the story could have with Ultra Beasts and the like, I’d imagine you could go apeshit with parallel universes and stuff like that.
Sky >>>> Super = Blue >>>>>> Gates
>IQ skills gone for no reason
>No dungeon has more than 15 floors for maximum baby mode
>Any MD game having a better soundtrack than Sky
End yourself
I forgot that IQ was gone, you got me there.
Are there really no 15+ floor dungeons?
>Are there really no 15+ floor dungeons?
Not during the main story, no. I believe there are those challenge dungeons with like 100 floors in the postgame, though.
Meanwhile there were 35 floor dungeons halfway through Sky's story mode.
I didn't like Gates because I couldn't imagine my partner as my waifu
When I was a kid and I first played Red, I got Machop 4 times in a row, but now I got Totobro
They're all the exact same shit.
Always the same for me
Not even close. Some notable differences between entries:
Explorers of Sky has two campaigns and the most story focus.
Gates to Infinity removes hunger and only lets you go on one quest at a time per dungeon
Super pits you up against level 50 Pokemon early on thus emphasizing item usage more and recruitment is per mission based meaning you get a new recruit guaranteed every mission you go on.
Explorers doesn't emphasize item usage quite as much
Why didn't people like Super's recruitment system? I thought it was an improvement over RNG recruitment especially with more rare Pokemon.
Is Sky worth a go for someone that has finished Darkness ? Wiki says that it's an "improved version", but doesn't specify much. Is it like more like Platinum, that is different enough from D/P to be worth a playthrough, or is it more like Yellow for R/B ?
It has a bunch of extra story content
It was okay, but not being able to name your teammates and the fact they were only available for dungeons 60% of the time kinda killed it for me.
It has extra post-game story, and special episodes (SE5 is a major part of the main story).
Sky. Always Sky.
Sky >>> Super > Red/Blue >>>>>>>>> Gates
Time/Darkness is irrelevant.
not *that* different iirc but the game has replay value for sure so i say go for it
The special episodes and the shaymin mountain are new story content, everything else is mostly the same with gameplay imorovements.
time/darkness has the better intro though
I don't think there's any real reason to play time/darkness over sky.
I'll pick it up again then, thanks anons.
>the plot is absolutely asinine compared to blue and sky
>Plot of rescue team
>A falling star is going to hit the pokeworld
>this somehow mess with the world balance?
>which makes all of the powerful legendaries go nuts
>a gardevoir that got cursed by a ninetales after it's trainer pissed the ninetales off by touching it's tails looks for someone who can stop this
>it decides that you're worthy of the task and transform you into a pokemon
>you meet with your partner, make friends with him in a day and he gift you a house even though he just meet you
>stuff happens and in the end, xatu tells you that Rayquaza is the only pokemon who can stop the falling star
>you go to the sky pillar, slap some sense into Rayquaza and he destroy the falling star
care to remember me what else i am missing?, i don't remember much of the post game so i don't know if there was something that made this much better, but so far it seems pretty simple of a story, also i know i skipped gengar whole deal, but that's not that much relevant to the overall plot
As for sky, i feel GTI story is just as good as sky, but because most of the characters in Sky were so boring it, sky fails to be the best overall experience
>and in the end SMD is a superior version in all aspects, leaving this game with absolutely nothing worthwhile to stand on it's own.
No, SMD is a more refined version of Gates gameplay, but the story turns into dogshit after the midpoint, when you leave the village, also i think SMD is lame because Gates added so much stuff, yet SMD only picked up like 3 things out of the 10 new ideas gates had and worked on them while only adding like 3 other new ideas, and nothing else, it failed to feel like it was trying to expand the series, it just played it super safe
I feel like some of you get huge hate boners from shitting on gates, it was shitty from the gameplay aspect but it still has some redeeming qualities and god damn it tried to do something
>cant name them
>people who have a favorite that's extremely late game get shafted even harder
>everything that's not your starters goes on break
I shouldn't have to save edit the game just to use the duo i want to. Too bad there's still no "remove breaks" cheat
Persona 3
What the fuck is their problem, Sup Forums?
Did anyone else find super mystery dungeon's story hard to get into? Like does the story ever pick up? I think I beat the first couple bosses and I couldn't invest myself into the characters, specifically the partner because I found them to be obnoxious. I mean, I guess I was supposed to hate them because that's how everyone in the village feels about them? Still, was hoping for some sort of character development in the first couple chapters instead of the partner being like "HEY LET'S DO SOME DUMB SHIT AND GET IN TROUBLE WITH THE ADULTS" I might be exaggerating and misremembering a bit because it's been a while since I've played it but I just remember hating the writing and the partner.
Sky is the only one with a half decent one
Sky=Super>Rescue (Super has more monsters and moves than Sky but the postgame is pretty aimless)
they don't like third versions very much, also i guess they couldn't be bothered to get to the post game, so all that they got was pretty much darkness/time with a different name
>Did anyone else find super mystery dungeon's story hard to get into? Like does the story ever pick up?
the last 3/4 of the game gets really anime, so if you're into that you might find some enjoyement out of it
>I think I beat the first couple bosses and I couldn't invest myself into the characters, specifically the partner because I found them to be obnoxious.
if you didn't like that and couldn't like the characters after the fight with giratina then you're not gonna like not even a little the ''characters'' at the exploration guild
also the partner kinda takes a backseat in the second part of the game, so at least you won't have to deal with it fucking up sutff
Nah you're not the only one. I had to play Super 3 times from the very start because I would play for a few hours, get bored and then come back a few months later completely forgetting the story and what the fuck I was supposed to do so I'd restart just to get back in to the head space. It's enjoyable once it gets going but I tell you what it has a slow start.
Darkness/time is on 59
Critics fucking hate dungeon crawlers for some reason
critics hate anything pokemon related that's not mainline, and they'll fellate mainline hard.
You're not alone, for half of the game you're stuck going to pokemon preschool and when you think it's getting somewhere with Giratina it turns out to be a prank. They also waste one of the bosses on a sleeping Jirachi for some unknown reason.
Then once they actually got to the story I couldn't really enjoy it because I was spoiled on the Nuzleaf and Mew twists just before the former one happened.
The best is Super without a doubt. The story is pretty weak and the ending twist is utterly retarded, but they went back to their roguelike roots and polished the shit outta the gameplay. It's the only game in the series I consider to be a mechanically good game.
My personal favorite however is Gates to Infinity. I forced myself to play it because it was the only PMD game I hadn't played. It was slow and easy as fuck, and I hated it for a good half of my playthrough, but the themes ended up resonating with me hard and the ending made me blubber my heart out
I wish shit like mysteriosity and gridless dungeon hubs were kept in Super.
So what will the big twist be in the next PMD?
No one dies
Yeah I just looked it up and I didn't even get to Giratina, I dropped it shortly after fighting the beedrills I think. Like the other user said I found it a bit slow, combined with the fact that I didn't like the partner as much in comparison to the partners from red rescue team and explorers of sky.
I should also mentioned I dropped Gates to Infinity for kind of the same reason, except I didn't like the main cast as much as the explorers guild from sky.
Maybe the reason why I can't get into the newer games is cuz I'm a nostalgiafag since I prefer a lot of the stuff that the first two games do compared to Gates and Super. (I will admit that I thought the fact that you can level up your moves the more often you use them was super cool, same with the paradise thing where you could build and upgrade a bunch of buildings
Never played a Mystery Dungeon game before but want to try. Want to try Sky and Super, but which is better to play first?
Always seems like a large majority say Sky is best overall so I would save that for second, but if gameplay/other improvements are tough to go backward from then should I play Sky before Super?
I was unspoiled on the mew twist and hated it. It's completely out of the blue and fucking retarded. It felt like an epic tweest for the sake of a twist rather than anything resembling a coherent and decent ending, and it completely brought me out of any investment I had in the story. At least the nuzleaf twist was kinda cool because they were keeping you as an ignorant child to prevent you from saving the world
I went through the postgame a few weeks later and felt nothing. At least after that was done I could just focus on the game and pretend the last two hours didn't happen.
Sky, it's closer to the PMD 'formula'. Super does some things differently, for better or for worse.
>you really are the villian this time
Yeah, i played all of the games in order and when i got to gates i was like ''Fuck this slow text speed, so fucking slow'', but i bear through it and got really invested to the point that i was like ''i've been playing for a while, i should take a break, but i really want to get to the next story bit''
also what a shame that super dropped the base building, i think a minigame where you send parties of pokemon that you've recruited to do exploring for you and bring you back base materials while you're out doing other missions on your own would've been cool and a good way to train the pokemon in that you got in the back and make them relevant
A game with a pirate theme would be pretty rad
Sky > SMD > Blue > GtO is correct, though not as dramatic as that.
All the PMD have a pirate theme because they're on nintendo handhelds.
SE5 is more like a major addendum story to several characters you're likely to care about.
You are the demons
your partner is the human, but his memories of being a human wher implanted onto you
Having backups is not piracy user
You can sleep with your partner
The apocalypse has already happened and most of the game is an illusion or memories of what happened.
Basically rip off Hotline Miami 1 or E.Y.E
that already happens in time/darkness/sky
fire red
You know what he means, user.
Real talk, that might be pretty engaging. A solid tangible love connection between you and your partner. But that's way too hot and heavy for Pokemon, even implied.
First two MD games have incredibly solid writing. Last two MD games have fucking horrendous writing.
Sky>Gates=Super>Rescue Team
The WiiWare titles should be rereleased and translated.
The Wiiware games barely have anything to translate beyond item names, there's like two dialog and one plot
>Use cheats for shits and giggles play through
>Loudred is yelling at Pokemon too big for the room.
Was an interesting run, but the lack of emotions in the portraits does ruin the context of some conversations.
And that seems to be enough to prevent them from getting international releases.
You know it to be true.
>only game where they bothered characterizing anyone not the partner
>horrendous writing
The villain being what grovyle would look like from dusknoir's pov was a nice touch.
The reason they never got international release is because they're shit budget titles using pokemon ranch assets
Why do so many people love gates? I haven't played it in a while, but I remember it's limited roster being a major drawback.
Factual opinion
Characters are entertaining and likeable. Good music. You are a mayor instead of a preschooler
I see more people hating Gates by far. If you like PMD for the plot and music and not for the the shiren pokemon frankenstein baby gameplay, it's a game I can heartily recommend.
It definitely has my favorite plot and music despite all of its numerous gameplay and speed issues.
>godawful mission system designed to waste as much of your time as possible
>it's easy to recruit stuff now
>but I sure hope you didn't want to use the one partner you actually wanted that's only available 25% of the time :)
>lame-ass towns
There is literally nothing wrong with that.
Worse has been peddled to dumbass consumers.
That was a pretty good OP though, the music was great and the visuals were neat.
Sure, but it wouldn't be worth it for them to spend the time translating and porting an old wiiware game that only five people would want to play anyway.
children games for children.
Good enough as a game.
Story is horrible for any grown adult.
Only soy boy manchildren would prefer the story over it's gameplay
SMD pacing is fucking atrocious and it has bad game design choices like the connection orb and mission structure.
The gameplay was refined well, but Sky is still best.
How does sky compare to time and darkness? Is it better or worse